The Mistress Runs Away
Chapter 53.2 Table of contents

Along with Melissa, who was most pleased with the news of the couple’s engagement, was the butler. He relied on Rowena for much over the past few months, it made the butler x mistress relationship from five years ago seem like a lie.


“So that concludes the list of invitations that will come to the engagement ceremony.”


“Yes, this is perfect. Thank you for your hard work .”


“Nonsense, it’s my job. Please address me comfortably too, You’re going to be this family lady soon.”


Rowena, who smiled at his new attitude nonchalantly, shook her head.


“But it’s still not happening for some time.”


“You also refuse to take the wine cellar key.”


“It’s because you’ve been taking good care of it until now, butler. But don’t hide it from me when I ask for it later.”


“Oh, hiding, what does that even mean? I wouldn’t do such a thing.”

The woman he would soon be serving as his lady was an excellent speaker who could soften the atmosphere and avoid making people feel offended. The butler, who laughed at the clever remark, took the papers in his hand. He then turned to leave the room, but suddenly paused.


“Miss Rowena!”


Rowena, who was busy selecting a menu and a list of bands to perform at the engagement party, turned her head to the butler.




The butler, who had turned around, was now staring at her. It was not a look of observation or wariness, but it was more similar to the way Jeremy used to look at her or her son. The butler gave a gentle smile as he spoke


“You are a very kind person indeed, Miss Rowena.”




“I’m speaking honestly, I didn’t know it five years ago, but you are an open-minded, sensitive, and thoughtful person.”


“You’re flattering me. I’m not that kind of person.”


Rowena, blushing at the unexpected compliment, waved her hand. Sure enough, It’s not that she wasn’t, but she was still lying, even now, wearing a naïve and innocent mask. Isn’t she wearing the same obedience mask whenever dealing with Killian? She just needs to continue the obedience play for a bit longer.


“His excellency, the duke …”


The butler, who had been silent for some time as if considering something, spoke up heavily.


“To be honest, he’s not a very good person.”


It was as if she was struck by thunder. Rowena crumpled the paper she was holding involuntarily, surprised to hear the not-so-nice remark come out of the mouth of the butler who had served Killian with loyalty no less than  Jenok’s.


“He might be cold and merciless. He is more like a sword than anyone else when it comes to sharpness.”




“He lacks more emotion than others. I was by his side since he was born and this has been the case ever since, and perhaps he hasn’t been any different to you, Miss Rowena.”


He was right about every single word. Rowena stared back at him in silence. 


“That person doesn’t know of any one emotion in particular. He has received much envy and respect and fear, but the affection that parents show to their children, the affection that lovers express to their lovers, or basic affection human gives to another human.. he knows nothing of these feelings.”


It was the first time she had heard this story. The butler continued his words quietly to Rowena, who had frozen as if she were a porcelain doll.

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