Starting From A Son In Law To Build An Long Lasti…
Chapter 103 Table of contents

Inside the talisman shop, Lu Changsheng sat cross-legged, eyes closed, his expression serene. He focused inwardly, directing his spiritual energy through his meridians and limbs, creating a circulation within his qi sea and dantian. The spiritual lake in his dantian bubbled and churned, gradually infusing his once pure white spiritual energy with color. Seven small sword shadows faintly appeared above the lake.


Lu Changsheng exhaled a deep breath of impure air.

"Huoyuan Technique might be considered garbage, but it isn't without its merits."

"Its spiritual energy is neutral and balanced, making it easier to switch to other techniques smoothly."

"If I had cultivated another technique, converting my entire spiritual energy to the Seven Luminaries Sword Qi would have been much more difficult, possibly even causing a regression in my cultivation."

Lu Changsheng pondered as he observed the spiritual energy within his qi sea and dantian.

He had just attempted to switch to the Great Free Sword Sutra of the Seven Luminaries, transforming his Huoyuan Technique spiritual energy into that of the new technique. The process was surprisingly smooth, though he did experience some energy loss. However, it was manageable.

"In about three or four months, I should be able to convert all my spiritual energy to the Seven Luminaries Sword Qi."

"This Great Free Sword Sutra of the Seven Luminaries lives up to its reputation as a legitimate technique. The spiritual energy it produces is not only three to four times thicker than my original energy but also significantly more fierce and domineering."

"Once all my spiritual energy is converted, I should be able to rival a practitioner at the eighth or even ninth level of Qi Refinement."

"This is what they call a solid foundation. When I eventually break through to the Foundation Establishment stage, the process will be much easier."

Lu Changsheng couldn't contain his excitement as he observed the spiritual energy in his dantian.

He had always desired a good technique to solidify his foundation, allowing him to progress further in his cultivation. Now, with this authentic technique, his foundation would be exceptionally robust.

"A Qi Refinement level seven practitioner rivaling those at level nine—does this mean I'll be able to challenge opponents above my level in the future?"

"No, in my previous encounters, my opponents were always stronger than me, and battles aren't solely about cultivation level but also about techniques."

Lu Changsheng reflected, then shook his head.

He realized that his current approach might not be the best fit for a technique focused on combat and slaughter.

For one, he naturally preferred peace and avoided conflicts.

Secondly, in battles, he relied more on external tools than his own cultivation.

Given these factors, a technique geared towards health or evasion might suit him better.

However, he had already drawn and started practicing this technique, so there was no point in second-guessing his choice.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng reasoned that techniques for health or evasion might not necessarily be better suited for him.

As his cultivation advanced, conflicts and battles would be inevitable.

During the Qi Refinement stage, he could rely on external tools from the system to fight opponents above his level.

But as he progressed to higher stages, the effectiveness of talismans, puppets, and treasures would diminish.

At that point, his own cultivation strength would become crucial.

Seeing that it was getting dark outside, Lu Changsheng got up and left the talisman shop to head home.

Meanwhile, in an inn opposite the Lu Family Talisman Shop.

A beautiful young girl in a purple dress sat by the window, propping her chin on her fair arm, looking bored.

When she saw Lu Changsheng leaving the shop, her eyes lit up.

"I've spent a lot to restore the Love Locking Gu's energy quickly. Don't let me down," she murmured, watching his figure.

She raised her hand, and from her palm, a small, blood-red, gem-like Gu worm emerged.

"Little one, it's up to you now."

The worm seemed to understand her, its tiny antenna nodding slightly.

The girl smiled, clenched her hand, and left the inn.

She had been observing Lu Changsheng for some time and knew his routine well.

He usually traveled between the talisman shop and his residence.

She had also scouted the route he took to go home, finding a secluded alley—an ideal spot to make her move.

Acting in the market had its risks, but it also lowered a person's guard, making it easier to succeed.

If she chose to act outside the market, she recalled how Lu Changsheng would bombard opponents with talismans and treasure, thinking of her previous humiliating defeat where she almost died from his attacks.

However, the thought of Lu Changsheng falling for her due to the Love Locking Gu, gradually becoming deeply infatuated with her, brought her satisfaction.

