Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 45 Table of contents

“This is bad.”

“Yeah. I thought three of them would be enough…”

“We realized too late that the other side was also an organization, so it can’t be helped. They were way stronger than we thought. We underestimated them too much. We couldn’t know since that guy was the one who died first.”

“Marmo was always a bit weak.”

In a dim conference room.

The ownerless chairs placed around a table depicting twelve animals caught the eye.

It was usually bustling with people.

Was he the only one who felt that atmosphere? Everyone seemed quieter than usual for some reason.

“…So? Boss isn’t here yet?”

“She told you not to call her ‘Boss.’ Don’t you remember?”

“No, even if we say Twelve Zodiacs or executives, this organization was created by that person in the end. What’s wrong with calling the Boss, Boss?”

“It’s not a big mistake, but didn’t she ask you not to? She said to treat them as an equal.”

“…Ah, welcome, Boss.”

“Sigh. You never change.”

Speak of the devil.

As he had silly thoughts, the Boss with beautifully shining jade-colored horns approached their seat.

He thought she would sit, but why isn’t she?

“Boss? I believe your seat is there, right?”

Ignoring his question, Boss walked towards the window and suddenly opened the curtains.

“What are you, children of darkness? Get some sunlight.”

“Aah, my eyes! Boss, we’re villains, so we are children of darkness! Close the curtains quickly!”

“…Is that so?”

Everyone suffered from the sudden sunlight, so she smiled awkwardly and closed the curtains again.

She’s still learning unnecessary things—things she doesn’t need to do. He knows she’s trying to be considerate of the other members, but she doesn’t have to do this.

After a ruckus, the heavy atmosphere lightened. Still, everyone sobered up at a single phrase uttered by the Boss.

“Four died.”


“Wow, I didn’t know it would feel this empty with a few people gone. It’s scary how I got used to the noise.”


“I know, I know. We’re villains, and it wouldn’t be strange for us to die or get arrested at any time.”

Boss momentarily stared at the empty chairs and explained why she called the emergency meeting.

“Everyone listen. The plan went awry.”

“Yeah, it did. What will we do now? Didn’t we decide to raid the Academy?”

“Yes, we did…And there will be no changes to the plan. We’ll push through as is.”

“What? But that’s–.”

“Assuming everyone was present, you thought it was possible? But it seems more unlikely now. I know that too. But you also know our goal, right?”

“…Yeah, I know it well.”

Is there anyone here who didn’t?

The Secret Room the Boss found by chance in the memoirs of the first principal.

And the artifact sleeping there.

That was the key to the organization’s ultimate goal.

“We need to get that to achieve our goal. That’s why everyone was happy when we converted that kid, right? Because we thought we could easily get there.”

“In the end, they died without being of any use.”

“Phew, yeah. It would have been nice if they had just stayed alive.”

The Boss, sighing at the other executives’ words, declared.

“We need to find the artifact hidden inside the Academy. Only then can we fulfill our wish. We can’t delay the plan any further.”

“…All because of Arachne.”

“Right. Those annoying bunch. Seems like they really hate villains.”

Well, it’s understandable.

No matter how nicely you put it, villains are undeniable criminals.

Not just criminals but ones so strong that victims have no way to retaliate.

Even the authorities don’t attempt to catch Arachne, except for a few.

Tch. Aren’t those guys villains too? Why don’t they take action?

Is it because it’s convenient? That’s probably the most likely possibility.

They’re taking care of the troublesome guys that they didn’t want to deal with.

“It would be right to get rid of them and raid the Academy, but…”

“No. The damage will be too big. We already lost a third of our members. We would need to gather all of our members. You think the authorities will let that slide?”

“…Not a chance.”

“It’s enough for everyone to gather on the day of the raid.”

The chatter of Tiger and the Boss echoed in his ears.

They must be discussing how to steer the organization in a better direction.

Other executives’ voices started mixing in, but he closed his ears and lowered his head.

He doesn’t know much about such difficult matters.

The Boss will take care of it. They always have.

I’m the Boss’s loyal dog. It was enough to always be by their side.

“…Ani. Ani!”

“Ah, Boss.”

“I told you not to call me Boss. Anyways, you fell asleep during the meeting again. I said it was important.”

“But I don’t know much about that stuff.”

“Sigh, what am I to do with you.”

Even when the Boss sighed, he was simply happy.

Since she woke me up, they’ve made the final decision.

“Is it decided?”

“…Yeah. We’ll raid the Academy.”


“Start of vacation. Security will be lightest then.”

“I see.”

“…Ani, you never express doubt.”

