Holy Emperor’s Grandson is a Necromancer
Chapter 296 Table of contents

Chapter 296: 156. Aslan in Chaos -1 (Part One)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED

A shocked expression formed Tina’s face while she was still inside the cloud of dust. She looked up at the person holding her.

He wore a set of heavy armour, with ragged cloth wrapped about his head like some kind of a hood. Then she noticed a familiar white lily hidden beneath the armour.


Flustered, she even forgot about their stations and uttered a title that was still somewhat unfamiliar to her. As she grew even more flustered, the undead carefully raised his hand and patted her on the head.

His glowing eye sockets were staring at her, but he solemnly maintained his silence.

‘Could it be, Lord Angel...?’

Only the Holy King, Allen Olfolse, was capable of reviving the former king Rahamma as a holy undead like this. Without a doubt, Allen had awakened the former king in order to rescue her.

Duke Duran was also feeling rather shaken at the moment. ‘Why is King Rahamman in this place...?!’

A drop of cold sweat trickled down his face.

The Death Knight emerging from the curtain of dust was definitely King Rahamma Aslan. Not only that, he even possessed divine energy.

There was little doubt that this creature was the handiwork of the Holy King himself. But never in Duran’s wildest imagination had he believed that a human possessed a level of power monstrous enough to successfully revive King Rahamma!

‘But, where is the Holy King?’

A portion of Duran’s brain was crushed by that strike to his face, and it was still undergoing regeneration. He couldn’t think properly at the moment, but even then he knew the first thing he had to do was to find out where the most threatening existence to his survival was hiding.

However, he couldn’t spot the Holy King anywhere.

Perhaps that was for the best. The undead before Duran was none other than King Rahamma. Just dealing with him was going to be a difficult task. The Vampire Duke was not confident of fighting the Holy King at the same time and leaving here in one piece.

‘For now, I shall try to buy myself some time.’

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Duran swore that he’d kill the undead Rahamma standing before his eyes as soon as his brain had fully recovered.

“I certainly didn’t expect to meet the true king, Rahamma Aslan, again like this. It certainly is an honour!” Duke Duran exclaimed while standing up, his face now fully regenerated.

His whole body was dyed in the crimson hue of blood. It looked like he had been drenched in blood. Armour of blood materialised around him, and he reached out to grasp a sword congealing there, also made out of blood.

‘Although I wanted to fight him at least once, that was back when he was still a human being,’ thought Duran.

King Rahamma was one of the only two humans that the Vampire King had kept a wary eye on, the other one being Emperor Kelt Olfolse.

He could unleash powerful abilities in combat that didn’t lose out even when compared to the likes of the Sword King or the Crown Imperial Prince. No, it would be more correct to say that he easily exceeded either of those two if he used his demonic energy without any restrictions holding him back.

Now King Rahamma was no longer under the fatal restriction called a ‘lifespan’. Meaning that he should be even stronger than back when he was still alive.

Failing to deal with this undead King quickly would only make things quite disadvantageous for Duran.

King Rahamma finally opened his mouth to speak.

-Oh, hear ye, my former subjects.-

The Aslan citizens gathered in the audience chamber all flinched and stared at King Rahamma.

-Leave this place.-

While saying that, King Rahamma picked up a piece of the shattered guillotine blade and chucked it towards a window, shattering the glass there. He then grabbed the scruff of Tina’s neck, and effortlessly tossed her lightly outside.


-Tina. Go to the side of my master. Go and protect the subjects of Aslan.-

Tina fell from the Royal Palace’s high window, but the Bone Wyvern swooped in to catch her and flew away. At the same time, the citizens quickly began escaping from the audience chamber.

The orcs and Rehton were currently frozen stiff, placing their undivided attention on the mighty form of King Rahamma.

‘These stupid bastards!’ Duke Duran cursed to himself before roaring out loudly. “Come, my Basilisk! Devour them all!”

The palace’s floor caved in, and a huge snake emerged from the resulting hole. It opened its maw wide and bared its sharp fangs.

But just before it could pounce on the fleeing citizens with its gaping maw, yet another existence broke through the high window with the broken glass.

It was actually the skull of a huge dragon. Its bony maw opened wide and chomped down on the Basilisk’s throat. The white snake’s neck was twisted aside as a stream of toxins spewed out from its mouth, defiling the palace.

