Light Barrier
Chapter 11 Table of contents

Light Barrier - Chapter 11: Poaching

The chief justice pushed the stack of files to Gu Shen’s front.

Without even looking, he knew that the files contained the official records detailing the incidents of A-009 and the fire.

“If you intend to ask me about the details in these files…” Gu Shen shook his head. “I can only tell you that I’m innocent. The truth of the matter is exactly as recorded in these files.”

The old man chuckled. “Who cares about the truth?”

This unexpected response made Gu Shen look up in surprise.

Under the wide-brimmed hat was a pair of pupils as deep as the black sea.

“Files are written by people, and so is the truth,” the chief justice said expressionlessly. “The attitude of the Penitentiary Bureau toward high-risk individuals has always been consistent. It’s better to kill ten thousand by mistake than to let one slip through. The fire last night caused dozens of casualties, as well as the deaths of the two transcendents on the rooftop, all these lives can be blamed on you. Your first awakening as a transcendent caused so many casualties. What will greet you is either supervision or imprisonment.”

The atmosphere froze.

Gu Shen wanted to look away from the eyes under the wide-brimmed hat. But it was as though an invisible magic power was holding him in place, forcing him to lock eyes with the chief justice. Every second felt like an eternity.

Before leaving, Nan Jin had told him that Mr. Tree would arrive soon.

If he couldn’t deal with the interrogation, all he needed to do was remain silent.

But clearly, she didn’t expect this incident to alarm a big shot like the chief justice himself to come personally.

The current situation was far from the easy scenario she had expected.

This chief justice had immense authority.

As he had stated earlier, the truth was written by people. With the chief justice’s status and authority, all it would take was one command to write the truth of the fire incident according to his will.

I need to hold on until Mr. Tree arrives. Gu Shen took a deep breath and reminded himself to relax.

The current situation was dire, but nervousness would only make things worse.

“Gu Shen, you’re only seventeen years old, and you still have a long life ahead. You wouldn’t want to end it like this, would you?” The chief justice stared at the tense youth and suddenly furrowed his brow.

From the almost stagnant interrogation room, a very light, very soft laughter suddenly sounded.

“You’re not here to find the truth.” Gu Shen took two deep breaths and smiled, revealing his white teeth. “So, these two case files aren’t actually important, right?”

The chief justice was silent.

“You just said that I’m a high-risk individual and at risk of losing control.” Gu Shen stared at the eyes under the hat, paying attention to the changes in the other person after every word he said. “But you came to interrogate me personally and even turned off the surveillance without worry. This doesn’t seem to be an environment for interrogating a high-risk individual. Are you too powerful, or am I too weak? Or do you also think that I’m just an innocent victim?”

The eyes under the broad remained calm, indicating for him to continue.

Gu Shen continued, “You didn’t come all the way here just for this interrogation, right?

“When we first met in the hospital room, you were holding these case files in your hand. And when you entered the interrogation room, you told me that you had just finished reading the files. Since you came so urgently, you could have easily read the files on the way. It’s obvious that this interrogation isn’t important at all. So, why did you come to Oto?

“There’s only one explanation. Your Excellency Chief Justice, you didn’t come for these two cases at all.”

There was a short pause.

In an instant, Gu Shen associated several unbelievable events. The phone number that Mr. Tree had thrown out, the signed contract… All of this had happened too quickly and too suddenly.

So much so that only now did he realize that it was highly likely that the old man had arranged a ‘plot’ for him.

“I think…” Gu Shen asked tentatively, “Did you come to Oto for… me?”

Gu Shen knew that this was egotistical and unreasonable. But he really couldn’t think of any other explanation.

The terrifying thing was that the interrogation room was silent for a moment.

Then the old man in the coat became less serious. He reached out and adjusted his wide-brimmed hat, and soft, joyful laughter came from under the hat. “Haha, you’re quite interesting.”

This laughter sent shivers down Gu Shen’s spine. He had guessed right, but he couldn’t understand why a big shot like the chief justice of Azure River would come for him.

“This interrogation is just a cover. I only needed an environment to be alone with you,” the chief justice said.

“Since you’ve already figured it out, I don’t need to hide it. Gu Shen, I’m here for you! Since that shameless old fellow has personally come to recruit a newcomer, I have to too!”

There was no wind, but Gu Shen shuddered. If I’m not wrong, what this chief justice is doing now is poaching, and his motive is extremely simple.

Nan Jin’s teacher did it, so he did it too.

The chief justice tapped the documents and guided patiently, “Look at this case file. What happened on the rooftop was beautifully executed. After awakening your power for the first time, you could kill two transcendents. One was cut into pieces into pieces, and the other was burned into charcoal. You were clean, precise, and elegant. You are a genius! Join the Penitentiary Bureau. Those people from the Adjudication Bureau only know how to fight and kill. That place isn’t suitable for you!”

No one could have imagined that after the surveillance was turned off, the interrogation room, which was full of an austere atmosphere, would become like this.

The chief justice pressed both hands on the table and said fervently, “I guess they must have told you that the adjudicators are the embodiment of justice and wield the crown of swords… Nonsense! Of the twenty seats on the East Continent Parliament, they only have three! But we… have the greatest influence! The most abundant funds! The most advanced equipment!”

Gu Shen gulped.

Suddenly, the chief justice frowned and turned around coldly.


The door of the interrogation room was kicked open.

Dust billowed.

Holding a dragon-headed cane, an old man in a tunic suit slowly walked in. His hair was combed meticulously, and there was a milky white ancient tree brooch on the lapel of his navy tunic suit.

Standing at the door were Wei Shu and the interrogation team, casting apologetic looks at the chief justice. With this old man’s identity, they really couldn’t stop him.

“Hmph.” The chief justice snorted coldly, and the fervent expression on his face vanished. He impatiently raised his hand and gestured for his team to close the door of the interrogation room.

This old fellow arrived timely.

Mr. Tree pulled out a chair and sat down beside Gu Shen. “The surveillance has been turned off, so there are no outsiders here.”

The old man in the tunic suit glanced at the corner, took out a signed contract from his pocket, and held it in front of the chief justice proudly.

Seeing this contract, the chief justice was stunned, his eyes full of disbelief.

Mr. Tree went straight to the point and killed this interrogation. “Since you’re here to poach him, I’ll say it directly—he’s already mine.”

Tension frothed in the interrogation room.

Sandwiched between the imposing auras of the two big shots, Gu Shen felt as though he were sitting on pins and needles. When he saw the contract, his emotions became even more complicated.

It was apparent that a certain despicable and shameless old man was in a good mood.

The signed contract fluttered in the air, proclaiming that the Adjudication Bureau had won this recruitment battle.

“Old Yan, you can get lost now.”

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