Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 33 Table of contents

“What should we do, Marmo?”

“Tch, where did that crazy bitch even come from? You guys, did you do what I told you?!”

“Ye, yes! Of course!”

“Damn it…!”

I couldn’t take my eyes off the horror in the CCTV footage.

I was planning to spend some time relaxing and having fun at the hideout, but it was all ruined because of that insane woman.

I never even worried that someone might find out about us.

No, the moment I sensed we’d been discovered, I could have immediately fled.

I was confident in my ability to run and hide.

That’s the only skill that allowed me to rise to the rank of executive in Ubermenschen.

…Alright, I admit the hideout’s location was risky.

But it was an unavoidable choice to feed and shelter so many people.

This was the best option to provide for all those mouths.

An abandoned dungeon site that most people avoided.

The outermost corner of that area.

I even deceived the public by claiming it was private property to prevent anyone from accidentally wandering in.

There’s no way someone could have stumbled in by chance.

They definitely had a clear objective for coming here.

But how could I have failed to notice?

If she had sensed even the slightest clue about this place’s location, there’s no way I would have missed it.

What happened?

“Oh, she’s moving at an insane speed! At this rate, she’ll be here any second!”

“That insane…!”

A chill ran down my spine.

Among the executives, I’m the weakest. Not surprising, since I specialize in hiding and fleeing.

But an executive is still an executive.

A level incomparable to the grunts, or so I had prided myself.

Yet I didn’t think I could defeat that woman.

The way she instantly turned dozens into cubed steaks without a shred of hesitation or remorse… sent shivers down my spine.

For an academy student to commit such atrocities while wearing that uniform?

No matter how much they say student defections have become a social issue, there’s no way a human like that could exist at the academy.

She’s not an academy student. She’s a villain.

“Did some other villain organization infiltrate the academy with her…? Tch, run! Everyone get ready; we’re out of time!”

“That might be difficult for them.”

“What’s so difficult! Just do as I…say…”

Wait a minute.

…That voice just now wasn’t one of my underlings, was it?

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. You must be the one in charge here.”



“Haha, how passionate. I like that. Your drive is impressive. As expected of an executive. You pass.”

This insane bitch didn’t even flinch!

It was meant to be a sneak attack.

The dagger I always keep on me for emergencies.

I poured my mana into it and threw it.

The intruder was completely off guard.

Her relaxed demeanor. The carelessness of not even looking at my hand.

Every sign pointed to this being the perfect ambush.

…But in the blink of an eye, the dagger shattered.

And the moment I realized the ambush had failed and tried to flee without looking back, I saw her clothes flare with mana.

“Damn it! Attack incoming! Everyone, brace–!”

But by the time I realized that it was already too late.

In an instant, threads had unraveled and wrapped around the necks of my men and myself.

That wasn’t some indiscriminate massacre…!

Damn it. I was too tense after seeing her cube people so brutally…!

“Don’t move. You might get hurt.”

“M-Marmo! Ugh, you bitch!”

“Ah, I said don’t move.”


The sickening sound of flesh tearing and bone crunching echoed hauntingly.

Ha, haha…

What the hell was that?

That guy was definitely an enhanced physical ability user, right?

I remember him.

He usually took point on missions.

The guy who wouldn’t get more than a scratch even if mauled by a monster.

Yet he died that easily to her?

The threads around his neck tightened in an instant, and with a single twitch, his neck twisted with that horrific sound.

I don’t need to check to know.

He’s dead. Killed by that woman’s hand.

Cleanly, without the slightest hesitation.

As casually as a butcher slaughtering a pig in an abattoir, she ended a life.

“Well, I did tell you not to move. It’s dangerous, you know.”

A chill ran down my spine.

Anyone who witnessed that scene would feel the same way.

Of course, watching a person’s neck being violently ripped apart like that…

No matter how villainous, it’s rare to find someone so utterly remorseless about taking a life.

She’s completely insane.

The way she doesn’t even see us as human beings.

Even hardened villains who have been through everything couldn’t fathom resisting her now.

Life is precious, after all.

Going against someone who doesn’t view you as human is just pointlessly inviting death.

Now, none of us besides that woman can move freely.

Her threads are wrapped around all of our necks here!

Cold sweat trickled down my neck, sliding onto the thread.

The sensation was unnervingly soft, like caressing a baby’s delicate skin.

Disgustingly smooth.

It felt like touching fine silk, but I couldn’t enjoy the experience.

Normally, I would have taunted and mocked her lewd body.

But it was impossible now.

The image of my subordinate instantly becoming a cold corpse flashed in my mind.

This woman is clearly threatening us.

She could kill us at any moment, but by keeping us alive,

She’s silently pressuring us to obey her or die.

