Everyone In The Universe Is My Food Fan
Chapter 61 Table of contents

Chapter 61: Idols, Please Keep Your Distance from Fans!

Kneading dough and letting it rise can be a bit complicated.

But while it might seem complex to the fans, for Jiang Qiuqiu, making steamed buns was quite straightforward.

Using flour and yeast from this era, mixing flour and water, the two initially unrelated ingredients gradually became intertwined, and eventually the flour turned into a dough.

The dough at first wasn’t smooth. Jiang Qiuqiu emphasized the ratio of flour, water, and yeast. “After kneading the dough, we need to give the yeast and flour some time to ferment. At this point, we can wrap the dough in a sealed bag for 1-2 hours.”

“For the livestream’s sake, I’ll take out the dough I fermented earlier.”

“Fermented dough will expand. We just gently knead it like before to release the air bubbles inside. Then, we get a smooth dough. At this point, the whole process is almost complete.”

Divide the dough into roughly equal-sized small balls, then place them in a steamer and steam!

It’s all simple and quick methods. Before long, both the rice and steamed buns were ready. After Jiang Qiuqiu showed everyone the beautiful “main dishes,” she started a virtual tasting and prepared to end the livestream.

Before ending, she advertised in the livestream room, “I’ll quickly upload today’s teaching livestream video. If any fans want to try making it themselves, you can post your own cooking videos or processes in the pinned post in the Jiang Jiujiu Forum. I’ll have another livestream tonight at 8 PM to review the fans’ posts.”

Jiang Qiuqiu originally thought the livestream would end smoothly, but unexpectedly, her words stirred up a hornet’s nest, and people who should have been eating rice and nibbling on steamed buns suddenly appeared!

[What? Did Jiujiu will post this?]

[…Is the post will be specifically review by Jiujiu?]

They thought this livestream was just for entertainment within them.

[Why does Jiujiu know about the Forum?]

[Because this is Jiang Jiujiu’s Forum, obviously.]

[Does Jiujiu look at our posts in the Forum?]

“Of course.” Jiang Qiuqiu not only looks but also comments. She talked animatedly about a few recent popular posts in the livestream. “I think what everyone says is sometimes very appropriate.”

“And everyone’s dynamic emojis and videos are very cute, which has always been my motivation for cooking.”

Everyone often shares some silly things in the Forum, occasionally collectively mocking Jiang Qiuqiu’s dishes for having too little portion.

Or exploring some unrealistic fantasies about the streamer and indulging in a wonderful life.

The Forum discussion area contains all kinds of information.

Everyone always thought Jiang Qiuqiu didn’t have time to browse those posts, but they didn’t expect her not only to look at the Forum but also to sneakily look at so many!

[Jiujiu, you’re a streamer! You’re becoming a big streamer! Just look at the pinned posts in the future! Idols should keep their distance from fans!]

[Yeah! Keep your distance! Just look at the pinned posts, don’t look at our random chat posts!!!!!!]

Everyone clamored, insisting that Jiang Qiuqiu shouldn’t look at the posts, it’s too embarrassing.

With so many requests, Jiang Qiuqiu sighed and said with disappointment, “Okay, although I’ll still look at posts in the future, I won’t mention it in the livestream anymore.”

“You may not know, but the posts in the Forum often bring me joy.”

“Okay, the taste session is over. I hope everyone can try it out today! Tonight, let’s discuss the food we made ourselves!”

After finishing, Jiang Qiuqiu waved her hand and ended the livestream.

After the livestream ended, she took out a dish she had made earlier from the temperature-controlled cabinet and started eating it with rice.

As she ate, she wondered what the fans would cook today.

Since they’re measuring everything in grams, it shouldn’t be too difficult to succeed, right?

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