Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 16 Table of contents

TN: Thank Clone Trooper once again… Part 4. Really, both of us are spoiling you guys with chapters.

“…She’s really being obvious about it.”

Lyla didn’t seem to have any intention of hiding the fact that she wanted to kill me.

Her gaze burning into the back of my neck was scorching.

She was openly displaying hostility towards me.

Pretending not to notice was a struggle.

“Have you decided on my group?”

[Of course! There will be a spy, the protagonist, the Reader, and one extra! It’s perfect.]

“You added an extra?”

[Well, I had something in mind.]

The Author was thinking of something again.

I prayed it wasn’t headed in a bad direction.

I can’t control every little thing after all.

 If I tried to control the Author’s every move, my mind and body wouldn’t be able to take it.

[Hehe, I’m looking forward to the dungeon!]

“…Oh, Author, can I ask for something.”

[What is it?]

“Can you give me some money?”


I felt the need to squeeze some more money out of the Author.

The first signs of trouble were brewing at the academy. I needed to prepare.

[I can do that, but what is it for now?]

“I want to buy some clothes.”

[You’re exploiting me for your own desires! Reader, I didn’t expect this from you!]

What are you talking about?

I need to buy them.

“I need to stay around the protagonist after all. I’ll need something to cover myself up in case anything happens.”

[…Ah! I didn’t think of that! As expected from the Reader!]

Just think about it.

You deliberately tied Siwoo, Lyla, and me together because you want to see the protagonist’s exploits, right?

What  if hypothetically speaking, Lyla and Siwoo ended up in a one-on-one situation that I couldn’t witness?

Or maybe some ancient horror could emerge as they made a fuss.

I have to prevent that.

One way or another, I needed to observe Siwoo’s actions in important events.

But  if I openly followed Siwoo everywhere, he’d get suspicious, right?

According to the Author, he can only detect physical threats…

Would hiding be enough?

Well, it wouldn’t hurt to be more cautious based on the Author’s actions, would it?

That way, even if I get found out, I can mumble some excuse as long as he doesn’t see my face.

“I’ll buy a mask and hood.”

[Should I add a voice modulation feature to the mask and a face recognition prevention enchantment to the hood?]

“…Is that even possible?”

[Nothing is impossible.]

“Please do that then.”

How should I put it?

It felt like playing an RPG game with infinite money and items.

The Author is truly the best cheat.


“Oh, there you are, Prostitute.”

“I told you not to call me that, Jeffrey.”

The woman turned around at the frivolous voice, and sure enough, a guy with a lecherous look was approaching her.

Well, she already knew without checking.

He’s the only one who calls her by the ridiculous nickname “Prostitute.”

“Why not? It fits. You’re a woman who uses a spear, so Prostitute.*”


Instantly, she accelerated the spear she was gripping and brought it to Jeffrey’s nape.


Finally, he shut his mouth when the sudden attack left a small wound.

“Ah, I got it. Sorry, Amelia.”

“Call me that one more time, and I’ll slit your mouth open, got it?”


‘This guy is really unlikable.’

Even  if she warned him like this, the next day, he’d be singing “prostitute, prostitute” again like nothing happened.

Amelia was just happy she could shut his mouth for now.

As much as she didn’t want to keep talking to such a man…She had no choice.

Jeffrey was skilled beyond belief.

He had a reputation as an informant even before entering the academy. She can’t not use him.

“So, what information do you have on her?”

“…Which one?”

“Lyla first.”

“Got it.”

Sitting leisurely on a park bench, he began to speak.

“Well, about that failure student. I don’t understand why a lady like you wants me to investigate a girl like that, but…”

“Just get to the point.”

“There’s nothing much, except for the information that she suddenly got stronger recently.”

“…Did she display any suspicious behavior around the time she got stronger?”

“Nope. Even with the fee you paid, she hasn’t done anything.”


A dead end, huh?

 If he says there was nothing notable, then there really must not have been anything out of the ordinary besides her suddenly getting stronger.

Amelia felt a tinge of disappointment and noticed he was staring intently at her.

The atmosphere felt strange somehow.

“My hunch is that your target isn’t that failure student; it’s the other one, right? That failure student is probably just associated with her.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Ha, isn’t it obvious? Anyone investigating this would come to that conclusion.”

Jeffrey’s face suddenly contorted as he flipped through the documents with a sharp gaze.

It was like the look of someone who lost a bet they were confident in winning–not an ordinary bet, but one in their own area of expertise.