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Duke Duran’s jaw went slack, a feeling of sheer stupefaction washing over him. ‘Even a Bone Dragon?!’

The Holy King had summoned more than one monster and was controlling them at the same time?! Just what exactly was he, to pull off something like this...!

Duke Duran began stumbling backwards without realising it.

He needed to flee from here. This whole affair smelled worse than a rotting fish now.

The reason why Marquis Kirum was nowhere to be seen... Maybe that insane clown had already predicted this outcome.

Right at that moment, King Rahamma made a move before anyone else could. His figure dashed forward and his mace came flying in at Duran’s face once more.

As his eyes burned fiercely, Rahamma spoke, -The one with a vulgar soul, who attempted to murder Tina...-

Duran hurriedly raised his blood sword.

-I shall break you into a million pieces!-

The blood sword and the mace collided, causing the entire floor to buckle and collapse.


Late at night, at the camp of the Theocratic Empire’s army, brightly illuminated by rows of blazing torches and burning braziers...

Tina rode on the Bone Wyvern and landed in the middle of the camp belonging to the Holy King’s army.

Charlotte was on standby. She squared her shoulders, placed a hand on her chest, and bowed gracefully in silence, an act of established decorum when greeting royalty from another nation.

As she did so, Alice ran up to them from somewhere behind Charlotte and urgently checked Tina’s condition out.

“Thankfully, there doesn’t seem to be any issues,” Alice sighed in relief, and looked behind her.

Tina looked over there as well, and finally discovered Allen standing there, Amon’s skull and the bone armour already adorning his figure. Standing to either side of him were Damon and Jeram.

Tina was instantly filled with happiness and worry the moment she saw Holy King Allen. Worried, because this incident, this coup, was the result of her incompetence. No doubt the Theocratic Empire would not overlook this event.

“Your Majesty the Holy King.” Tina hurriedly went down to her knees and bowed her head. “I beg for your forgiveness. This event was due to my incompetence. All responsibility lies with me. That’s why, I beg of you, ensure that no other events of such nature will take place in Aslan...”

“It already has been decided.”

Tina flinched at the reply.

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“Aslan cannot avoid her destruction anymore.”

The eyes on Tina’s bowed head grew wider.

In the end, the country she deeply cared for had still managed to earn the wrath of the Theocratic Empire. It was an obvious end result. Aslan had pointed its sword twice at the Empire in less than five years, so it wasn’t all that surprising to find out that the other side wasn’t willing to let this go on any longer.

Tina squeezed her eyes shut. But then...

“However, with your help, we may be able to ensure the safety of her subjects.”

She opened her eyes again and lifted her head up.

Allen had reached out to her by then. “Lend me your aid, Tina.”

Tina automatically reached out and took his hand.

He helped her get on a skeleton horse, then he himself climbed up on the saddle. He turned his head and swept his gaze over the Theocratic Empire’s army.

Over twenty thousand troops were getting ready to advance.

He roared out to them. “Kill all those who resist, but do not harm the ones who surrender. Our true purpose is to hunt down the vampires!”

Queen Tina was with them now, meaning the Aslan army would probably not oppose them.

“Also, continue to be vigilant of our surroundings.” While issuing that order, Allen silently recalled what Jeram had told him earlier.

{An army of blood is heading towards Aslan’s royal capital even as we speak. They should be very close to reaching there, as a matter of fact. I advise you to send some scouts ahead to search the surroundings areas, then quickly take over the royal capital to protect the citizens inside.}

According to the feudal lord’s intel, an Army of Blood was headed to this location. An army created by the vampires, no less.

Which meant Allen now had to come up with a strategy to deal with them, too.

Once King Rahamma became his follower, Jeram willingly began following him, as well. It wasn’t just because his king had awakened, however.

Jeram’s eyes showed that he had become ‘entranced’ already. Entranced by a power that had even revived the long-dead king. It had to be the power of the gods!

His value system and his faith all had been converted by what he witnessed. That was unsurprising, considering that he was a feudal lord of a nation who also used to worship the God of Death.

Allen looked behind him once more to confirm that the twenty thousand troops had completed their preparations to move out.

“Advance! With this, Aslan will fall, and...”

Allen took the lead, and the great army of twenty thousand began moving forward as well.

“...And this land will become a new territory of the Theocratic Empire.”

At the end of this war, Allen would become the new, undisputed king of Aslan.action

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