I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 39 Table of contents

I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World - EP.39

“It’s strange. Apart from those wolves, there are no other ferocious beasts here. After being occupied by the wild forest wolves, there shouldn’t be any goblins living here. The goblins hiding here are most likely roaming in the central area.”


Andayal decided to survey the outer perimeter first, mainly to reconstruct what happened at that time. She wanted to understand what actions the goblins took to deceive others and make them believe that Lila died in the goblin’s lair.


Although the information that had been received described the course of events quite thoroughly, the bodies didn’t match up, indicating that there were still secrets unknown to others.


At this moment, one of Mia’s guards beside her spoke up, “Lady Mia, please send another piece of armor inside your armor.”


By this, he meant that the recent shivering was probably due to her catching a cold.


Everyone was momentarily stunned, then smiled knowingly.


Indeed, wandering outside in not very warm weather, and wearing such light clothing, could easily lead to catching a cold. During her school days, Mia would often catch colds even in extremely cold weather while wearing short sleeves.


Miss Andayal, who was often frail and sickly, was always mindful of keeping warm.


Mia suddenly felt embarrassed, as if losing face in such a situation. She felt like a cat with its tail stepped on.


“Shut up! I’m perfectly fine, how could I possibly catch a cold!”


Mia’s denial brought smiles to Andayal and the others.


“Alright, let’s continue forward. Let’s make sure to complete the survey today.”


Andayal lightly covered her slightly upturned lips with her hand, and her mood quickly calmed down.


She didn’t want the atmosphere to be too lively and cheerful at the place where poor Lila met her tragic fate. It wasn’t a place for laughter.


“Lila, you silly girl, wait for me. I will definitely come back to save you.”


Miss Andayal’s gaze drifted towards the distant forest, her mood slightly heavy as they continued forward.


The others noticed Andayal’s mood as well and refrained from speaking further, hastening to investigate the several goblin lairs.


In the outer perimeter of the Strange Mist Forest, there were no less than a dozen goblin caves, but only two were large. One collapsed, and the other was engulfed in flames, leaving no trace behind.


After a day of exploration, Andayal wiped the beads of sweat, carrying the scent of youth, from her forehead and took out the previous map, making modifications. Then, in her mind, she revisited the events that occurred a month ago when Lila was attacked by goblins.


Firstly, Lila was on her way to the Duke of Nas’s mansion, and the leader of the guards fell into a trap. A goblin shaman with a level 2 magic depth cast a fireball, causing chaos. Two white goblin ghosts and a group of little ghosts appeared, and Lila was captured.


Subsequently, the guards who remained tried to enter multiple times but were obstructed by the goblins’ traps and ambushes, missing the best opportunity to rescue Lila.


Later, a vanguard led by several intermediate knights arrived to resist and rescue Lila. The initial battle unfolded as expected. It was during this time that someone spotted a woman’s body in the first goblin cave. The woman was wearing Lila’s clothes. Finally, a sudden fire broke out, causing chaos in the cave, and the goblins inside attempted to perish together with the rescuers.


After that, while waiting for reinforcements to sweep the goblin territory, the human forces were attacked by the little goblins during the night. A junior female knight named Cas O’Bleu was surrounded amid the laughter and tearing of clothes by the grotesque goblins and confirmed missing.


It wasn’t until the next day that Count Earl Rogerson’s army arrived to besiege the goblins, and they managed to eliminate the remaining third white goblin and two goblin shamans, including the level 2 magic depth purple demon goblin.


During the battle, the purple demon goblin burned down its cave, bringing an end to the incident.


After confirming the detailed map environment and combining it with the details, Andayal reconstructed everything in her mind. Finally, the scenes closest to the truth appeared in her mind.


“Everyone, Count Earl Rogerson’s army was deceived. There are indeed goblins here, and there must be a cunning and highly intelligent Red Devil Goblin behind it all.


Lila and the female knight who went missing at the time are not dead. They were captured by that Red Devil Goblin and used as breeding goblins’ incubators!”


Chapter 62: Goblin Army Appears!