"What better revenge than making your former enemy fall helplessly in love with you?"

The girl in the purple dress smiled as she watched Lu Changsheng's back.

When she saw him enter the alley, she called out.

"Daoist Lu, please wait!"


Lu Changsheng heard someone calling him and paused, turning around.

He saw a beautiful girl in a purple dress waving at him and walking quickly towards him.

"Hmm? Are you calling me?" he asked, surprised.

"Yes, I've heard that Daoist Lu is a talisman master, and I have a favor to ask."

The girl smiled as she approached him.

"What is it?"

Lu Changsheng was puzzled. While his status as a talisman master wasn't a secret, he didn't know this girl. A stranger asking for a favor seemed odd.

"It's about..."

Just as the girl in the purple dress began to speak, her eyes suddenly glowed with an eerie purple light. The enchanting glow made Lu Changsheng momentarily lose his focus, his mind slipping into a trance.

However, in that instant, the cold jade pendant on his chest emitted a clear, refreshing energy that quickly pulled him out of his daze.

"Something's wrong!"

Lu Changsheng immediately realized something was off. The girl in front of him had definitely used some sort of technique on him.

Without hesitation, he prepared to activate the protective spells on his robe and the cold jade pendant.

But just then, he felt a sharp, tingling pain on his neck, as if something had bitten him, causing his heart to skip a beat.

In that moment, he felt a powerful will surge from the peach blossom mark on his forehead. The force of this will was like a volcanic eruption, overwhelming and unstoppable, like a majestic beast asserting its dominance.

The will suppressed his momentary fear, causing the usually hidden pink peach blossom mark on his forehead to glow brightly.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

As the will from the peach blossom mark burst forth, a faint buzzing sound filled the air. Lu Changsheng saw a small, blood-red insect quickly fly away from his neck.

Reacting swiftly, he enveloped his hand in spiritual energy and caught the tiny creature like an eagle catching a rabbit. Holding it tightly in his hand, he then looked at the girl in the purple dress, pulling out a stack of talismans.


The girl let out a low groan, her face filled with disbelief as she looked at Lu Changsheng. She couldn't understand what had just happened. Why had the Love Locking Gu failed?

In that brief moment, she had felt a powerful will emanate from the Gu, causing her heart to tremble. When their eyes met, she suddenly felt a strange, rising emotion—a desire to be close to Lu Changsheng.

"What is going on?!"

The girl realized something was wrong as soon as this emotion surfaced. She prided herself on not being swayed by appearances, yet she was now feeling an inexplicable attraction to Lu Changsheng.

Looking at the glowing peach blossom mark on his forehead, she began to suspect that he possessed some kind of extraordinary treasure, or perhaps an even more powerful Gu than her own.

"No way!"

"How could his treasure or Gu be so powerful to cause the Love Locking Gu to backfire?"

The idea that her Love Locking Gu, close to the pinnacle of Gu insects, could be countered was astonishing. But the emotions welling up within her confirmed the backfire.

As the realization hit, she felt a wave of fear. She knew the dominant nature of the Love Locking Gu. Once bitten, the victim would inevitably develop an uncontrollable love and attachment towards the person who used it, eventually becoming completely devoted.

Now, with the backfire, she was the one feeling the effects, and the thought of becoming infatuated with Lu Changsheng terrified her.

"No, I must leave, and quickly!"

The girl saw Lu Changsheng's talismans and sword coming at her. Despite the market's prohibition on fighting, she knew she had to escape before the Gu's effects took hold.

Summoning a protective shield and activating several talismans, she blocked Lu Changsheng's attacks and, with a pained grunt, fled as a blur of motion.

At this moment, her only thought was to get away before the Love Locking Gu's influence could overwhelm her mind. She couldn't afford to be near Lu Changsheng any longer, knowing the longer she stayed, the stronger the emotions would become.

Watching her disappear, Lu Changsheng considered pursuing her but ultimately decided against it. She was too fast, and using talismans in the busy streets would attract too much attention.

"Who was she, and why did she attack me out of nowhere?"

Lu Changsheng was left with a myriad of questions. He couldn't recall any grievance that would make someone target him so suddenly.

