Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 26 Table of contents

“Will they really come?”

A few days later, after the second swimming lesson.

Amelia was looking around anxiously.

She had a doubtful expression, wondering  if a villain would really appear.

“Don’t worry. It will definitely happen.”

“Oh, really…?”

Well, it can’t not happen.

The Author said they would be here.

[The fan service scene and the protagonist’s agony at once…! He, hehe.]

Look at that.

She’s already anticipating what kind of scene will unfold.

The idea that there won’t be a villain here is simply impossible.

“There’s no reaction yet.”

She tapped the detector in her hand.

It was called a detector, but it was just a round orb that could fit in one hand.

It didn’t look like one at all.

Out of curiosity about whether it could detect mana, she had tried using her abilities from quite a distance.

The result was a great success.

It rang extremely loudly.

When we asked the president about its sensitivity,

“It was made by students, so don’t expect the best,”

I guess there’s a reason they could find secret passages within the school but not the Secret Room.

No, why was she so realistic in the most unnecessary places?

Could it be the Author…?

This plot line would’ve been for naught  if the performance were too good.

No, did the Author really think that far ahead?

I’m not sure. I should just go with the flow.

“By the way, aren’t you worried?”

“…Huh? About what?”

“No, I mean showing your body to the guys. Siwoo and that villain.”


“I’m not worried.”


“… It’s a secret.”

There’s no way I can tell her.

Why would a guy feel embarrassed showing his body to another guy?

It’s not like I’m openly exposing myself like last time.

I’m not completely naked, either.

I’m wearing a leotard.

But my current appearance is that of a female.

It was obvious Amelia wouldn’t understand  if I said something like that.

In times like these, it’s best to change the target.

“What about you, Amelia?”

“Huh? …Me?”

“Yes. Setting me aside, you must feel some resistance to it, right?”

It may be fine for me since I was originally a guy, but she’s a girl.

Surely, the Author wouldn’t make her a trans heroine.

“I don’t care either.”


“It’s for the sake of catching the culprit.”

[Ooh. A model heroine.]

The Author and I were amazed by her determination.

I guess this is what makes her the heroine.

Enduring her embarrassment to take the lead in catching the villain, keep it up.


“That is…!”

“Aha. It seems they’ve arrived.”

The other students have long left the changing room.

It loudly rang in the empty room.

… It’s really too much. It hurts my ears.

Do they just leave this lying around?

At least they didn’t throw it away.

It was certainly effective.

Even  if I tried to ignore it, it forcefully pierced my eardrums with its sound.

Upon hearing that noise, Siwoo came in from the boys’ changing room.

“The culprit! Where is the culprit…?!”

…What perfect timing.

He turned red and hurriedly looked away.

His bright red ears hinted at why the protagonist turned away so hastily.

Aren’t you a bit too weak against the female form?

Amelia may have a nice figure, but for his face to turn red just from looking at her?

As the protagonist of an academy novel, he should be used to the sight since he’ll be chasing girls.

“Well, they’re definitely here. Want to try finding it?”


“Yes. Use that intuition of yours.”

“B-but my ability only activates when I’m attacked.”


I expected him to say that.

But isn’t it about time his abilities grew a little?

This is already the third incident, after all.

The monster attack, the spy infiltration, and now this.

And that’s not to mention fan service and class parts.

Not powering up the protagonist may lead to the readers getting bored.

No, maybe it’s already too late.

“Shouldn’t your ability be able to detect crisis?”


“There must be a reason it’s called ‘Intuition,’ right? Come on, focus. Look around you.”

[…! Protagonist power-up event!]

That’s right.

The protagonist is about to give up, unable to find the culprit.

But with some guidance, he was able to improve his ability.

A classic awakening event.

There’s no need for detailed guidance.

The Author will fill in the rest.


“Is there some kind of problem…?”

I didn’t direct that question to anyone in particular.

Siwoo had his eyes closed, sweating profusely, while the Author seemed perplexed, letting out a confused voice.

[What…The ability…? Huh?]


What’s wrong, why did you trail off?

What happened to his ability?

How can I ask the Author about it without making it too obvious?

