Light Barrier
Chapter 43 Table of contents

Light Barrier - Chapter 43: We

If I’ve remembered the rotation movements of the cube correctly, then it should be restored now.

Inside Blue Cube Dream.

Gu Shen looked at his reflection in the mirror. According to the movements in his memory, he had already restored the cube. But what appeared in the mirror was an incomplete body with a severed leg and arm.

He couldn’t understand the current situation.

After he restored the cube, he should have completed the Dream Decipher.

But now…

Clearly, something had gone wrong.

Gu Shen wasn’t affected by the constant tearing pain in the dream. His thoughts were exceptionally clear.

He replayed the events in his mind, searching for where things went wrong.

The scene of the Rubik’s Cube spinning and scrambling was replaying in slow motion in his memory.

No, I didn’t make a mistake. There’s no problem with the restoration.

Gu Shen suddenly understood the reason. I was misled by the scrambling of the cube.

This cube appears to be restored on the surface, but its internal space is still scrambled. The appearance deceived me.

After figuring this out, the next step of the Dream Decipher was not too difficult. The only challenge was enduring the pain while manipulating the cube with his mental power.

To truly restore this cube will require a lot of work. I need to identify the base face first.

The true base face was using his body.

Rotating the mirrored faces just now had not been in vain… Gu Shen recalled the original positions in his mind and returned his body parts piece by piece. Then he began to rotate the Rubik’s cube again.


After five minutes of silence, the Blue Cube rotated in the young man’s palm again.

At this moment, everyone on the assessment team had strange expressions.

The deciphering speed of the Blue Cube Dream was too fast, causing this Dream Decipher to look… very simple.

The Rubik’s Cube kept rotating and stopped occasionally for a moment before quickly continuing along the correct restoration movements.

But in fact, every rotation required the expenditure of mental power, and the dreamer could easily lose their way. One mistake could lead to even greater and more numerous mistakes…

But Gu Shen’s Dream Decipher was different.

Fast! Accurate! Fierce!

It was a sight to behold, truly breathtaking.

At this point, there was no longer any suspense in the eyes of the Redwood chief justice. He knew what it meant for the Rubik’s Cube to rotate again…

Gu Shen had found the correct solution to the Blue Cube Dream.

The following Dream Decipher was only a matter of time.

The speed at which this young man solved the puzzle was truly remarkable. The chief justice thought that Gu Shen would take one to two hours or even longer to decipher the essence of the cube.

But unexpectedly… it only took a short five minutes.

In the past, there had been proud and ambitious mental-type geniuses who wanted to try to decipher the Blue Cube Dream. But most dreamers needed several hours just to awaken their mental consciousness.

Very few people could awaken as quickly and make decisions as calmly as Gu Shen.

This young man’s mental talent was absolutely one in a million! At least in the aspect of Dream Decipher, the talent he displayed was far beyond that of ordinary geniuses!

His mental power might be weak, but his willpower was very strong. Moreover, his observation skills were sharp enough, and his thinking was calm enough.

“S-grade, absolutely S-grade.” The chief justice couldn’t wait to give his assessment.

He looked at Gu Shen, liking him more and more, his eyes full of undisguised appreciation. No wonder Zhou Jiren had shamelessly gone to the Parliament to ask for a pardon order. This was a profitable deal without any loss!

If this little guy were born in the Redwood District, he would have definitely fought for him and striven to take Gu Shen under his wing.

“If he can decipher the Blue Cube in four hours, he’ll surely attain an S-grade evaluation. Only thirty-five minutes have passed since the start.” He laughed loudly. “It’s a full two hours earlier than the fastest record. Look at this monster newcomer. We’ve witnessed an unbelievable miracle!”

Grand Magistrate Tang Qingquan crossed his arms and stared at Gu Shen intently, deep in thought.

“Gu Shen’s Dream Decipher of the Blue Cube is excellent.” Someone suddenly asked, “Since Elder Zhao said that we can consider ending the assessment in advance, does that mean today’s assessment will be over once Gu Shen wakes up?”

The assessment team fell silent.

Yes, according to the original rules, it should be like this… Completing any one of the three nightmare-level dream sealed objects would be considered a pass.

“I hope the assessment can continue,” the grand magistrate said softly.

All eyes turned to him. In this assessment team, his status was slightly higher than the others’. Most importantly, he directly received the opinions of Zhao Xilai of the Dadu District.

“Is this also what Elder Zhao means?” The Redwood chief justice frowned.

“…” Tang Qingquan didn’t answer this question directly. “Since Gu Shen has displayed such remarkable talent, we might as well take a look at his limit. Compared to solving your Blue Cube in an hour, isn’t deciphering three nightmare dream sealed objects in a row more of a miracle? We need to know his limits and confirm that… his Dream Decipher is not just a matter of luck.”

“I object!” The chief justice looked displeased. “Deciphering three nightmares in a row consumes a lot of mental power. Even though he’s not our disciple, he shouldn’t be treated like this!”

The grand magistrate gave a slight nod, but it was merely a polite acknowledgment.