“…What do you want?”

“Ahaha. What I want, you ask?”

“Cut the crap. You could kill us instantly, but you’re keeping us alive, so spill it. What are the conditions?”

Her mocking laughter was infuriating.

Damn it.

I’ve got the worst luck.

“The same as those who left earlier? Attack and kill the students, and I’ll let you live. How about it?”

“…I don’t have a choice to refuse, do I? Fine.”

“Good. I’m glad we can communicate! Now hurry and go!”

“…Tch. Let’s go, everyone. The mountain cabin. Our target is three academy students we spotted earlier.”

“Yes, sir! You got it!”

I heard four academy students were coming here.

Four my ass.

There was a demon among them.

Shit, the academy is so damn incompetent.

With the taxes I pay, they can’t even filter out one dangerous bitch like her?

“M-Marmo. Maybe we should flee while we still can…”

“No, it’s impossible. We’re trapped too cleverly.”

Of course, I had considered fleeing.

She was already far enough away that I couldn’t see her anymore.

But it was impossible.

“Remember what that woman looked like?”

“Wh-what? She’s…I can’t seem to recall…?!”

That’s how it is.

It’s not like I’m some amnesiac.

That bitch who weaponized her own outfit was meticulous.

…Her face, I can’t remember it.

When she was right before me, I could clearly recall her appearance.

But when I closed my eyes to picture it again, it was like a fog clouded my mind–I couldn’t visualize her face.

All I remember is some woman in a leotard.

Where did she even get an artifact like that?

Ability users are limited to one power each.

If her power is manipulating threads, then her face should be visible.

That must be why she didn’t use a hoodie.

It was an artifact.

“The threads around our necks won’t come off either, so it’s too dangerous. For now, we have to follow her demands.”

“Kuh, damn it…”

“Don’t worry. You know me well.”

“Yes, sir! We’re counting on you, Marmo!”

“That’s right.”

I suppressed the rising irritation.

How can I break free from that insane woman’s clutches?

Marmo’s mind raced to come up with a solution.


“Well, it turned out better than I expected!”

[R-Really? Hehehe.]

“Yeah. I thought I’d be in more trouble when you said you made 200 of them. What is there to worry about if they were only like that?”

[W-Well…you seemed really upset, so…]


Why would I be upset?

Our Author made sure to account for the plausibility of having 2,400 villains.

“I was wondering why they had guns, but I see you snuck in that extra setting.”

That’s right.

Those weaklings who didn’t even notice the threads.

I realized they had guns because the Author discreetly added another setting somewhere along the way.

“Hmm, the goal of making humanity superhuman was a nice Ubermenschen touch…You said the reasoning behind it was good?”

[Yes, yes. But no more spoilers! Even if it’s you, Reader, I can’t share everything!]

“It’s okay. I can accept that.”


It made sense why so many villains thought they could become superhumans with that setting.

The goal of making all of humanity superhuman?

Of course, it’s an extremely cliche premise.

One I’ve consumed and digested so much that I know the taste without trying it.

But cliches are cliches for a reason.

Readers prefer the guaranteed flavors they already know.

If you try cooking up something too new, you could end up with a mint-chocolate pineapple pizza disaster instead of the familiar kimchi stew everyone craves.

People are daring enough to try those experiments, but the masses prefer reliable, proven tastes.

That’s why classic cliches like kimchi stew remain popular staples.

Of course, if you only feed them kimchi stew, they’ll eventually get sick of it and crave something different…

But I don’t need to worry about that now.

Better to feed them a little stale kimchi stew than a mint-chocolate pineapple pizza abomination, right?

The readers following the Author’s story will be grateful to me, too.

Hmm, well, whatever.

“The setting that their suitability for the enhancing serum determines if even ordinary people can become superhumans is really good.”


“Nice touch that the leader of a villainous organization could have motives to betray them, too.”

[H-How did you know that?!]

No, it’s a cliche.

I know the flavor she was going for without tasting it.

“Alright, let’s get going then. It’s about time I kept an eye on Siwoo.”

[Okay, okay!…Ah ya…]

“Hmm? What was that?”


How dull.

…And I ended up regretting not pressing the Author about it later.

I had no idea she was pulling something so cool behind my back.

I have to give credit where it’s due.

Wait, that’s not the point.

A word from the Author (author review)
What does kimchi pizza sweet and sour pork taste like?

I heard it’s delicious.

No matter how much I think about it, it doesn’t seem to taste good.

People who only look at mobile devices can see one cover, right? (On Novelpia, the series cover is the gif I put in one of the earlier chapters. So, it only changes when you tap the cover directly.)

Leotard today!

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