The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 55 Table of contents
  1. An Effective Way to Wash Your Body in a World of Swords and Magic


* * *


The busy day passes and my first day of duties as a maid apprentice comes to an end without incident.

It is now night.

I’m currently in a dimly lit room illuminated by a magic lamp, wisps of steam rising from the square tub filled with hot water, raising the humidity and temperature.

Having washed my body, I sit naked inside the tub, submerging myself in the hot water.

Yes, in other words, I’m taking a bath.

<Ahhh~~~…this is the best~~~…>

Extra is positively melting from the comfort.

The bathroom, thoroughly cleaned by Maid-senpai, is free of any mold odors and extremely pleasant.

This country (apparently called the Kingdom of Teenidys) has a  bathing culture.

The Salar Baronial household naturally has a bath that even the servants are allowed to use.

Apparently, according to that intimidating old butler, “It would be unacceptable to have you all serve the Baroness in an unsightly, unhygienic state!”

I’m not sure  if that’s a common view in this country, but I’m glad he insisted on it!

That part about “serving the Baroness” is a bit off though, isn’t it? As a butler, shouldn’t it be “serving the Baron?”

Ah, whatever.

Alright, I’ve warmed up enough, so I’ll  get out with a splash.

<Ahh~~~…Emi, just a bit more…>

Can’t do that, Extra.

Staying in too long could make you pass out from the heat.

Speaking of which, you know.

After seeing Maid-senpai’s technique, there’s something I wanted to try out.

I’ll give it a shot now.


I take a deep breath and concentrate.

First, as a test, I channel my magical power into my left arm.

No no, I’m not trying to use 【Body Strengthening】, okay?

The magical power manipulation I’ll be attempting is 【Peel】.

Concentrate, concentrate.

I focus on the dirt and grime clinging to the skin of my left arm – the accumulated filth from years of life in the wilds that couldn’t be removed even with soap.

Yes, bring that awareness to make it rise from my skin.


After sufficiently manipulating my magical power, I gently wipe my left arm with a towel.

And…oh, just as I expected!

<W-Wow, amazing Emi! The dirt ingrained in your skin came off completely!>

The experiment is a success!

I was able to use 【Peel】 to remove the dirt and filth, leaving my body polished clean!

<You’ve acquired an incredibly convenient technique, Emi. From now on, even  if you bathe in a river or lake while traveling, this 【Peel】 means you won’t need soap!>

Ehehe, you’re right, Extra!

I hold up my left arm, now radiantly white and beautiful, illuminated by the magic lamp, reveling in its shine.

In that case, I’ll polish every inch from my hair to my toes!

My freshly polished left arm tingles slightly when exposed to the air.

 If I overdo it with 【Peel】, it might start stinging painfully.

Carefully moderating the application of 【Peel】, I take my time meticulously cleaning every part of my body…


* * *


“Hey Maid, Emi still hasn’t gotten out of the bath?”

It’s said that girls take long baths.

Not just in Japan, but also here in this other world’s Kingdom of Teenidys, that understanding is shared.

However, this is too long.

It’s already been 3 hours since Emi headed to the bathroom.

As the lowest ranking servant, she was last in line for the bath.

So I instructed her to take her time without worrying about others.

The one who’s been waiting for Emi to  get out all this time is none other than Sara herself.

“What  if she drowned in the tub? That would be terrible! I need to go rescue her immediately!”

Having considered that dangerous possibility, Sara brushes off Maid’s attempts to reassure her that she’ll check on the situation, dashing out of her room at full speed towards the bathroom.

“Emiiii! Are you okaaay!?”

Without even knocking, Sara flings the bathroom door wide open!

The relatively warm air from inside flows out along with the steam, momentarily obscuring Sara’s vision.


Waving away the steam to peer inside, what entered Sara’s eyes was…Emi, having just finished polishing her entire body, about to  get out of the bath.

There was nothing amiss at all.

Emi hadn’t drowned or anything.

She had simply taken too long cleaning herself.

That was all there was to it.

Normally in this situation, the emotion Sara should be feeling is relief.

She should let out a sigh, saying “Oh, you’re alright! I was worried you might have drowned!” before returning to her room.

The usual Sara would have reacted that way.



However, Sara was simply left standing there, stunned.

For the maid apprentice girl standing before her was overwhelmingly beautiful.

Lustrous shining black hair and deep, deep black eyes.

Coupled with a beautiful, radiant white complexion that was the complete opposite.

A doll-like flawless face and figure.

For better or worse, Sara hardly harbored any prejudice against the black-haired, black-eyed cursed children.

As such, she was able to plainly recognize Emi’s beauty.

Emi was beautiful.

More beautiful than anyone Sara had ever met before.

Likely more beautiful than anyone she would meet going forward, Sara thought.


Emi calls out to the stunned, unmoving Sara.

It was then that Sara finally regained her senses.

“E-Emi! That bath was way too long! I thought you might have drowned! I was so worried! But I’m glad you’re okay! I was waiting to chat with you! But it’s too late now! So I’ll go to bed! Mother will scold me  if I stay up! Good night, Emi!”

Face flushed red, Sara rapidly blurted all that out before darting out of the bathroom, leaving the head-tilted Emi behind.

Once back in her room, Sara shoved the waiting Maid out, forcefully shut the door, and dived into her bed.

Sara was flustered.

Sara and Emi were of the same gender.

What had been raging within Sara’s heart at that moment was definitely not romantic longing or lust – nothing of that sort.

It was an indescribable shock.

That was the only way to put it.

Simply capturing that beautiful sight with her eyes was enough to send shockwaves through Sara’s very soul, leaving it utterly rattled.

She tightly shut her eyes.

Yet the vision of that beautiful girl remained seared into her mind’s eye, refusing to leave Sara’s thoughts no matter what.

Emi had, unwittingly, driven herself like a wedge deep into  the core of Sara’s heart and soul with her very existence.

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