Rebirth Of The Scum Girl (Female Dominant)
Chapter 24 Table of contents

The best way to cover up a rumor is to start a new one. When rumors about Liang Jue and the third prince spread like wildfire, two big events happened in the capital. First, the emperor’s third daughter is going to marry a concubine-born son, who happens to be the second son of the prime minister.

People always enjoy watching the excitement. Although it’s someone else’s joyous occasion, since the third princess hasn’t married a proper husband yet, this wedding naturally became a grand event. Red decorations filled the streets for miles, and several children kept throwing various sweets and flowers to the people along the street.

Royal female heirs are scarce, so it’s been a long time since such a grand wedding happened. The grand event of that day was enough to keep the common people talking for quite some time.

This was a big celebration, but there was also a big scandal involving the prime minister’s family. It turns out, the unmarried son of the prime minister got involved with his sister-in-law.

Such scandals are usually kept under wraps, but these two had the audacity to get together on the night of the second son’s wedding when nobody was paying attention. It was their misfortune that they were caught in the act by someone.

The eldest son of the prime minister was born to his deceased legitimate wife and didn’t have a good relationship with his younger brother. Being stubborn, he flew into a rage on the spot and exposed this shameless couple. It’s said that he caused quite a scene, disturbing the guests who were drinking in the prime minister’s mansion.

The prime minister has a wide network, and on such a joyous day, hardly any courtiers would miss it. Besides colleagues and friends, this incident also became a joke for many of the prime minister’s students.

Of course, there were also terrible consequences for confronting this shameless couple. Although it was satisfying, the eldest son of the prime minister couldn’t escape criticism for being cruel.

However, many people sympathized with him, and even some husbands scolded their wives harshly, questioning if they wanted to follow suit.

Of course, this farce ended with the woman’s pleas for mercy and the laughter of the bystanders. In terms of public opinion, the prime minister’s eldest son was more favored, after all, there’s a big difference between climbing into the master’s bed and dealing with servants. This was considered a disruption of the natural order.

Both the scandal and the celebration happened in the prime minister’s mansion and caused quite a stir. Many people witnessed it, making it very reliable information. Compared to that, Liang Jue and the peasant had never even been seen or heard of, so they weren’t worth mentioning.

The prime minister’s family completely captured the attention of the people in the capital, quickly replacing Liang Jue as the topic of gossip in various restaurants and tea houses.

Although it’s a bit wrong to take pleasure in others’ misfortune, it did make Liang Jue’s days more comfortable. However, Shen Meng couldn’t help but think a bit more. The timing of this news was too convenient, and the scandal involving the prime minister’s family seemed too well-timed. It couldn’t help but make people wonder.

However, despite her suspicions, she had no evidence to suggest that someone was behind it. Besides, both she and Liang Jue benefited from this event, and there was no need to investigate further.

However, just as their peaceful days resumed for a few days, the mansion received an invitation from the third prince. When Liang Jue held the invitation. She looked worried, prompting Shen Meng to ask, “What’s wrong? Is it the third prince again? What’s different this time? Can’t we just do as we said?”

Liang Jue nodded and shook his head, “It is indeed him, but this time he’s not inviting me to his mansion. He wants to come to ours as a guest, and there’s nothing significant happening in our mansion to give us a valid reason to refuse.”

Liang Jue didn’t want the other party to come over, and this was something they both understood. However, as servants, they had to maintain a facade, even if they were unwilling. Even if they wanted to make excuses, they couldn’t come up with easily debunked lies. It would be embarrassing if they couldn’t handle it when the time came, and no one’s face would look good then.

Shen Meng sighed, “When the enemy comes, we’ll meet him head-on. Even if we try to avoid him, there will be times when we can’t escape. It’s better to face difficulties head-on and clarify things while he hasn’t turned hostile yet.”

Liang Jue had no objections to her suggestion, “Then let’s do that for now. I’ll write a reply.”

While writing the reply on the snow-white paper, Liang Jue paused for a moment. Halfway through the letter, he placed the brush on the inkstone and turned to ask Shen Meng, “Didn’t you rest at home these past few days?”

Shen Meng calculated the days and realized it was true. She nodded, “I should have rested for a day at that time. Is there a problem?”

Liang Jue shook his head, “There’s no major problem. It’s just that an unmarried male guest is coming over, and you being here might raise suspicions. Luckily, elder sister received a rare edition of a chess manual. If you feel bored, you can go take a look there.”

Clearly, he was jealous and didn’t want her to see the third prince. However, his words sounded noble and considerate, making it seem like he was genuinely concerned, fearing Shen Meng might feel bored.

Shen Meng couldn’t help but chuckle at her words but nodded in agreement, “Then husband should send another letter to him to inform him. It’s not good to visit without notice.”

Shen Meng was always true to her word, and Liang Jue was satisfied with her promise. He turned around contentedly, “I’ll write the letter. When the time comes, wife, you can just go directly.”

This was a man’s intuition. He instinctively felt that it was better not to let the third prince see his wife. Although rumors had been circulating about the third prince having some different intentions towards him, he had never felt that way. Instead, he sensed a subtle hostility from the other party.

A man’s intuition helps them avoid many unnecessary troubles. Liang Jue’s sixth sense had helped him many times before, and this time was no exception.

Worried that the third prince, Xue Ning, might stage a so-called surprise attack, Liang Jue made up his mind to send his wife to Liang Rong’s house earlier than planned. Of course, he had explained the situation beforehand, so his wife wouldn’t be treated poorly when she arrived. If she felt uncomfortable there, he wouldn’t be able to enjoy himself either.

Only the husband and wife knew about this conversation. On her rest day, Shen Meng’s attendant had delivered the letter to Liang Rong’s house. It was sealed with wax, and the servant didn’t know its contents.

Shen Meng chuckled at his suspicion, but when she left, Xue Ning entered the Shen mansion. He didn’t bring many attendants with him, keeping a lower profile compared to other princes. Perhaps it was because he had been traumatized since childhood. He had quite a few guards with him, and judging by their attire, they were all personally bestowed by the Empress.

Wherever he went, these guards followed closely behind him, creating a bustling scene. They ensured his safety at all times.

Although Liang Jue had mentally prepared himself, when the third prince arrived early, he couldn’t help but feel a little flustered. However, he still greeted him with a smile, speaking in a slightly warmer tone, “Didn’t you say you would come tomorrow? Look at me, I haven’t even tidied up properly. I’m truly embarrassed to meet you like this.”

Regardless of the circumstances, Liang Jue always maintained his good appearance. It’s not that he dressed particularly brightly, but no matter what the situation, he exuded a calm and composed demeanor.

But now he looked a bit disheveled, with a strand of hair mischievously sticking up. Liang Jue tried to press it down, but it only stood up more fiercely.

Even though it hadn’t been long since he sent his wife away, Liang Jue looked like he just crawled out of bed. His face was slightly flushed, and his expression was deliberately exaggerated, as if he were genuinely surprised that Xue Ning had come early. It seemed as if he had just gotten out of bed, his face all red and puffy.

After Liang Jue straightened himself up, he asked Xue Ning, “It’s early in the morning, and I haven’t even had breakfast. Your Highness, have you eaten yet? If not, would you like to have breakfast with us?”

He used this homely gesture to show his sincerity and harmlessness. The other party also showed an equally intriguing expression.

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