Thinking about the true events of Lila’s tragedy and the terrifying smile of the ugly goblin behind it all, Andayal shivered.


By this time, the sky had gradually darkened, and the mysterious night of the forest approached the girls quietly.


Everyone gathered around, looking at the map in Andayal’s hands.


Andayal’s expression was solemn as she revealed the truth to everyone.


“The first group that came to rescue Lila and those guards and adventurers fell into a fatal trap when they arrived here.


The goblin behind the little goblins cleverly used people’s psychology and control of the terrain here, leading them into an abandoned goblin cave.


Through today’s survey, I found that the collapsed goblin cave lacked many traces of goblin activity.


The goblin plotting everything behind the scenes exploited the fact that those people didn’t understand this place, directly leading them to misjudge the core gathering place of the goblins, which later caused the vanguard to attack the wrong place.


When they thought they had wiped out the goblin cave and scattered the goblins, relaxing their defenses on that night, they were mistaken.


Then, under the guidance of the goblin behind the scenes, the little goblins gathered together in groups, concealed by the night, and silently approached the human vanguard. Their objective wasn’t revenge but to capture the female knight who was part of the team at that time.


All the goblins that appeared at the time were already marked as disposable!


After Count Earl Rogerson’s eldest son led the large army to arrive, they destroyed the second goblin cave where those goblins truly lived, wiped out the behind-the-scenes goblin, and erased the traces of Lila’s presence there, putting an end to this series of events.


The goblin behind the scenes, who orchestrated everything, led the remaining goblins, along with Lila and the female knight, through the wolf territory and entered the central area of the Strange Mist Forest, successfully evading the siege of Count Earl Rogerson’s army.”


After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock and horror.


Just goblins, yet they had such intelligence, manipulating the people who came to attack them!


Andayal concluded, “The Red Devil Goblin behind the scenes was probably just born shortly before Lila was abducted. Otherwise, when they abducted Lila, they could have handled it better, framing nearby hated humans or lost wolf packs, or even creating the illusion of someone else’s murder.”


Listening in a daze, Mia honestly didn’t understand. Could goblins really be this clever? But seeing the serious expressions of others, she didn’t pretend to understand and earnestly showed a grave expression.


At this moment, Yilu abruptly interjected, “The Red Devil Goblin, huh? A month has passed. If Lila is still alive, she should have given birth at least twice by now.”


Advanced goblins make human women adapt physically with herbs and their own flesh and blood before allowing them to give birth. For a certain emperor, this process was infinitely shortened.


Andayal’s expression turned somewhat ugly upon hearing this.


Yilu immediately realized he had said something wrong and shut up, while others fell silent, afraid of offending the daughter of the duke.


Andayal also knew very well that after such a long time, that silly girl might have suffered unimaginable torture.


Perhaps, when she rescued Lila, Lila might choose to end her own life.


That girl’s mental resilience was originally weak.


Thinking of this, Andayal felt a twinge of sadness and worry.


However, when she raised her head, she suddenly noticed that night had fallen.


It was dark.


Spending the night in the wilderness, especially in a forest full of dangerous beasts, was extremely perilous.


At night, without the sunlight to illuminate the path, human vision became fragile, while most beasts possessed excellent night vision.


The goblins, who were almost exclusively nocturnal, were clearly among them.


However, relying on the strong power of their team, the noble youths felt confident. They discussed how to take turns keeping watch among the five guards.


They lit a bonfire, and the five students engaged in some academic discussions among themselves. Afterward, Andayal took out her self-defense magical artifacts and opened a magical canopy resembling a tent around them.


As they drifted off to sleep, with boys on one side and girls on the other, each wrapped in thin blankets, they entered the realm of dreams.


However, unlike Mia, who quickly curled up and fell asleep, Andayal couldn’t seem to find rest. A feeling of oppression weighed on her chest, making it difficult to breathe.


Slowly sitting up, she covered her chest and looked at the others who were already asleep, feeling a tinge of envy.


Miss Andayal, who had poor health, had become accustomed to sleepless nights alone.


