Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 58 Table of contents

“Wow, what a spectacle…”

[Ah, I really regret not being able to include this in the novel. It’s so cool.]

“…Is it cool? That?”

As soon as we invaded the Übermensch’s base, the fight began.

Looking down from the sky, the one that definitely stood out was investigator Lee Ha-Yul.

No, what the hell is that?

[The ability to turn your whole body into mist. Isn’t it so cool! I knew I made the right choice to keep him alive!]

“No, it’s cool, but…”

Well, sure. It is cool.

The ability to turn into mist is quite romantic.

But that’s a bit, um… Too…

“…I think that belongs more in the realm of horror than coolness.”

I had seen a movie like that before.

A horror movie where unidentified creatures emerge from the mist and attack people.

When I watched that movie, I was scared of the monsters that could appear at any moment.*

… Wouldn’t it have been better to have those monsters?



Another villain fell.

People who were moving their bodies violently fell like puppets with cut strings.

There’s no blood. Because they didn’t die from getting injured.

“I wonder what it feels like to have your lungs filled with water…”

[Who knows?]

As the people around them suffered from respiratory distress and twisted their bodies, the villains, who thought it was dangerous, tried to run away, but to no avail.

The mist had already settled around them.

Even if they tried to escape, their lungs gradually filled with water, making them unable to breathe, suffocating them until they drowned.

…No matter how superhuman you are, training your organs is not easy.

How ironic that people who bullied ordinary humans without abilities using their superhuman status are now collapsing like ordinary humans without even being able to fight properly.

“Spira is fighting well as expected, and Lyla is fighting better than I thought. There was nothing to worry about.”

Spira, who roams the hideout like her own home, goes without saying, and Lyla also fights better than expected.

I was a bit worried about both of them.

I thought Spira might be hesitant since it’s the place she was part of, but she was moving swiftly.

Suddenly, I remembered how she clung to me to survive back then… Well, whatever. She can’t betray me, so what’s the big deal?

As for Lyla, um…

I thought she wouldn’t be able to fight well since she was set up with an inferiority complex, but her style had completely changed.

A style that dominates the opponent with overwhelming strength and speed.

I’m pretty sure she had some technique before, but it seems she’s completely abandoned it.

“Since everyone seems to be fighting well, let’s meet the executives in advance!”

I jumped off my thread and slightly regretted it.

Because I landed straight on sticky blood.

“Ugh. I shouldn’t have come down. I was just trying to feel useful…”

These stockings I just changed into are already getting dirty.

Grumbling, I entered the building the villains had come out of.

Leaving behind the fallen puppets.


“…What should we do?”

“I know, right? Aren’t we screwed?”

“Wow, amazing. They’re getting slaughtered.”

The executives each expressed their thoughts.

…Without any sense of crisis, as if it had nothing to do with them.

“Do you guys even have the will to fight?”

“Of course we do.”

“Yeah, yeah. Of course we intend to fight.”

“But think about it. Even if we go, won’t those guys get caught up and die anyway?”


“Right? You can’t refute that? It’s more advantageous to conserve our strength as they waste theirs to get to us.


Unable to contain his anger, he slammed the table.

What the hell are these guys thinking?

We definitely talked about this at the last meeting!

“You guys should know that the more our numbers decrease here, the more dangerous it becomes!”

“…We know. That’s why we’re decreasing it, Minos.”


Where did their carefree attitude from just now go?

At some point, they were watching the CCTV with cold eyes.

“You know, even if we overlook that Marmo’s location was easy to discover, how did they find out about this place?”

“You thought it was strange too, right? So do I. This is a place where people don’t even roam around. How did they find out?”

“Wh-what are you saying?”

“Also, look over there, that CCTV. Do you see it?”

“… That’s!”

“Ah, you saw it? That’s a relief. I thought dull Minos wouldn’t be able to see it. Fortunately, you found it quickly.”

This is strange.

No, it’s beyond strange, it’s impossible.

Wasn’t she dead?

“…Why is Spira…?”

“Who knows? Oh, she’s fast. Her speed underground is top-notch.”

A woman whose lower body is a snake’s tail.

Her appearance was reminiscent of a lamia that would only appear in myths.

There’s no mistake. There couldn’t be another woman besides Spira.

“Wa-wasn’t she dead?”

“More precisely, she was missing.”

