I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World
Chapter 45 Table of contents

I, the Goblin Emperor, Rule the World - EP.45

Speaking of which, this little girl and Andayal are both quite a trouble.


Andayal is the daughter of the Duke of the Nas Duchy, bordering the Misty Forest. If she doesn’t return within a certain time frame, the Duke of Nas will surely realize that something has happened to his daughter here.


The same goes for Mia. She is the daughter of the Marquis of Marlon in the Dia Kingdom, invited here by Andayal for a joint training and assessment.


If Mia, who is considered a jewel in the hands of the Marquis of Marlon, gets into trouble here with Andayal, news of it reaching Marlon could also prompt him and his fierce clan’s grandfather to send people over.


It will definitely invite trouble from all sides.


Fortunately, the threat from the direction deep within the forest will only come from those overlords. As long as the overlord Mistwalker Tiger doesn’t appear, there won’t be any immediate danger from that direction.


For humans to attack their goblin cave, the only feasible direction is from north to south because passing through Wolf Ridge and Exploding Monkey Mountain would surely attract attacks from wolf packs and exploding monkeys.


Setting traps in advance on the north side and constructing defensive structures to intercept the enemy might effectively hinder enemy attacks.


Chen Le walked out of the cell, intending to see how the others were sleeping, but there was commotion outside.


Anruth stood waiting outside the Emperor’s harem layer with a vitality herb in hand, his face resembling old bark filled with excitement.


“What’s happening?”


Chen Le stepped out, and Anruth, along with another Purple Goblin scholar, immediately surrounded him.


“Your Majesty, we have discovered something marvelous.”


Anruth’s voice was low, and he murmured excitedly.


Listening to him, Chen Le quickly understood what he was trying to convey.


Currently, most of the Purple Goblins, including Anruth, are focused on cultivating crops. Previously, they utilized advanced goblin-produced fertilizers to accelerate crop growth and increase yields.


Some time ago, they discovered that the Emperor’s fertilizer could accelerate crop growth and increase yield in a short period, yielding remarkable results.


However, in recent days, Anruth had a sudden idea: since they could cultivate crops, why not use the Emperor’s fertilizer to grow vitality herbs?


Driven by curiosity, they conducted experiments, and eventually, they cultivated a brand-new vitality herb with golden magical patterns.


They succeeded in producing a new quality of vitality herb.


Upon hearing this, Chen Le suddenly understood.


In popular novels, those spirit plants often grow around various rare and fierce beasts. Could it be because the special fertilizers excreted by these unique individuals contain magical properties that plants can absorb, ultimately leading to the growth of rare treasures nearby?


From another perspective, a farmer’s fertilizer can cultivate special herbs, so perhaps Black Rampage Goblins can too, albeit with the effects of the herbs cultivated by their Goblin Emperor being the strongest.


This was a significant discovery.


At least it meant that their goblins had the ability to cultivate special vitality herbs that other places did not.


If one day they could reach a ceasefire agreement with humans and engage in trade, then using advanced goblin individuals’ excrement to cultivate brand-new herbs could facilitate export trade.


No, there was no need for a ceasefire trade agreement.


By incorporating and controlling a few servants among humans to conduct trade on their behalf, regardless of how the relationship between goblins and humans stood, they could profit from humans.


Goblins didn’t need human money, but weapons, crop seeds, food, and even knowledge were all treasures of high value that could be obtained.


There had to be an output to have an income.


“Well done, Anruth. Your contribution should be remembered in the history of our goblin tribe.”


“Praise be to Your Majesty, it was Your Majesty’s inspiration. You are truly great!”


Anruth and another Purple Goblin scholar bowed to Chen Le.


Indeed, it was Chen Le who let them research and cultivate better and more valuable plants. Now, looking back, Chen Le’s previous decision undoubtedly brought enormous development prospects to the goblins.


