I Was Rejected by the Main Character in a Romanti…
Chapter 20 Table of contents


I rested my chin on my hand and gazed at the noisy classroom, as the professor had not yet arrived.

Since I sat in the back, I could see the whole room at a glance.

It was no different from usual without assigned seats as close friends huddled together and chatted.

Helena had fallen into a light sleep, sprawled on the desk beside me, probably exhausted from yesterday’s training.

…Lying around like that, she might need some more physical training too.

As I considered incorporating more exercises and observing the students, my eyes met Sylvia’s.

She gave me an awkward smile and a nod as a greeting. I slightly raised my hand to return the greeting.


I frowned when I watched Sylvia hurriedly avert her eyes and chat with her friends.

Cain still hadn’t returned. Considering he was absent in the original story for quite a while at the beginning of the school year, it wasn’t unusual.

That wasn’t what bothered me.

‘The original has been distorted.’

It was the overall atmosphere of the class that felt off.

I didn’t notice it immediately since it wasn’t directed at me. However, observing the class leisurely made me gradually realize the truth.

No, taking it further……

It was the overall atmosphere surrounding Sylvia at the academy that felt strange.

At first, Sylvia was revered as a goddess and received countless confessions from her peers and seniors.

Then, as expected, petty jealousy and envy arose towards Sylvia, leading to her being ostracized.


‘It’s too soon.’

It had only been about three weeks since the first year started. The ostracism, which should have begun gradually after Cain’s return in the original, was already taking shape.

And it wasn’t like Leonhardt was by her side, either.

With my lower lip jutting out, I stared intently at Sylvia, who was chatting with her friends while trying not to show it.

Although she attempted to act normal, the strange atmosphere surrounding her was evident, even to an outsider like me.

Even her supposed friends were subtly ignoring and avoiding Sylvia.

‘It’s because of me.’

Because I intervened in the original story… No, because I completely distorted the original, the bullying towards Sylvia started earlier.

If there was anything I didn’t understand…

‘I can’t replace Leonhardt.’

No matter how despicable Leonhardt’s personality was, he was still one of the Empire’s Princes.

While my family’s status wasn’t low, we couldn’t compare to the Imperial family.


An unsettling feeling washed over me as I lightly tapped my face with my index finger, lost in thought.

Neither Cain nor Leonhardt were around. Sylvia had no one to rely on by her side. Of course, she wasn’t completely isolated yet, but…

At this rate, an incident would undoubtedly occur before Cain’s return.

Keeping my unwavering gaze fixed on Sylvia, I calmly thought it over repeatedly.

Of course… there was only one conclusion.


Today was the only day with classes in the classroom all morning. Thanks to that, except for a brief restroom break, I remained in my seat the entire time.

It was the perfect situation to maintain my train of thought uninterrupted.

Bullying, ostracism–the so-called “outcast” treatment.

No matter how noble the majority of aristocratic students at this academy were, they were all just children.

No, perhaps because they were these so-called noble aristocrats, bullying and ostracism occurred more severely, primarily targeting children from weaker or commoner families.
In that sense, Sylvia was the perfect prey for them.

She was a commoner and possessed an exceptionally beautiful appearance, leading to confessions from male students as soon as the school year began.

That became a major trigger for jealousy and envy from her female peers.

The same applied to the male students who had been rejected by her.

Children at this age absolutely never take such things well. With helpless prey and a common enemy…

The ideal conditions for ostracism were met. Additionally, the fact that she was a commoner who couldn’t retaliate played a significant role.

As Sylvia temporarily left her seat to use the restroom, I nonchalantly observed the busily moving students and raised an eyebrow.

‘They don’t care about Helena and me at all.’

The students were eagerly preparing to torment Sylvia, disregarding the recent times when Helena and I had accompanied her.

Of course, not everyone in the class was engaging in such behavior. Those actively participating were in the minority.

‘What should I do?’

Helena was oblivious to the situation, napping during every break.

I did not need her help, but I carefully observed their actions while lightly tapping the desk with my index finger.

Were they planning to get rid of her belongings like her textbooks?

How childish.

Children will be children as their minds could only devise trivial ways to bully her.

Perhaps it was because this was a romance fantasy story. However, if I allowed the bullying to continue unchecked, they would undoubtedly escalate their actions.

Yet, I couldn’t intervene recklessly for one reason.

‘… It’s too extreme.’

If events had unfolded like in the original novel, they wouldn’t have openly bullied her like this from the start.

However, they were blatantly preparing to torment Sylvia, not merely teasing her with words or petty pranks.

They seemed convinced that no one could do anything to stop them.

Perhaps I should observe for a while and find out who was behind this.

Rationally thinking, that might have been the right approach. In other novels, appearing at the most dramatic moment to rescue the heroine was cliché.



Dismissing such thoughts, I rose from my seat.

Providing subtle support from the shadows? Is it important to find out who was behind it and give them a stern lesson?

All well and good, but…

‘That’s just in stories.’

This is reality. During that brief or prolonged period, Sylvia would be bullied and hurt.

As I’ve said before, Sylvia did nothing wrong in this situation.

She never acted arrogant because of her outstanding appearance, nor did she force anyone to confess to her. She even gently rejected the confessions she received.

‘…As if there’s anything gentle about rejection.’

She never looked down on or distanced herself from anyone. In fact, she tried her best to befriend her classmates.

There was no reason for such a Sylvia to be hurt.

Moving slowly towards her seat, I gazed at the students gathered there, giggling and enjoying themselves over whatever amused them regarding Sylvia.

Three girls and two boys.

The two boys were among those who had confessed to Sylvia. As for the three girls… I didn’t really know them. However, one crucial fact was…

Two of those three girls were originally part of Sylvia’s friend group. Just realizing that caused me to unconsciously scowl as I approached them menacingly.

“Should we hide this too?”

“Yeah, she really treasures this thing…”

“Would you go that far?”

A chilling voice rang out. Failing to control my emotions, I unintentionally let out a low, cold tone. But so what?

I was genuinely annoyed, and I wasn’t the kind of person who would hold back for the sake of courtesy.

Upon hearing my voice, the students stiffened and looked at me.

The moment I saw their faces, while I couldn’t recall their names, I roughly knew which families they belonged to.

Three were from baron families, and two were from viscount families.

Realizing they were just a bunch of nobodies who had teamed up, an involuntary chuckle escaped my lips. At the same time, I realized these children were mere puppets.

Not that I intended to let them off easily, but still.

“… What’s your problem?”

One of the viscounts’ sons asked me. His stammering revealed his bruised ego for speaking up.

“Stop this nonsense.”

I gestured towards Sylvia’s belongings in their hands.
The Astria family… While Leonhardt had ignored me, it wasn’t a family with such little influence that other nobles could dismiss. Thus, they fell silent and averted their gazes from me.

All except one.

“…And who are you?”

The boy who had initially confronted me glared at me defiantly.

In response, I smiled and met his gaze.

“So it’s you, huh?”

The one pulling the strings on these puppets.

Seeing his face turn deathly pale at my smile, I grinned even wider.

Translator’s Corner

Look at me go. A chapter mostly on time.


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