Dungeon Predator
Chapter 509 Table of contents

Although Jigon was, like other Mayanes, extremely arrogant, his decision-making wasn't impaired by it.

When his twin sister, Krishan, entrusted him with her sources, he ripped off his own wings in order to escape Gainus's grasp. He'd known all too well that Gainus had branded his wings. Plus, he'd warned Orga against seeking the halved source, knowing that Gainus was leading them into a trap.

Thus, he immediately transformed when he saw the demon and its blade.

His entire body, aside from his wings, let off a golden hue, and he was covered in gold armor. Jigon's face was covered by a gold lion helmet, and his breastplate was adorned by a sun emblem. Lastly, he wore gauntlets and greaves over his arms and legs, each of which were engraved with a flame pattern.

Gold Monarch's Armor!

Kang Oh reacted immediately. Of course, Gainus had told him about the Black Sun, so he didn't even try to challenge him from up front.

He planned on holding out until the Black Sun was no longer usable.

Abyss Claw!

Kang Oh unleashed a jet-black aura, and then flew far away. With a huge helping hand from Tasha, he was able to fly extremely quickly.


The Abyss Claw struck the Black Sun. He assumed it would vaporize on impact, but something strange happened.

The black flames and the darkness intertwined. It was as if the darkness energy was fighting back.

Of course, the black flames eventually consumed the darkness without a trace.

Kang Oh, who'd closely watched this spectacle, suddenly had an idea.

'Can Ubist's darkness resist the Black Sun?'

Now that he thought about it, Demon Sword Ubist possessed the Abyss Blade ability. In other words, it was capable of slashing through flames.

Did that mean it was also capable of cutting through the Black Sun? What about his blade's emanating darkness?

This was Ubist's power, a demonic beast capable of shrouding the entire continent in darkness. The energy was more like Ubist's stomach acid rather than pure energy. There was nothing it couldn't eat.

However, he wasn't in a rush to prove his theory anytime soon.

If by chance he's wrong, then he'll be destroyed by the Black Sun.

'Let's play it safe. Gainus isn't here to bail me out either.'

His core item effects like Abyss Predator or Dragon's Fury were still on cooldown. Plus, he still had 25 minutes left on Gluttony.

He had no reason to rush.

With Tasha's help, Kang Oh quickly flew around Jigon and attacked him from a distance.

Fresh Blood Wave!

A red wave shot out of Blood.

Sara, who'd come out of the water, gathered cold energy in her mouth.

Yuki-Onna's Breath!

Her lips released a frigid stream of energy.

Bart, Helena, and Sephiro didn't sit still. They barraged Jigon with attacks of their own.

Even so, Jigon charged at Kang Oh. However, the Kono Kono saliva limited the mobility of one of his wings, so he couldn't move very fast.



The Fresh Blood Wave and Yuki-Onna's Breath struck Jigon, but he was almost completely unscathed. Not even a single shard of light came out.

Bart and Helena's spells, Sephiro's Sun Piercing Arrow, and the Draco Tribe's hooked javelins had no effect either.

It was due to the Gold Monarch's Armor. This armor set completely negated the effect of long-range attacks.

What a completely unbelievable effect. Auras, arrows, spells, etc. Any attack that came from a certain range was completely nullified.

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In other words, the only way to damage him was to engage him in close quarters combat while he was wielding the Black Sun.

Did he have no other choice but to rush into the flames? The Black Sun and the Gold Monarch's Armor. What a disgusting pairing.


Jigon swung the extended Black Sun downwards.


He felt so cold that he had goosebumps on his forearm.

Kang Oh quickly flew forward.


The black flames cut through where he'd just been.

Jigon repeatedly swung the Black Sun at Kang Oh. It was as if he were saying, 'I'm only going for you!'.

His allies continuously bombarded Jigon with attacks. However, the Gold Monarch's Armor's ridiculous ability shielded Jigon from harm.

They weren't even capable of distracting him. At the same time, they couldn't afford to rush in either. After all, a single graze of his sword would spell the end for them.

There was nothing they could do. The best they (Helena and the priests) could do was buff Kang Oh.

Kang Oh's concentration was at its maximum, so he was able to dodge Jigon's attacks.

It was a relief that Jigon's skill with the blade was below Kang Oh's.

What if Jigon could wield the Black Sun with the skill of a Master Swordsman? The combination of the Black Sun, the Gold Monarch's Armor, and Master level swordsmanship would make him an even more terrifying foe.

Although his swordsmanship didn't match up, his control over the Black Sun's flames was beyond comparison.

Jigon's blade would miss Kang Oh, but the flames would expand sometime after, which scared the ever living shit out of him. Not only that, but the Black Sun would suddenly change shapes or slow down.

If not for his Hyper Intuition and Gluttony, then he would've died long ago!

'Damn it.'

Even someone like Kang Oh had trouble keeping up.

Jigon's glimmering armor also made his eyes hurt.


'I'm going to hold out!'

Kang Oh had faith that time was on his side.

* * *

That was a terrible miscalculation.

Even after 5 minutes had passed, the Black Sun didn't seem to weaken at all. What's worse, Jigon didn't show any anxiety or concern.

He only sensed Jigon's intention of killing him no matter what.

