Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 9 Table of contents

“Come on, stand in a line. Before we start the measurements…”

Claire’s voice rang out.

From explaining the precautions for measuring mana to describing the actions to avoid, her voice detailed the overall rules in a monotonous and sleep-inducing manner, causing the students’ attention to become scattered.

“Hey, who do you think will get the highest score?”

“What do you mean? Obviously, those two.”

“Ah, the ones who took down the monsters?”


Yu Siwoo’s ears perked up.

Well of course, since they were talking about him.

It was an extremely interesting topic too.

Who was stronger?

“I can’t believe they easily took down Grade 3 monsters.”

“Right? They even took one down each apparently. Ah, what talent.”

“Um, ahem…”

Siwoo lowered his head and covered his mouth as much as possible.

He felt a mix of elation at the flattering praise and embarrassment at having his story told in a public place.

It was a contradictory feeling of not wanting to hear it, but also wanting to at the same time.

“But between those two, don’t you think that girl is stronger?”

“Ah, that suspicious one.”

Siwoo’s elated mood instantly sank.

He had a feeling he knew who they were talking about.

If it was a suspicious girl who seemed stronger than him, there was only one person it could be.

Honestly, he didn’t think he could beat her.

The look in her eyes right before she forfeited that time.

A smile like she had found an amusing toy.

The attack he dodged with all his might was probably a casual move to her.

Her nonchalance made that clear.

And yet that woman showed some inexplicable interest in me…

‘What on earth should I do?’

Yu Siwoo, who had lost his good mood, sighed.

“You’re Yu Siwoo, right?”

“…Huh? Yeah, but…”

Turning his head toward the unfamiliar high-pitched voice calling his name.


“Amelia. You can call me that also.”

“Oh, okay. Nice to meet you.”

A classmate, huh?

The girl who overwhelmed her opponent with incredible speed during her duel left quite an impression.

Why is she showing interest in me?

We’ve never spoken even once before.

“Say, about you… Could it be that…”

Amelia seemed to struggle to get her words out.

What is she trying to say?

Gathering her patience, she took a deep breath and spoke.

“What’s your relationship with Arte Iris?”

“…Arte? Why would you bring up that woman?”

The fleeting pink delusion that crossed Yu Siwoo’s mind instantly dissipated.

For a moment, just a moment, he thought spring may have come for him, too.

But it was still the harsh winds of winter.

“…I see. It doesn’t seem like you’re her accomplice. I guess I can trust you to some degree.”

“What’s going on?”

She asks if he had any relationship with that suspicious woman, then suddenly seems relieved when met with an ambiguous answer?

I can’t understand what she’s talking about at all!

“It seems she’s interested in you, so let me tell you. There’s a terrifying plot brewing within this academy…!”

“I’d appreciate it if you could explain in more detail.”

Yu Siwoo’s expression instantly turned serious.

A plot within the academy?

He needed to hear more to verify its authenticity.

But one thing is certain–it’s related to Arte again.

And Amelia seems to have information about her.

‘The chance to learn about the woman whose motives I can’t fathom has come to me!’

“Next, Yu Siwoo! It’s your turn!”
“…It seems I can’t say more right now. Let’s meet at lunchtime.”

“Okay. I’ll wait for you on the bench in the park.”

As he got up to go to the measuring device, Claire encouraged him.

“There is no need to be so stiff. You’ll get great results for sure.”

“Yes. Thank you for your concern.”

‘It seems I made her unnecessarily worry.’

When Yu Siwoo placed his hand on the measuring device, people let out exclamations of admiration.

An immense amount of mana, incredible talent, and so on.

But he couldn’t feel happy.

His mind was focused on Arte.

She was smirking at him.


“That’s as far as I’ve heard.”

“Ah, there’s a secret room inside the academy like that?”

“Shh! Keep your voice down!”


Yu Siwoo quickly shut his mouth and quietly looked around.

His voice got too loud without him realizing it.

…Thankfully, no one seems to be watching, though.

They let out sighs of relief together.

“Phew, that was a close one… But you get what I’m saying, right? You never know who might be listening.”

“Sorry. I was just too surprised.”