“Let the goblins find a suitable place near the cave and build fields most conducive to growing vitality herbs, personally supervised by Erlie and others!”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”


Once, only cunning Exploding Monkeys could cultivate vitality herbs. Now, their goblins could too!


The delighted Goblin Emperor immediately brought in a large amount of food and began cooking, preparing food for the pregnant members of the harem team as well as for himself.


After complete growth, Chen Le’s food consumption greatly decreased, only eating a lot before and after reproduction, which also resulted in fewer waste outputs.


But now, there was a reason for binge eating and drinking.


Feasting wildly, the continuously increasing energy ensured that the Emperor could tirelessly impregnate new goblins into the harem team and simply provide them with nourishment. The excess residues would also be dispatched as the best fertilizer for cultivating vitality herbs.


Today, once again, was a day when the goblins grew stronger.


Soon, the next day arrived without incident.


Today, this new day is filled with anticipation for the goblins. They are all excited because today, the great knight Cas O’Bleu is about to give birth again.


Do you remember the last time? Cas O’Bleu gave birth to Hiba, instantly boosting the combat effectiveness of the goblin cave by a large margin.


In just ten days, Hiba, who had not yet fully grown, became the second strongest force in the goblin cave, second only to the Goblin Emperor.


Not only did she inherit single-attribute attack power, but the probability was also high among advanced goblins.


It must be said that within the goblin cave, in the hearts of the goblins led by Anruth, Cas O’Bleu had the demeanor of the rightful queen.


Although in terms of strength and status, Cas O’Bleu was actually the weakest among the seven human women, she cemented her unshakable position in the hearts of the goblins with Hiba.


Usually, when others give birth, at most, two female slaves come to take care, along with some mother goblins to serve tea and water. But now that Cas O’Bleu is about to give birth, Anruth called all those female slaves over, and rows of mother goblins were waiting outside to serve.


This made Lila and Andayal, who lived nearby, stare in disbelief, even Cas O’Bleu herself felt embarrassed.


The feeling of being surrounded and watched was like being the protagonist of this goblin cave.


However, childbirth wasn’t something that could always go smoothly. If she gave birth to all green-skinned goblins later, that would be embarrassing.


Chen Le had also arrived early by Cas O’Bleu’s side, accompanying this woman who had brought him such a big surprise.


Seeing Cas O’Bleu’s meek appearance, Chen Le still remembered her stubbornness when she was first captured.


At that time, he even scared her with a White Ghost Goblin. Although it had only been about a month, it felt like they had experienced a lot.


“This time, let’s learn to bark.”


Cas O’Bleu looked at Chen Le beside her and couldn’t help but playfully smile.


She also remembered the first time she gave birth, Chen Le, who pretended to be calm but was actually nervous and restless.


At that time, she made him learn to meow.


However, this time, she was just joking. After all, her man was the Emperor of the tribe, the most majestic and greatest person, representing the supremacy of the race, he was everything.


How could she let such a man learn to bark?


Cas O’Bleu just wanted to express the slight dissatisfaction in her confident heart, dissatisfied that he didn’t accompany her much.


Of course, she also knew that the Emperor was very busy and couldn’t spend all his time with her alone, she just…


wanted to hear more of his voice.


“Woof woof!”


Suddenly, Cas O’Bleu raised her head, wondering if she had misheard. Did he really just bark?


Like a little wolf dog bullying someone.


“This is your reward. As an Emperor, existence does not only mean dignity and dominance. Better survival, better life, that is our pursuit.”


Chen Le approached Cas O’Bleu and said softly.


Cas O’Bleu’s cheeks reddened, unable to help but smile.


“You… you, you rascal…”


It turns out he could be so romantic.


Sometimes, happiness is just that simple.


Cas O’Bleu was happy, and then she was about to give birth. The babies in her belly seemed eager to come out and see the world.


“Don’t feel any pressure. So far, you’ve been great.”




Chen Le accompanied Cas O’Bleu reassuringly, waiting for the birth of the newborn. However, at this moment, there was a commotion outside.