'Why isn't he worried? He shouldn't be able to maintain the Black Sun for very long,' he automatically thought, but he didn't have the time to think about it in depth.

Kang Oh gritted his teeth as the Black Sun and flaming spears came rushing at him.

Red Demon's Dance!

Left with no other choice, Kang Oh multiplied his evasion threefold.

No, this was the perfect time to use it.


"You can count on me!"

Kang Oh quickly flew through the air. He was so fast that he was hard to track with the naked eye.

"You can't get hit by the black flames no matter what!"

"I know."

After dodging the Black Sun, she quickly weaved through the incoming flame spears.

As expected of Tasha!

Then, the Black Sun came flying at him again. Damn it all.


"Aht!" A priest sported a shocked expression, clasping their hands on their mouth.

They saw the Black Sun cleave through and vaporize him. However, Kang Oh was completely unscathed.

"Ah." The priest sighed.

What a relief. It was just an afterimage.

The priest clasped her hands in prayer. She was trying to cast a Goddess's Blessing on him.


'This isn't going to work!' his instincts whispered. Kang Oh needed some time to organize his thoughts.

'Alright, let's try it.'

Kang Oh swung Ubist at the incoming black flames.

Abyss Claw!

What a relief.

The darkness kept the black flames at bay for 2 seconds.

'It can somewhat resist the Black Sun.'

However, it wasn't capable of completely overpowering the Black Sun.

Kang Oh alternated between Abyss Shield and Abyss Transfer.

In the few seconds that Abyss Shield bought him, Kang Oh used Abyss Transfer to sink into the darkness.

It would give him enough time to catch his breath and organize his thoughts.

"You bastard! Where did you go!?"

Once Kang Oh disappeared, Jigon, who was completely focused on killing him, took a look around and screamed.

At the same time, he fiercely swung his lengthened sword, forcing Kang Oh's companions to focus on dodging.

Not all of them had come out unscathed.

"No!" a priest yelled pitifully.

That was it. She was immediately devoured by the black flames and was completely incinerated. There wasn't even a trace of her left.


"Lord Gainus!"

Two more died right after. They were Draco Warriors.

Now, there were only eight Draco Warriors left. However, they didn't lose their nerve and continued to fight bravely.

They pulled out claw-shaped projectile weapons from their chests, and forcefully threw them. Of course, Jigon's golden armor rendered them completely ineffective.

"Where are you!? Come out, you insect!"

Jigon continuously searched for Kang Oh.

Then, Kang Oh appeared from a rift in space.

"There you are!" Jigon thrust his blade at him.

However, Kang Oh, who'd only focused on dodging thus far, suddenly flew towards Jigon!

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"M-Mr. Kang Oh?"

That act completely shocked Sephiro. 'What are you doing?'


Jigon and Kang Oh passed each other.


Shards of light burst out from Jigon's body.

While they were passing each other, Kang Oh had used Transcendent Blade.

"Let's see who wins!"

Kang Oh rushed at Jigon once more.

* * *

Kang Oh, who'd bought some time using Abyss Transfer, quickly organized his thoughts.

'Gainus said that the Black Sun couldn't be used for very long due to how much life force it requires. So why isn't Jigon concerned at all?'

If Kang Oh were in Jigon's position, then he'd be really worried. After all, it was like he was wielding a match that could go out at any second.

Despite that, he wasn't worried at all. Which meant...

'He's either a really good actor, or there's a reason he's not worried.'

Kang Oh's instincts were telling him that it was the latter. In other words, Jigon had no reason to be anxious.


Kang Oh began to organize all the information he had. He didn't have much time.

'Orga only had one source. That means that Jigon has the two sources Krishan gave him. He has three sources in total. I got to see Orga's creation, as well as how many people it was draining dry. If... Jigon has the same amount of people fueling him, then...'

The God of Creation's sources were engines, and human life force was the fuel.

With three sources under his belt, he basically had a super engine. So what if he had plenty of life force to fuel them?

There would be no reason for Jigon to panic.

Jigon would be able to maintain the Black Sun for far, far longer than he or his allies expected.

Kang Oh came to a realization.

'Time's not on my side.'

He only had 18 minutes left on Gluttony.

What if Jigon could still use the Black Sun after that time was up?

Kang Oh wouldn't stand a chance. And if he didn't stand a chance, then none of his allies would survive this fight.

'It's a race against the clock. I have 18 minutes to take him down. Plus, I can't get hit a single time,' he concluded.

Kang Oh rose from the darkness, focused entirely on Jigon, and began fighting him in earnest.

It was like a heavenly judge with white wings, golden armor, and a blazing sword was fighting against a hellish demon with dark red wings, a blackened body, demonic horns, and two wicked blades.

Is this what the battle between an angel and a demon would look like?

His companions nervously watched the battle.

What if Kang Oh lost?

His loss meant that they'd all die. Without him, there was no way to kill Jigon!

However, there was nothing they could do to help him. Even people as skilled as Bart and Helena!

Kang Oh and Jigon's fight was close enough already. If they needlessly got involved, then they might get in Kang Oh's way.



'Good luck!'

Ultimately, his companions clasped their hands together and desperately prayed for Kang Oh's victory. That was the very best they could do.

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