Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 5 Table of contents

[Hmm, it feels a bit unsatisfying…]

“What kind of mischief are you trying to do again?”

[Isn’t it unsatisfying just to choose a weapon and leave school?]

What was wrong with that?

“There is no rush. There are still 3 years left in the academy…”

[No! Those 3 years are an illusion! It’s practically 1 year!]

“Well, that may be true… but I don’t think there’s a need to rush that much. It’s not like problems appear every day.”

But the Author’s words are right.

The fate of an academy novel.

After introducing the main characters, they will always be outside the academy.

Usually, that’s around the beginning of the second year, after exhausting all the academy novel cliches.

Of course, I know that.

But isn’t it a bit too fast a pace to burn through two episodes in a day?

…I smelt something was off.

It sounded like their voice was trembling a bit, too.

“How many chapters did you write yesterday?”

[Huh? W-why are you asking that suddenly?]

“You had some stockpiled, right?”


As expected.

It seems they recklessly wrote many chapters in a row without thinking.

But after writing so many consecutive chapters, they probably ran out of material for tomorrow.

They definitely need new material urgently and are frantically looking for a makeshift plot.

“How vexing… Hmm, what should I do?”

[Please, Reader. I’m in big trouble. I need material!]

“Then why don’t you look at other people in the story?”

[Aahh, besides you, Reader, it’s a bit difficult! Please, I’m begging you!]

Our Author always acts without thinking, which is the problem.

I’d rather not help out of annoyance, but I can’t do that.

They told me that looking at characters other than myself was draining for them.

In the end,  if the Author drops the pen, I’ll be at a much greater loss.

What would happen  if the Author who writes the fictional world suddenly stops the story?

Would the world stop moving or something? Ugh, I don’t even want to think about it.

Eventually, I let out a small sigh and accepted the Author’s request.

“I guess it can’t be helped.”

[Yay! As expected of Reader! I love you!]

“But if you recklessly write consecutive chapters again next time, you’ll get scolded.”


I suddenly realized something.

What will the Author do if no material can be found?

Even if a major incident happens and they can ride on that for a few days, there’s bound to be a gap eventually.

No matter how much of an academy it is, incidents can’t keep happening all year round, right?

When I casually asked that, I got a refreshingly straightforward answer.

[I’ll just go on hiatus?]


[It’s an irregular series anyway, so it’s fine!]

What is fine about that?

A sense of dread rushed over me.

Memories came flooding back of web novels that slowly died after going on indefinite hiatuses with just an episode or two released here and there.

Oh no, this can’t be!

“Okay, let’s give it a try. What kind of early development was there in academy stories…”

[There are duels and dungeon raids?]

“Shall we go with a duel?”

In the case of dungeon raids, those can be used plenty of times later.

But it’s a material that loses its flavor  if milked too many times.

On the other hand, duels can fit in many places.

A duel is perfect for the Author who is constantly struggling to find material.

[Okay! Then let me check the schedule right away…]

After a short while, Claire, who had said she would end early today, returned to the classroom after visiting the office.

“My apologies. I had planned to end early today, but the plan has changed. Could you spare some time?”

“Huh? But you said we’d be done here!”

“I did plan that, but apparently, there were orders to compare the students’ skill levels. We’ll be having a duel for some friendly competition.”

The students let out groans of displeasure.

Well, of course.

They were told the first class would end early today, but now there’s additional class time.

It’s only natural they’d complain.

Claire seemed aware of this, simply giving a wry smile.

“Change into your gym  clothes and come to the training grounds. It’ll be over quickly, so could you cooperate with me?”


Realizing they could do nothing, the students seemed to give up.

We all headed to the changing rooms to change  clothes.

[Ah yes, that’s how the chest should be…]

“…Why are you staring like that?”

[It’s the chest I created.]

Aren’t you being a bit too shameless?

I tried not to look in that direction since the female students were changing clothes nearby, keeping my eyes averted as I changed.

But I was attacked from an unexpected angle.

I didn’t think I’d actually be visible to you…

Without any room to worry about others, I hurriedly changed into my gym  clothes.

[Ahh, what a shame. I wanted to look more.]


I don’t even know what to say.

Was it because I was fidgeting for so long, trying not to look at the girls?

Before I knew it, I had left the now-empty changing room.

“Alright, everyone’s here. Let’s see, with 20 students total… Okay, pair up in twos.”


I looked around in bewilderment.