An urgent report came from Anruth.


“Your Majesty, invaders have entered our alert line, broken through the wolf pack’s encirclement, and are approaching the central area where we are.”


Chen Le’s face darkened. Why now of all times?


With a somewhat pale face, Cas O’Bleu placed her hand on Chen Le’s hand and smiled, saying:


“Go, it’s your duty. With your recent company, I’m already very happy.”


Chapter 69: A Young Girl Foams at the Mouth, Despair Written on Her Face


Under Cas O’Bleu’s gaze, Chen Le walked out of the room to the outer palace layer.


“What’s the situation now?”


Anruth muttered, “Humans are here. We only found two people and a black giant tiger.”


Not the human army?


Chen Le closed his eyes and thought calmly.


In theory, it was impossible for the Duke of Nas, who was so far away, to detect or send people here in less than three days since the two girls, Andayal and Mia, were abducted into their goblin cave.


Could it be for other reasons?


The wise men behind Naga, Tarian’s brother, or adventurers entering the Misty Forest for treasure?


No, that’s not it.


To intrude in such a short time and with such accuracy, the other party must have come prepared. They seemed to intend to break in here before being discovered.


Almost certainly related to Andayal. Perhaps, this was her contingency plan prepared before entering here.


Someone nearby knew she had entered the Misty Forest, sensed something was wrong, and came in to rescue her.


Chen Le hadn’t forgotten that when Andayal saw Erlie and Jia Yi, she chose to run away the first time and even smashed a bead.


That bead didn’t help them escape. Most likely, it was a prop for transmitting information.


In this world, humans also had means of long-distance communication.


Fortunately, after capturing them, Chen Le searched every inch of their bodies, taking everything except their clothes, denying them a second chance to transmit information to the outside world.


“Now, asking Andayal is pointless. Just because she’s captured by goblins doesn’t mean she’ll obey their will and help them against those coming to rescue them,” Anruth asked.


“Your Majesty, what should we do now?” Anruth asked.


“No need to panic. They don’t know the location of our cave. The direction these two are advancing in is correct, but where they want to go must be where Andayal and the others were captured by us. That’s where the signal starts. Let Jia Yi and the others come with me to meet these new guests.”


In the dim goblin cave, the goblin emperor slowly raised his head, his obscure gaze fixed on a certain area.


Soon, one of the goblins in that area was possessed by the emperor.


And the ugly, filthy, mysterious gaze of this goblin also turned toward the invaders advancing from outside the forest.


Suddenly, a snow-white ice cone flew towards them, piercing through the goblin scout who was exploring.


The goblin scout’s blood sprayed instantly, and the body was pinned to a tree trunk by the ice cone.


A black magic tiger stepped over the blood on the ground, carrying a beautiful figure of a white-haired cat-eared woman in mage robes, and rushed towards the depths of the forest.


On the other side, a frenzied female figure tore apart several wild forest wolves blocking her path, like a mad wildcat, swiftly darting through the trees, and finally, with a leap, landed on the black tiger of the white-haired cat woman in mage robes, looking extremely arrogant.


Black cat ears, healthy gray skin, confident female face, exaggerated chest, simply exposed attire, and agile tail.


This turned out to be a female warrior of the Black Cat Demi-Human race.


Compared to the White Cat Demi-Humans, who were almost universally feared for their extraordinary talents, the Black Cat Demi-Humans were unremarkable in their performances around the world.


Most of the time, Black Cat Demi-Humans would become toys of the wealthy and perverted human nobles, circulating as legal slaves in the market.


The presence of these two cat race demi-humans together was simply unthinkable because White Cats held hostility towards Black Cats with black fur, similar to the hostility and contempt between different races with different skin colors.


“Wuhu, it’s so fragile. Adas, are there really four Red Devil Goblins here? That’s good stuff,” Casandra exclaimed excitedly, seeming very interested in this appearance. 


The sharp eyes of the White Cat woman, Adas, scanned the surroundings.


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