As time passed, Andayal’s health improved significantly, and gradually, she began to feel drowsy, and about to fall asleep.


Just then, in the distance, it seemed like someone appeared.


In a daze, Andayal saw Lila standing there, her pupils devoid of light, gazing in their direction.


Lila slowly reached out towards them, tears streaming down her face. Her clothes were torn to shreds, barely covering her body.


She whispered softly as if pleading for help.


Suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared behind her, grabbing her, and an unbearable scene unfolded.


In the next moment, Andayal was jolted awake from her stupor, calling out ahead. Her movement also woke up the others.


“It’s Lila, I just saw Lila!”


However, the others didn’t see anything. Had Andayal just had a nightmare about her friend’s mishap?


Andayal’s emotions were somewhat agitated, and after this ordeal, nobody felt comfortable sleeping too deeply in front of her.


However, it seemed that nobody paid much attention. Andayal’s pet creature also seemed to be afraid of something, snarling in the direction Andayal was looking.


The next morning, Andayal’s complexion was somewhat unsightly.


The scene she had seen in her dreams last night lingered in her mind.


Today, she must rescue Lila!


The others also looked a bit tired.


Mia stretched and yawned, rubbing her eyes sleepily.


Ah, the cute girl had been watched by goblins all night but had safely spent the night in the forest. Truly thrilling.


Human girls, they’d better escape while they still can.


“Wow, today, I’m going to defeat fifty goblins for sure!”


Mia waved her fist, eager to try. Indeed, she was a girl with an IQ of only 80, not carrying bad moods into the next day.


“Of course, while it’s fun to play, please make sure to eliminate all the goblins here. I don’t want any goblins left alive.”


“Understood,” everyone nodded.


Mia was somewhat disappointed.


“Just one Red Devil Goblin isn’t enough to fight. I hope there are more high-level goblins.”


“Don’t worry, Mia. Although one less is a bit of a pity, when we join forces, it will end quickly. But we’ll leave a bit of a challenge for that Red Devil later, just for you.” Andayal smiled faintly.


Everyone felt a chill in their hearts. Indeed, women were not to be trifled with when angry.


“Yay!” Mia excitedly waved her fist.


The group continued forward, this time prepared for battle. Before long, they entered the central area of the Misty Forest, stepping into the true territory of the goblins.


Their strategy was straightforward: kill any goblins they encountered immediately, denying them the chance to alert others, then surround their caves and launch a surprise attack on their main base.


No sooner said than done.


The group steadily advanced forward.


Excellent, they finally encountered the first goblin after entering the Misty Forest, a Red Devil Goblin.


“The boss behind the scenes dares to show up so soon?”


Kander grinned at the sight of the Red Devil Goblin, who still looked immature and easy to bully. He drew his magic weapon, Black Howl.


“This guy, I can take him down alone!”


The group rushed forward, brandishing their weapons.


“Huh, humans? Let’s not resort to violence, shall we? Let’s sit down and have a chat.”


The Red Devil Goblin, Erlie, offered friendly advice upon spotting the human invaders.


“Don’t leave any survivors! Kill it and rescue Lila!”


A glint of ruthlessness flashed in Andayal’s eyes.


Negotiations broke down.


In the next moment, Ga One, Ga Two, and Ga Three, the Red Devil siblings, wolfish goblin knights, each rode out on a wild forest wolf from the bushes behind Erlie.


The group paused, staring at the three additional Red Devil Goblins that had appeared.


One experienced guard exclaimed, “These three Red Devil Goblins aren’t fully grown yet, their strength is not that of intermediate beasts. We can easily kill them, don’t stop!”


“Not fully grown and still dare to jump out, looking for trouble!”


Mia became even more excited; this was enough for her to fight!


The next moment, rustling figures appeared once again.


A Purple Demon Goblin priest came forward holding a goblin staff. (No problem, just one more Purple Demon Goblin!)


Four Purple Demon Goblin shamans followed. (No problem, just add four more little goblins!)


Ten Goblin Berserkers emerged from behind. (…)



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