“Well, if what you said is true…to think the monster attack was orchestrated…”

“It’s not confirmed yet, though.”

“You said you overheard her muttering to herself even before the incident occurred?”

That’s true, but…

Yu Siwoo’s heart grew conflicted.

It felt like the academy’s security he respected had been breached far too easily.

“Honestly, it’s hard for me to believe what you’re telling me, too.”

“Same here, you know?”

Neither of us could fully believe the other’s stories.

But we didn’t refute them either.

I just had an inexplicable certainty that it was plausible because it was her.

We simply compared our accounts.

“Okay, let me summarize. She somehow caused the monster incident and instantly hacked the academy’s database. Right?”


“She was also monitoring your house. Afterward, she talked about some secret room in the academy storing a powerful artifact… Is that about it?”

“Will you tell the teachers about…”

“Could I? That she instantly hacked the database? Do you think they’d believe me? I’d just be labeled a madwoman and demoted from academy student to a mental hospital patient.”

Well, that’s true.

Without evidence, there’s no way the teachers would believe them.

Her behavior is suspicious, but her status is just that of a student.

They’ll likely think they’re slandering her out of jealousy and face backlash.


After exchanging information, they both fell into contemplation.

‘As academy students, what could we do against this grand conspiracy?’

That seemed to be Amelia’s concern, but Yu Siwoo’s was different.

‘Why me…?’

Amelia had coincidentally discovered Arte’s suspicious behavior, but him?

True, his initial suspicions were also a coincidence.

But after that, Arte approached him herself.

It felt so unfair.

Everyone else was making friends and enjoying their school life normally.

But he got caught up in all this shady talk about grand conspiracies and whatnot right after entering the academy in a shady place not frequented by students.

“Okay, I’ve decided.”

“On what?”

“I’m going to become her friend.”


For a moment, he couldn’t comprehend what Amelia said so bluntly.

Become friends? With Arte Iris?

“In terms of her status, she’s just an academy student. She attends classes regularly, and she seems like an ordinary student from the outside.”

“That may be, but friends?”

“Not just friends. My goal is to become a close friend who’s always with her inside the academy.”

Suddenly become friends with Arte?

…Could it be that she wants to…

“You don’t mean you want to live with her…?”

“What are you talking about? Of course, it’s to keep an eye on her.”


I felt embarrassed for even considering that thought momentarily.

Right, of course.

She seems too righteous to get close to Arte for that reason.

“You mentioned this ‘Author’ person, right?”

“Yeah, that’s what she called them.”

“I’ve heard about this ‘Author’ too… There must definitely be some means for her to contact them. We need to seize that.”


“It will be easier for me, as another girl, to get close to her than for you, a guy. So I’ll definitely become her close friend.”

Ah, so that’s why she wants to be friends.

Like Amelia said, if we became close friends who stuck together at all times in the academy, it would be difficult for Arte to contact this ‘Author.’

We could easily track her movements, too.

If we could somehow create an opening and seize her means of contacting the ‘Author’…

“We could convince the teachers then.”

“Right. With evidence, we could. Conveniently, we’re choosing clubs for the next period, so if I join the same club as her…”

“What kind of conversation are you two having?”

We instantly froze at the voice that suddenly came from behind, accompanied by a head popping out.

Black hair.
A smiling face.
But in contrast to the expression, piercing red eyes.


“Ha, haha… How much did you hear…?”

“Hm? I just got here. I didn’t hear anything?”

“Oh, I see. …We were just discussing which clubs to join. Amelia, this girl, and I were thinking of joining together. …Right?”

“Huh?! Yes! That’s right! We got a bit carried away and didn’t notice our surroundings. Ha, haha…”

Did she really not hear?

‘We’re saved…’


[Hmm, I wonder why they’re sweating so much. Is it hot?]

Well, I didn’t hear what they were talking about, so I can’t answer your question either, Author.

[Geez, speaking of which, the main character is already alone with a heroine?! Kyaa!]

What are you talking about?

They just said they were discussing clubs, didn’t they?

To think they were dating already when they just met–that’s impossible, right?

I was suddenly curious about what was going through the Author’s mind.

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