It looked like his pride had been scratched.

“Arte Iris. No elementary school records. No middle school records. No high school records. No birth registration. No information on parents. No information on relatives. No information on birthplace…You’re kidding me, right?”


“You’re telling me a person with absolutely no background information is just walking around as a student at the academy?”

“But can’t you find something more?”


Jeffrey’s loud laughter drew the momentary attention of students in the park before they dispersed. After laughing until he was out of breath, he declared with a hardened expression.

“Sorry, lady. I’m out.”


“I’m still a student, you know. I’ve got a long life ahead of me. I don’t want to die. To be honest, I wanted to just run away.”

“Jeffrey, wait…!”

“Since the fee you paid me was quite large, you’d better clean your ears and listen up.”

Amelia wanted to stop Jeffrey as he tried to leave right away.

But his expression made her stop reaching out.

It was a look of sheer terror.

Had he found something he couldn’t comprehend?

“Arte Iris’ documents are incredibly sloppy. The academy teachers haven’t noticed because they lack the authority to view the document. Still,  if anyone outside investigated her even once, they’d catch on immediately.”

“Then what?!”

“Don’t you get it yet? Let me spell it out for you…They put a person who seemingly doesn’t exist in this world into the academy, which boasts the highest level of security.”


“At the first sign of anyone catching wind of it, she’ll instantly be covered with false information. Where she lived, who she lived with, who her parents are… There might even be newly created childhood friends she never actually had.”

His words poured out like a machine gun, betraying his desperation.

He wanted out as soon as possible.

…But as an informant, he had to finish the job.

So he would quickly give the information, then cut all ties with her.

“They just haven’t felt the need yet. But know that it’s their choice to stay silent.”

“…I see. I don’t want you getting in danger either.”

“Okay…Sorry, lady. I wish the best for you.”

“Thanks for your work, Jeffrey.”

In the end, Amelia couldn’t stop him from leaving.

…But it wasn’t a complete waste.

She realized Arte was essentially a person who didn’t exist in this world; someone who may as well not exist at all.

The fact that she was an academy student was the only proof of her being a real person.

“…That’s how it is.”

“Someone who doesn’t exist in this world…”

No matter how much Siwoo and Amelia racked their brains, they came to the same conclusion–the midterm exams were dangerous.

“Siwoo, you were in the same group as her for the midterms, right?”

“Yeah. Lyla, me, Arte, and one other person.”

When Arte communicated with the “Author,” Siwoo overheard that the academy would eventually be attacked.

He didn’t know exactly when it would happen, but still.

“Be careful, Siwoo. Lyla definitely has some kind of connection to her.”


Honestly, he felt uneasy.

Of all people, he was grouped with Lyla and Arte?

It felt like some cruel joke of fate, so he couldn’t help but lament.

Siwoo zoned out for quite a while.

“But you probably won’t die. Don’t worry…Of course, don’t let your guard down too much, just in case.”

“Huh? I won’t die?”

Seeing how tense Siwoo was, Amelia decided to give him a little encouragement so he didn’t have a total meltdown.

It wasn’t that difficult of a task.

All she had to do was add a bit of imagination to reality.

“That woman seems to have taken an interest in you, you know.”

“…I guess so?”

“We don’t know exactly why she’s interested yet, but you wouldn’t suddenly kill someone you find intriguing, would you?”

“Of course not!”

“Right. It’s the same deal. As long as Arte feels that interest in you, she won’t just outright kill you.”

Amelia wasn’t actually sure  if that was true or not.

The way villains act is quite varied, after all.

But there was no need to add to Siwoo’s anxiety with those kinds of thoughts right now.

‘Still, I should give him a bit of a warning so he doesn’t let down his guard completely.’

“…But don’t let your guard down too much either. Lyla is different from her; she might kill you  if you disagree with something.”

“Got it, I’ll be careful.”

Who would have thought the supposedly normal academy life would turn out to be such a roller coaster?

Looking back, Siwoo almost pitied his former self, who prayed for an exciting academy experience when enrolling.

Exciting is an understatement–it’s been downright brutal!

Translator’s Corner

*창녀 (prostitute) sounds similar to 창을 쓰는 여자 (a woman who uses a spear.)

Also, the writer of this series (had to write it this way so there is no confusion) replied to a comment with some spoilers. It concerns Arte’s potential relationships, so I’m cutting it.  If you want to know more, DM or ping me on the Discord server. It’s somewhere at the top of the page.


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