Light Barrier
Chapter 33 Table of contents

Light Barrier - Chapter 33: Pick Up

The car started, and Gu Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew the matron too well. If he didn’t slip away quickly, she would definitely think of a way to return the money.

“Why are you leaving in such a hurry?” Nan Jin asked. “Why not stay a little longer? Everyone treats you quite well.”

“That’s why I left in a hurry.” Gu Shen smiled bitterly. “Okay, let’s go back quickly. We shouldn’t stay here for long.”

Nan Jin took off her black-framed glasses and nodded.

After leaving the orphanage, she ceased to be the understanding elder sister. She put on her sunglasses again and returned to being the cold and ruthless Nan Jin.

“Are you sure you want to leave now?” Nan Jin was silent for a while before saying calmly, “The Adjudication Bureau has many missions and is very busy. You might go on frequent business trips all over the East Continent. Moreover, there are some specific missions that require the executor to stay in a city for a long time… Your time will only become more limited. Although you won’t have much time to come back, you won’t have to worry about money anymore. The Parliament will definitely give you generous subsidies.”

“Let’s go.” Gu Shen smiled. “Who knows what the future holds? If the matron knows that I can earn so much money, she should praise me for being very capable, right?”

“Perhaps your matron just wants you to spend more time with her.” Nan Jin always liked to challenge the truth.

Seeing Gu Shen fall silent, she changed the topic. “But now is indeed not the time. Do you remember the car parked in front of the orphanage?”

Gu Shen was startled, and his expression became grim.

Nan Jin noticed too. He nodded slowly.

“That car is suspicious. The driver might have come for you. Did you come into contact with him?” Nan Jin said sharply. “I’ve already informed Senior Brother to investigate, The day after tomorrow is the assessment. Nothing must happen to you these two days.”

Is she suspecting that someone will assassinate me?

This is indeed a reasonable first reaction and judgment. Unfortunately, Nan Jin doesn’t know I’ve already crossed paths with that person… And the danger was even greater than the assassination.

“I had brief contact with him in the yard. I also felt that he was quite suspicious.” Gu Shen scratched his head and began to play dumb skillfully. “That gentleman’s surname is Han, and he’s always smiling. He looks young but is very rich and generous. He sponsored a hundred thousand yuan at once.”

“Han? Always smiling?” Nan Jin immediately thought of Han Dang, whom Senior Brother Zhong had mentioned.

He was a highly dangerous mental-type transcendent.

Her expression turned grave. “Did he say anything to you? Or come into physical contact with you?”

“Ah…” Gu Shen was at a loss. He tried his best to pretend to think and murmured, “I can’t remember. Oh, wait, I remember. He seemed to say he would visit me in Oto City.”

Nan Jin immediately called Zhong Wei.

It was raining moderately in Oto City.

The sky was overcast.

A young man and woman were sharing an umbrella and standing alone on the empty tarmac of an airport. Rainwater poured onto the ground and splashed back, but it couldn’t touch their clothes at all. It was as though there was an invisible wind barrier keeping the raindrops at bay.

Sharing the umbrella made the two of them look less peculiar.

“Did you receive that email?” Zhong Wei whispered. “Someone sent Han Dang’s whereabouts and mission objective. The strange thing is that I can’t trace the sender’s information.”

“I’ve already informed Teacher about this. Teacher said we can rest assured,” Luo Er said. “The enemy of an enemy is a friend. We don’t need to concern ourselves about the identity of the sender. Now that a big fish has taken the bait, we might as well just accept it.”

Zhong Wei nodded.

“The assessment team lands in thirteen minutes,” Luo Er said softly, her expression somewhat complicated. Due to the heavy rain, the assessment team’s plane was delayed by about an hour. The two of them had been waiting in the rain for an hour.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been alone with you.” Zhong Wei chuckled softly. “If not for this special training, how long were you planning to avoid me?”

He and Luo Er were the first two students that Mr. Tree had accepted. Since the year they entered the Adjudication Bureau, they had known each other for ten years.

“I wasn’t avoiding you.” Luo Er sighed. “The Adjudication Bureau’s missions keep me too busy. Teacher is stretched thin. Once there’s a transcendental incident beyond Class A, I’m the only one who can deal with it.”

“Perhaps you can call me next time. I can help. We’ve been partners for so long.” Zhong Wei sighed helplessly. “I don’t have any other thoughts… I just… want to help you. I don’t want to see you dealing with high-risk, out-of-control incidents alone.”

Luo Er opened her mouth but didn’t say anything in the end.

“I’m actually quite grateful to Gu Shen. If not for this S-grade newcomer, when would we have met again? Would we still be alive at that time?” Zhong Wei held the umbrella with one hand and raised the other. His five fingers extended into the rain, and he didn’t use his transcendental power.

The next moment, a fierce wind suddenly burst out, spinning and tearing apart a large swath of rainwater in front of him.

“Do you still remember what Teacher said? Those who awaken transcendence raise the crown with their own hands and personally lead themselves onto the path of no return. There are countless bones buried under the graves in Changye. Senior Sister, I don’t want to meet you there one day.

“Actually, there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

He smiled. “I—”

Beep, beep, beep!

The phone always seemed to ring at the most inconvenient times.

For example, when someone mustered their courage.

“I’ll answer it.” The ringtone shattered the silent atmosphere. Zhong Wei answered the call with a bitter smile. As he listened, his brows furrowed.

The call ended.

“It’s Nan Jin. Is there an emergency with Gu Shen?” Senior Sister Luo asked.

“… It’s not urgent. They just discovered a suspicious car. I’ll investigate when I get back.” Zhong Wei sighed softly. His courage, which he had worked hard to muster, was interrupted by this call.

Both of them fell silent.

Senior Sister Luo’s expression was clearly a little irritable. She looked at the rain and said, “When are those guys from the assessment team arriving?”

Her task was to pick up the assessment and get as much information as possible from them regarding the internal assessment of Gu Shen.

And… most importantly, the assessment content was specially prepared for the S-grade!

Zhong Wei took a deep breath and summoned his courage once again. “Senior Sister, I…”

Ring! Ring!

The phone rang again.

Zhong Wei couldn’t remain calm any longer.

After he answered the call, his expression grew increasingly solemn.

After the call ended, Senior Sister Luo frowned. “Nan Jin again?”

“Yes.” After two interruptions, Zhong Wei had completely forgotten what he wanted to say earlier. He said seriously, “The identity of the owner of that suspicious car has basically been confirmed. It’s Han Dang. The information in that anonymous email is indeed true.”

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