“But everyone thought she was dead!”

Minos was confused.

A comrade he thought was dead had returned alive.

In that case, he should naturally be happy.

…But that comrade was killing other comrades.


“It’s betrayal, Minos. What else could it be?”

They easily uttered that word he had thought of but forcibly erased from his mind.

He couldn’t believe it.

Especially recalling her hearty laughter.

“How, how…!”

“Who knows? Whether she turned traitor or deceived us from the beginning… What’s certain is that she is an enemy now.”

Even as he trembled with the betrayal, they coldly continued their conversation.

“You know, Minos. We also can’t believe it, but there was a traitor, even among the executives.”


“If there’s one more traitor among the executives, we should consider Übermensch finished. If we catch the traitor, we won’t be able to trust each other, and if we don’t catch them, there will be interference at every turn, and we will fall apart.”

“Excluding the worst-case scenario, we can only make one judgment… There’s at least a traitor hidden among the regular members.”

“…I see.”

He couldn’t refute the words of Rabi, the rabbit beastman, and Havi, the monkey beastman.
As they said, a traitor must be hiding among the regular members. They had no choice but to make that judgment.

“Of course, it’s quite a painful loss. Even if only we survive here, it’s still dangerous. It’s hard to guarantee whether the plan will succeed or not.”

“But think about it, Minos. What if we let even one person live, and a traitor the enemy deliberately spared slips in? The plan won’t even begin.”

“Yeah, I understand.”

“That’s a relief. It’s heartbreaking for us, too, but it’s all for the plan. They’ll understand.”

Minos looked at the CCTV again.

The screams gradually subsided, and before he knew it, few people were left standing.

…Everything is for the plan.

“…By the way, what on earth didn’t they like about us to hate us so much? Because we’re villains?”

“No way. If that were the case, they would have attacked us long ago. Why attack now?”

“That’s true. Then why?”

“Could it be that they didn’t like our goal? The plan to turn humanity into superhumans.”

“…Hmm, that seems most likely.”

The teacup Minos had picked up to calm down crumpled in an instant.

That’s right, the plan is to turn humanity into superhumans. That is our organization’s goal.

There are countless invisible discriminations and irrationalities between superhumans and ordinary humans.

The frontlines that can’t move forward because there are too few superhumans compared to the total human population.

Übermensch was created to solve such problems.

They have shown some results, and ordinary humans could also be turned into superhumans if their animal factors were suitable.

They thought they could achieve their goal with a bit more time.

But it fell apart in an instant.

The goal that had come close suddenly ran far away, and it became uncertain if we could reach it.



“Ah, you’re angry.”


Unable to contain his anger, Minos broke through the wall.

“My name is Minos! Where are the intruders! Come at me!”

“…Sigh. I told you he’s stupid. Right, Havi?”

“I didn’t think it was this bad…”

The two of them turned to the other executive.

“Hey you, wake up. You lazy bastard, how can you be asleep with all the noise outside?”

“Huh… why, why? Is there a problem?”

“Problems are overflowing. Intruders. Hurry up and prepare to fight.”


“Consider all the guys who went to stop them dead.”



“What’s this sound?”

Boom, boom.

Suddenly, a strange roar began to be heard from somewhere.

As if I had come to a construction site.

…What? What’s that sound?

It’s not coming from just one place.

The source of the sound was gradually moving.

The sound is getting slightly louder as if it’s approaching…


It’s not just as if it’s approaching. It was charging straight at her!

Feeling uneasy, Lyla tried to move her legs to dodge, but it was too late.

The sound of something collapsing approached at a tremendous speed, and before she knew it, it had come so close that I couldn’t even distinguish where it was coming from.


“…Found you, intruder!”

“Am I too… Ah, hello? You’re quite big?”

Lyla blankly looked at the man who had burst through the wall.

An enormous size that seemed to be almost 3m tall.

Rugged muscles and tremendous strength and durability showed no signs of injury despite breaking through a wall.

…Lastly, he seemed to be extremely angry.

Lyla realized she was in big trouble.

“I’m screwed…”


The enraged bull began to charge towards the wolf.


Author’s Notes

Yesterday I was so tired and wanted to relax…

But I ended up writing two chapters. Look at me go.

Also, thank you for the fanart. I put them in one collection.

And the emotes will be out soon.

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