“Mir has always been right.”

He burrowed into the Boss’s arms as she smiled bitterly.

He was the Boss’ loyal dog.


[They decided to launch an all-out attack at the start of vacation!]


[Übermensch! Attacking the Academy in full force at the start of vacation! The Academy in flames!]

“Are you crazy?”

Ah, my mistake.

I unintentionally blurted out my thoughts.

The fortunate thing is that the Author was startled by my intense reaction?

I was nervous for a moment thinking she would get angry, but thankfully, she didn’t.


“What school story has the Academy burning on the first day of vacation? You’re not even writing the vacation event?”

[Eh, it won’t burn down! The protagonist will coolly stop everything!]

Nonsense. How will he catch all eight? Are you nuts?

Now that it’s come to this, I need to be firm.

The most important thing is persuading the Author.

…I would lose if I had to face the 8 executives alone. I’m certain.

Even when catching three, if the bluff hadn’t worked, what state would I be in now?

But you’re saying Siwoo has to face the villains all at once? Are you joking?

If it’s an all-out offensive, strong villains will definitely pop out in droves.

Siwoo hasn’t grown enough for that yet.

I can see he’s definitely getting stronger, but…

He hasn’t shown amazing growth to the point of being called a protagonist.

“It won’t work. The protagonist hasn’t grown enough for that yet.”

[But… Wouldn’t it be possible?]

Possibly my foot. You’re talking nonsense.

“It would be possible if Siwoo suddenly gained an ability like becoming a phoenix or something. But Author-nim, you can’t do that, right?”

[Uh, what?! I, I can’t! Yes! Because it would lack plot coherence!]

…What? Why are you so surprised? I know that too.

The most important thing in a novel is coherence.

In reality, people would just grieve if someone suddenly died from a random murder, but novels can’t do that.

The moment the lead suddenly dies from a random murder, the readers immediately explode.

That’s why novels need to consider coherence even more than reality.

This is why the Author isn’t omnipotent. She is ultimately in the position of writing a novel.

You can’t just stuff in three or four abilities while saying, “I wish the protagonist was stronger.”

Since the setting allows only one ability per person, playing favorites and giving the protagonist various abilities will shatter the coherence.

It’s impossible unless sufficient plot coherence is built up like a strengthened ability gradually evolving into a new one.

“It can’t be helped, Author-nim. Does it have to be the start of vacation, no matter what?”

[I wanted to coolly catch villains on the first day and write lots of slice of life during vacation…]

You have a plan?

I thought you were speaking without any thought, as per usual.

It’s a plan grasping at straws, but now that the whimsical Author has made a plan, it’s a bit tricky to interfere.

If I stubbornly tried to bury this plan, it was clear as day that there would be backlash.

… It’s not like a universe-destroying spaghetti monster from space flew in, so I’ll stop here.

It’s not like there’s no solution.

“The final exams are soon. And a bit after that is the start of vacation, right?”


“Let’s think about how we can reduce the villains in the remaining time.”


There was no time.

I had to eliminate the four executives before the vacation began, no matter what.


“Argh, what are you doing. Try again.”

“Ah, Arte…! Wanna go hang out with me?”

“You lack confidence! Again!”

“…Hey, Amelia. Are you sure we really have to do this?”

Siwoo grew resentful of Amelia.

What the heck is this?

“I’d rather search for the secret room…”

“I saw you couldn’t focus at all! Practice this instead! This seems more likely to work anyway.”


Where does Amelia’s baseless confidence come from?

Siwoo suddenly grew curious.

“Hey, Amelia.”


“What if, just what if. What if Arte isn’t really in love with me? What will you do?”

Amelia was about to say something with a sullen expression, so he hurriedly added.

He was tired of hearing the obvious–that it must be love and whatnot.

“If! Just if!”

“Do I really need to answer that question?”

No, did he say something wrong?

Is it really love? Even though she doesn’t ask to hang out even once?

At first, he thought maybe it was, but isn’t it natural to grow doubtful again?

Amelia answered my question as if it was very easy.

“Even if Arte hasn’t fallen for you, there’s no problem, right?”

“…Why is there no problem?”

“Because you can make her fall for you.”

Siwoo was at a loss for words.

What kind of confidence does Amelia have to say things like this?

“So prepare again! Come on, one more time! Naturally!”


He had no choice.

It was none other than him who touched Amelia’s nerves while imagining how Arte would feel.

He decided to go along so she wouldn’t throw a fit.

“Arte, wanna go hang out with me?”

“Oh, this one’s pretty good. Again!”

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