Everyone else was awkwardly but surely pairing up.

So that’s what she meant by ‘friendly competition’…

But I didn’t have anyone I was friends with?

[Hehehe, in academy novels, they often pair up, so I wanted to try it too!]

 If only the Author were right in front of me…I would have grabbed their head and shaken it back and forth.

It’s such a shame that only their voice can be heard.

I frantically turned towards Yu Siwoo and saw a blonde girl with a sword approaching him.

Oh no…!

I slightly loosened the thread of the sleeveless shirt I had worn under my gym  clothes.

I will wait until she is close enough to start a conversation…Then I’ll trip her!



With everyone’s eyes on the girl who had tripped over the thread, I quickly walked to Yu Siwoo.

“Excuse me,  if it’s not too much trouble, would you be my partner?”


“Yes. Haha, it’s a bit embarrassing, but I haven’t made any friends yet.”

Please, please, please…!

I heard there’s nothing more awkward than being paired with a stranger.

And well, I’ve also heard that guys get completely charmed by a girl acting cute.

…Though I’ve never been with a girl before, so I don’t know  if that’s true.

You know, I’m also a pretty beautiful girl aside from these slit pupils that make me look suspicious.

Long, slightly wavy jet-black hair reaching down to my chest.

A chest size between medium and large, leaning towards the larger side.

Captivating red eyes with a charming smile.

 If he’s a guy, wouldn’t he fall for an attractive girl like me  if I bat my eyelashes and act cute?

Yu Siwoo and I would have inevitably become friends anyway.

Which is better—becoming friends with Yu Siwoo by any means necessary or being awkwardly paired with a stranger?

Definitely the former!

Okay, I’ll swallow my embarrassment and give it a try.

“Won’t you please be my partner?”

[Wow, you’re flirting…]

Be quiet, Author.

I’ll slightly bend my body and give him a sweet smile here!

How’s that…!

I’ll even tilt my head a bit and flutter my eyelashes charmingly!

He’ll be smitten for sure! He’ll want to duel with me, right?!

…Huh, why isn’t he reacting?

“How strange…”

“I-I’ll do it! I will be your partner!”


I thought maybe he was the type who wasn’t interested in women, considering my failed seduction attempt.

But then he suddenly and urgently accepted.

What’s going on?

Not that I mind avoiding the worst outcome…

“Then, I’m in your care.”

Let me give you one last service.

I gave him a coy smile.

How’s that? Pretty cute, right?



One of the students approaching Yu Siwoo suddenly tumbled to the ground.

The loud noise made him instinctively turn his head, only to find a woman now standing before him.

It was Arte Iris.

“Excuse me,  if it’s not too much trouble, would you be my partner?”


Yu Siwoo already knew she was talking to him, but he still looked behind himself.

‘Please don’t let it be me!’

“Yes. Haha, it’s a bit embarrassing, but I haven’t made any friends yet.”

‘If you don’t have friends, then go make some!’

He wanted to retort but didn’t have the courage to do so against Arte.

The dagger in her hand was an excellent deterrent.

She kept tossing it up and catching it absentmindedly, but…

To Yu Siwoo, who viewed her as suspicious, it was an unsettling action.

“Won’t you please be my partner?”

‘Should I accept this?’

His brain had probably never been this active in his entire life before.

Countless simulations flashed through his mind.

…And then, Arte brought her face close to his.

She tilted her head slightly, looking up at him—to anyone else, this would look like an adorable act from a pretty girl.

‘But I won’t be fooled.’

She definitely has some ulterior motive for approaching.

As proof, look.

Through those slit eyelids that make her seem like she is squinting from a forced smile, he can faintly see her eyes.

Those eyes were piercing right through him.

Okay, I’ll refuse her here…

“How strange…”

The moment I resolved to refuse her,

Her smile vanished, and the dagger she had caught in her right hand glinted in the sunlight.

Seeing that expression, all the simulated outcomes in Yu Siwoo’s mind were wiped clean.

“I-I’ll do it! I will be your partner!”

Before he knew it, he urgently accepted her offer.

It felt like  if he refused, he might not wake up tomorrow.

“Then, I’m in your care.”

Her faint smile looked like a demon’s grin.

As  if she had caught her prey.

Yu Siwoo then thought,
He’ll have to say goodbye to sleep.

Translator’s Corner

I’ll try doing daily uploads for the most part, so yeah.


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