He said calmly, “You make a valid point. Gu Shen is indeed an outstanding Dream Decipher genius. But his performance in the fire case showed signs of losing control. As assessors, we can’t just look at potential. I hope to continue the assessment and see the mental stability of this young man.”

The chief justice frowned. “We can slowly observe that during the rest period after the assessment.”

“Gu Shen doesn’t have a rest period,” the grand magistrate said. “He’s a special case. If he passes the assessment, he’ll soon carry out his own mission.”

The several big shots looked at Tang Qingquan.

“This is also Elder Zhao’s meaning.” The grand magistrate lowered his eyebrows. “So, everyone, let the assessment continue.”

There was only one last step left.

Every part of Gu Shen’s body had been restored, except for his head, which was turned 180 degrees. He only needed to twist his head to complete the final step of the Dream Decipher.

He wasn’t in a hurry to finish the last step.

Instead, he read out a name in his mind. Chu Ling.

In the darkness of the cube dream, the mirrors reflected, but there was no room for a second person. After speaking in his mind, Gu Shen waited quietly.

Silence filled the cube dream.

No response.

He laughed self-deprecatingly. He had called out Chu Ling’s name because he was a bit hopeful.

She had said that… as long as he needed it, they could establish a mind connection at any time!

It seemed that Chu Ling didn’t hear him this time.

Just as Gu Shen was ready to turn his head and leave the dream…

Ripples suddenly emerged on the dark mirror in front of him, and pitch-black garbled code covered the mirror. Finally, a flawless girl appeared in the mirror world.

“I’ve always been here.” Chu Ling placed her hands behind her back and smiled gently. “This is your test, so I thought it’d be better not to disturb you. I wanted to appear when you were just one step away, but you didn’t call me.”

Seeing Chu Ling’s face, Gu Shen suddenly felt a weight lift off his chest.

He smiled in relief. “You’ve always been here.”

The Dream Decipher in the cube space neared its end. Looking back at the entire process, it had indeed been a nightmare. However, knowing that Chu Ling had been silently accompanying him, this nightmare didn’t seem that tough anymore.

“Your Dream Decipher was very fast,” Chu Ling said with a smile. “Even I’m surprised. I didn’t expect you to be so talented in this aspect. Those people outside are all dumbfounded.”

“Hehe…” Gu Shen smiled as well. He instinctively reached out to touch his head, but his body was backward, making the gesture feel rather strange.

He took a deep breath, steadying his mind. “There are still two more tests.”

Two more nightmares awaited.

He had a premonition that the biggest problem would be his current mental power.

Dream Decipher required a significant amount of mental power.

In the cube space, every time he turned a mirror was a consumption.

He didn’t know if he could still hold on for the next two Dream Deciphers.

The girl in the mirror saw the fatigue in Gu Shen’s face, and her eyes revealed heartache.

Gu Shen could tell she had something to say.

“Actually, you’ve already finished this assessment,” Chu Ling said gently. “The original assessment only required completing the Dream Decipher of one dream sealed object.”

“The original… assessment?” Gu Shen was stunned.

“The assessment rules were changed at the last minute.” Chu Ling’s voice was very soft. “Because you deciphered the dream too quickly, they want to see if you can complete three consecutive Dream Deciphers.

“With your talent in Dream Deciphering, completing three should be no problem. But your mental power might be overdrawn.”

Hearing this, Gu Shen couldn’t help recalling the feeling of lying in the hospital bed before.

The feeling of mental overdraft wasn’t pleasant.

“In other words, I’ve actually completed the assessment?” Gu Shen asked. “Someone in the assessment team changed the rules at the last minute and lengthened the process?”

“Yes,” Chu Ling said softly. “That person is the grand magistrate of the Ying Sea District, Tang Qingquan. Due to the special nature of transcendental assessments, he has very high authority in this assessment. Of course, there’s an even higher figure behind him. If my information isn’t wrong, the one who’s truly orchestrating all of this is Parliament Member Zhao Xilai of the Dadu District. He granted you a pardon order and single-handedly pushed forward this assessment.

“According to my calculations, you can choose to give up now,” Chu Ling suggested. “Zhou Jiren is right outside the door. Judging from your performance in passing the Blue Cube test, it’s already a very good result.”

“Give up…” Gu Shen shook his head. He looked at the girl in the mirror and said, “I don’t want to give up.”

Chu Ling was slightly taken aback. “So, are you preparing to continue?”

“Yes, I want to continue.” Gu Shen suddenly smiled. “Perhaps you think this assessment is unfair to me, but I don’t think so.

“It may sound a bit scary to say this, but I don’t find Dream Deciphers to be painful. On the contrary, this feeling is wonderful. In the dream, my mental power is unprecedentedly focused.

“I have a premonition that I might awaken transcendental power in the dreams.”

Gu Shen whispered, “So even if they’re preparing to end it, I still want to continue.”

The girl in the mirror was stunned.

What kind of freak was this guy? How could anyone like staying in ‘nightmares’?

“So…” Gu Shen took a deep breath and smiled. “Let’s continue, shall we?”

After a brief moment of surprise, the girl in the mirror revealed a trace of warmth in her eyes and smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Chu Ling was truly happy.

Because Gu Shen didn’t say ‘I’ just now.

It was ‘we’.

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