"Could it be that my dealings with stolen goods have drawn unwanted attention?"

He pondered over the possibilities as he watched the girl vanish from sight.

The moment the girl in the purple dress began to speak, a strange, enchanting purple light flashed in her eyes. It was as if her glance held a mesmerizing power, causing Lu Changsheng's mind to become momentarily dazed.

But just as Lu Changsheng felt his heart race and his mind waver, a pure, cleansing energy emanated from the cold jade pendant on his chest, quickly pulling him back to his senses.

"Something's wrong!" Lu Changsheng snapped out of his daze, immediately realizing the danger. The girl in the purple dress was up to something! She had just cast some sort of spell on him. He instantly attempted to activate the protective spells of his robe and the cold jade pendant.

At that very moment, he felt a sudden, tingling sting on his neck, as if something had bitten him. His heart gave a slight flutter.

Then, abruptly—


A powerful force surged from the peach blossom mark on his forehead. This willpower was like a volcanic eruption or a river bursting its banks, resembling a colossal beast whose majesty had been challenged, now releasing its mighty presence.

The intense willpower suppressed his unsettled heart, causing the hidden pink peach blossom mark on his forehead to glow brightly.


As the will of the peach blossom mark erupted, a faint buzzing noise echoed. Lu Changsheng immediately heard a subtle humming sound and saw a tiny blood-red insect quickly flee from his neck.

Seeing this, Lu Changsheng swiftly enveloped his hand with spiritual power and grabbed at the insect like an eagle catching a rabbit, capturing the tiny creature firmly in his grasp. He then pulled out a stack of talismans, eyeing the girl in the purple dress.

"Ugh!" The girl in the purple dress let out a muffled groan, her face filled with disbelief as she looked at Lu Changsheng, not understanding what had just happened. Her love bug had malfunctioned.

For a moment, she felt an overpowering will emanating from the love bug, causing her heart to throb violently. When her eyes met Lu Changsheng's, she felt an inexplicable fondness towards him, a unique emotion spreading in her heart, making her want to be close to him.

"What is happening!?" This sudden feeling alarmed her. She was well aware of her own emotions. Though Lu Changsheng was handsome and had an extraordinary presence, she was not someone to be swayed merely by appearances. How could she suddenly feel such a strong attraction to him?

Moreover, she had secretly observed Lu Changsheng for some time without ever feeling this way.

"It must be a backlash from the love bug!" Seeing the glowing peach blossom mark on Lu Changsheng's forehead, the girl speculated that he possessed some extraordinary treasure or an even more powerful and dominant bug, causing her love bug to fail and backfire, reversing its effects onto her.

"How is this possible? The love bug is almost at the level of a celestial bug. Even in its weakened state, it shouldn't backfire like this. How could he have such a rare treasure or an almost extinct celestial bug?" This thought rocked her mind, filling her with disbelief.

But looking at Lu Changsheng, she felt an undeniable and growing affection. This realization terrified her because she understood the domineering nature of the love bug. Anyone bitten by it would uncontrollably develop feelings of love for her, which would intensify over time until they were willing to die for her.

Now, with the bug's effect reversed, she would be the one developing these uncontrollable feelings for Lu Changsheng.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Before she could think further, Lu Changsheng had already activated a stack of talismans and sent his Qingyan Sword flying towards her. Even though fighting was forbidden in the market, the girl had attacked him first, and he couldn't just stand by.

"I have to leave, and quickly! I need to escape the love bug's influence!" Seeing the approaching spells and flying sword, the girl hastily formed a protective barrier around herself and used several talismans to counter Lu Changsheng's attacks. With a groan, she turned into a blur and fled.

She couldn't afford to linger. Her mind was now focused on escaping, far away from Lu Changsheng. If she didn't get away, the affection she felt would only grow stronger the closer she was to him.

If this continued, even if Lu Changsheng wanted to kill her, she would willingly let him.

Seeing the girl vanish, Lu Changsheng thought of giving chase but decided against it. She was fast, and without using talismans, he couldn't catch up. Besides, stepping out of the alley would mean entering a crowded street, where he couldn't freely use talismans.

"Who is she, and why did she suddenly attack me?" Lu Changsheng was puzzled, not recalling any reason for her hostility.