You’re really leaving me curious here.

But that thought didn’t last long.

Siwoo suddenly opened his eyes and swung his sword through the air.

“…Over there!”


A sword swung at air should continue moving until stopped by the wielder or the surroundings.

But  if it stops in an empty spot?

…And even makes a sound like metal clashing against metal?

In this situation, the implication was not difficult to grasp.

The protagonist had found the villain.

“How…! My concealment was perfect! I removed my scent! Visual detection should have been impossible!”

The utterly flustered villain cried out loudly.

He seemed quite disconcerted, understandably so.

He had infiltrated the impenetrable academy and caused havoc within,

Only to be discovered by a student.

“Ahaha. We didn’t find you through sight or smell.”


Siwoo’s ability is rather lackluster for a protagonist.

It’s not flashy, can’t enhance his body momentarily, nor can it produce explosive firepower.

However, his ability grows more valuable the more it develops.

Touch, taste, sight, hearing, smell.

In addition to the five human senses, he has one more.


A sixth sense that allows him to feel things ordinary people cannot perceive.

Even  if he can’t see with his eyes, smell scents, touch physically, taste, or hear, he can still sense something present.

If it grows sufficiently, it may become a premonition ability of sorts.

It must seem like a nightmare to villains.

No matter how they attack or ambush, he sees through it and evades.

An unassuming yet terrifying power.

…And that power has now grown stronger.

Abilities that deceive the human five senses are useless against Siwoo’s intuition.

“Kuh…! Damn!”

Utterly vexed, the villain instantly concealed himself from sight.

…Wow, I really can’t see him.

Is he still in that spot? Or has he already moved while invisible?

As I marveled at his unseen form, Siwoo acted again.


“…I may not see you, but I know where you are. Hiding is futile.”

[Kuhuh…! So cool! Say more cool stuff!]

Agh, seriously.

She’s ruining the vibe here.

It felt like watching a movie with someone loudly commenting on what they think.

“Yes, the great power of the Übermensch, bested by a mere brat like you…!”


[Ah. Now that they mention it, I forgot to briefly inform the protagonist about them…]

…Come to think of it, I forgot too!

Lyla didn’t actually refer to the organization by name, did she?

She didn’t say it was the work of the Übermensch.

“That form… Are you a chameleon?”

“Yes, this is the great power the Übermensch has bestowed upon me. Interested?”

“No, I’ve just seen a similar appearance before. Hers was a wolf, though.”


Thankfully, Siwoo is smart.

He must’ve recalled Lyla’s animal transformation, making the connection.

“A wolf…? Ah, yes, the newcomer they mentioned. The one that died carrying out a mission at the academy, I heard…Did you kill her?”


“…Though I haven’t seen it myself, I cannot allow the one who killed an inheritor of our great power to live.”


Ah, wait a sec.

I almost laughed there.

When he said “inheritor,” it reminded me of that contrived setting I shoehorned in.

What was it again?

Something about their ancestors mating with werewolves?

That made Lyla being a lycanthrope even funnier.

Ugh, I can’t laugh. This is an important scene right now.

I somehow managed to stifle my laughter and continued watching the fight.


The villain instantly vanished and reappeared behind Siwoo’s back.

Wow, fast.

…Is he planning to cut him from behind?

Just in case, I prepared to fire the threads I had ready.

It would be bad  if he got injured.

But there was no need to intervene.

Without even looking back, Siwoo spun and kicked the villain’s side with his foot.

Superhumans are certainly stronger than ordinary humans.

But no matter how superhuman, they are not invincible.

Being kicked with that much mana infused, even they would sustain a fatal injury.

Wow, I think that ruptured his internal organs…?


“I told you, old man.”

While the villain knelt clutching his side in agony, Siwoo calmly rested his sword against his neck.

“Even  if I can’t see you, I know where you are.  No matter how fast you move, I can see exactly where you’ll go.”

The Author excitedly rapid-fired comments at me like a machine gun.

Ah, damn.

So noisy.

Author’s Note:

I resisted the urge to fully unveil Arte’s abilities

Siwoo needs to get a chance to shine, too…

Not yet…the time…is not right!

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