"Could it be that someone noticed me when I disposed of the stolen goods?"

Lu Changsheng speculated inwardly but found it unlikely. If someone was targeting him, they wouldn’t make a move in the market.

He then looked at the tiny creature he had caught. It was less than an inch long, entirely blood-red.

"What is this? A bug? A Gu insect?" Lu Changsheng frowned as he examined the trembling, weakened blood-colored insect in his hand.

"Could it be that she was trying to place a Gu on me?" He recalled the moment the insect had bitten him, causing a strange sensation, which was promptly suppressed by the powerful will of the peach blossom mark on his forehead. This led him to suspect that the girl had indeed tried to use a Gu insect on him.

Having studied various Gu insects after acquiring the peach blossom Gu, Lu Changsheng knew that Gu insects, like demonic beasts, had a strict hierarchy. For example, a beast with a heavenly-grade bloodline, like the Nine Nether Hound, would naturally suppress ordinary beasts, making them weaker in its presence.

Similarly, Gu insects were even more affected by bloodline suppression. With the peach blossom Gu, which was a celestial-grade Gu, Lu Changsheng was immune to many other Gu insects. Any attempt to place another Gu on him would provoke the peach blossom Gu's instinctual defense.

The recent incident with the peach blossom Gu’s reaction matched what he had read. Just then, he felt a faint ripple from the peach blossom Gu, indicating he had just gained a wave of peach blossom luck.

"Peach blossom luck? How did I suddenly get peach blossom luck?" Lu Changsheng furrowed his brow in confusion. He couldn't understand how this luck had come about.

"Wait, could this peach blossom luck have come from that girl in the purple dress?" he thought, recalling her sudden departure.

"But how could there be peach blossom luck between us? We barely know each other." The peach blossom Gu had already collected the luck, indicating some connection had formed between them. Yet, he had just met her. How could there be any such connection?

Lu Changsheng pondered, then remembered reading about a type of Gu called the love Gu. "The love Gu is a mother-child Gu. The person with the mother Gu can plant the child Gu in someone else, making them fall in love and never leave."

"Could this blood-colored insect be the love Gu? Did she try to make me fall in love with her, but because of the peach blossom Gu, I didn't, and she ended up falling for me instead?" He looked at the blood-colored Gu insect in his hand, narrowing his eyes. Although the idea seemed far-fetched, it was the only plausible explanation he could think of.

"If this is true, it's too ridiculous," he thought, shaking his head. "But the love Gu should work differently. It involves planting the child Gu in the target, making them fall for the person with the mother Gu."

"This insect bit me, but under the peach blossom Gu's pressure, it tried to escape, which doesn’t fit the description of a love Gu."

"Maybe it's a similar type of Gu?" Lu Changsheng speculated, but found that this didn't match the descriptions in the books.

"Forget it, no point in overthinking." He decided not to dwell on it. He touched the wound on his neck, which was already healing. The blood-colored Gu insect had managed to break his skin, which was as tough as a magic weapon due to his cultivation.

"This peach blossom Gu really is troublesome. It’s good, but sometimes it brings unexpected complications. It can turn into a disaster if not careful," he sighed. Each instance of peach blossom luck came with its own set of problems.

Recalling how he almost got entangled with a Golden Core stage woman due to the peach blossom Gu, he felt a bit weary. Despite the risks, he couldn’t bear to give up the peach blossom Gu. It offered more benefits than drawbacks, providing not only peach blossom luck but also immunity to many Gu insects.

"Without the peach blossom Gu, I’d be in real danger. Being hit by a love Gu and falling hopelessly in love would ruin me," he muttered to himself.

"Cultivators have countless unpredictable methods. I need to stay vigilant, even in places like the market where fighting is forbidden," he reminded himself, reflecting on his earlier lack of caution.

"But what should I do with this?" He glanced at the blood-colored Gu insect in his hand, contemplating how to deal with it.

PS: I know this update isn’t worthy of asking for votes, but I saw in the group that 1,000 votes can get us a draw. We currently have 911 votes, so I humbly ask for your votes if you have any left. Tomorrow is the end of the month, and the votes will expire anyway.

I'll try to increase the update frequency in the next few days. Thank you!!!

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