Shini Yasui Kōshaku Reijō to Shichi-nin no Kikōshi
Chapter 30 Table of contents
Chapter 30: Tournament (part one)

It is the day of the tournament using a dragon.

Before the tournament began, I decided to walk while looking at the wide variety of dragons from all over the world with my father.

A wide variety of dragons, from the orthodox colored dragons of red, blue, white, black, etc. to dragons with beautiful spots and streaks and severe faced dragons covered with thorns, were having a brush with people who came as spectators.

『There are an amazing amount of people and dragons, huh.』

“Yes, no matter what people say, this tournament is one of the most prosperous competitions of the Federal Kingdom.”

Tirnanog is carrying my bags, disguising as a steel golem as usual.

However, when we arrive at the venue we plan on taking another action.

I still can’t predict at what timing Auguste would get in touch with the contract beast.

Perhaps it might be just after this tournament.

“Tir, as I thought……in case of an emergency, please do it.”

『Leave it to me. If I do it seriously, there is nobody who can run away from me.』

Auguste is not going to participate, but other problems might occur.

Therefore, instead of me who can’t easily go out from the audience seating, Tirnanog who is inconspicuous and fast would track the beast.

By the way, I asked him to be quiet when I am with father.

The audience and the dragon knights are not the only ones touching the dragons.

People with doctorate degree dispatched from Lindis Magic Academy are quietly doing an investigation of the dragons here.

The students are wearing a mark of crested ibis, so I could recognize them at a glance.

“Honorable Duke of Aurelia. It has been a long time!”

“Ah, Elric-kun.”

That voice came from a clumsy glasses-wearing man who is scheduled to appear in the magic academy six years later as a teacher, Elric Actorius.

(Wow……I was able to confirm the face of the fourth capture target! ……Is this lucky?)

Perhaps they are already familiar with each other, Elric started talking with my father.

Elric is Eduart-oniisama’s best friend from the same year.

He is still a student, but he seems to have come along as a professor’s assistant.

He has ruffled gray hair, troubled eyebrows and gray eyes.

He looks like an honest, gentle young man.

His smiling face which has a feeling of bashfulness and awkwardness is impressive, and if I look closely, he is a beauty who wouldn’t lose even if he is standing in line with my older brother.

If I say it in a good way, he looks like an academic student, but if I say it in a bad way, he looks like an otaku with his casual and sloppy clothing.

However, only special scholars from the magic academy are allowed to wear the King’s Scholar mark.

His slightly refined movements and smart atmosphere were shown through, is it because of his hidden origin?

But, as soon as he appeared his glasses were already crooked.

I squirmed a bit, I wanted to fix it.

By the way, he disguised himself as a commoner, but he is supposedly born in nobility.

Yes, it is the information that was on the character introduction.

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

If I had played his individual scenario, I would have understood more about his detailed circumstances.

It is very regrettable.

It is completely unknown why a flashy person like Eduart-oniisama is good friends with the pure Elric.

Do they have a common hobby?

Ah, speaking of which, Elric has majored in magical beast research, so he might be getting along well with my older brother who is investigating Zaratan.

Elric’s line of sight was directed this way.

When he noticed, my father introduced me.

“Oops, is this your first time meeting each other? This is my daughter Erica.”

“Pleased to meet you, Elric-sama.”

I gave a light greeting while pinching the skirt.

I put on an innocent smile on my face as much as possible.

“Ah no, please stop with the formalities, Erica-sama. Because I am just a lowly commoner student.”

Elric’s cheeks were dyed from shyness and he tried to correct the crooked glasses with a trembling hand.

Such an ordinary person, he already feels familiar and it is fresh in this world.

“Then, how about Actorius-sensei?”

“No, no, I’m still a research student, no way!”

“I heard from Eduart, but it seems that he is publishing papers one after another at such a young age.”

“Well, how amazing.”

He truly is an unmatched talented and earnest young man, huh.

“N-no, I’m not that great……even that research was something that went well thanks to Eduart.”

He became flustered.

My father also seemed to enjoy teasing about the future prospects of the young man.

Aside from indulging himself in alchemy and ruins investigation, it seems Eduart-oniisama is also striving in other academic pursuits.

“Elric-kun, are you going to help out in the tournament today?”

“Y-yes. I am checking the dragons in today’s tournament. It is because of the rampant cheating, such as doping with magical potions or using dangerous equipment.”

It is surprising that this country’s dragon knights would do such a thing.

Does that mean the participants are serious?

“Ah! By the way, did Eduart not come along today?”

“Aah, my son is a bit……there is a business that he has to take care of.”

My father looked around before saying so.

Oh, he is in a secret duty at the direct order of the Ignitia royal family.

From his reaction, my father seemed to know the content.

“Perhaps, it is an investigation of the grave robbery case? Since the previous incident in Lindis, recently there have been too many similar cases.”

“No, I cannot tell you the details right now, but it’s another matter.”

“I see……I understand.”

Previous incident in Lindis.

Is that the story of the night when we went to the Ruins of Visitor?

Because there was an emergency situation, my older brother went to the magic academy hurriedly.

If the grave robbery incident had happened at that time, I could understand the reason he went in a hurry.

My father and Actorius-sensei stared at me who was straining my ears to listen.

Immediately, I tried smiling as if I didn’t know anything.

“Hm. We should end this conversation.”

“T-that’s right!”

Obviously, I had the face of ‘I heard something unpleasant.’

No, no, I didn’t understand what you were talking about, so it is alright to leak more information, you know?

“Elric-kun. Then, let’s talk another time.”

“Yes, Your Honor. Thank you for your continued support.”

After saying goodbye to Actorius-sensei, my father and I headed towards the tournament venue.

The seats for noble guests, Ignitia royal family and the three former kingdoms, had been prepared.

In other words, it was including the King, Queen Consort and Auguste.

Duchess of Hafan and Ann.

The empty seat for the Duke of Lucanrant.

And then, my father the Duke of Aurelia and I.

Will Auguste sit properly at the seats for noble guests?

I was a little worried.

No way, he wouldn’t ride on a dragon without telling me……would he?

While becoming a little anxious, I came through the gate of the venue.

The venue for the tournament was decorated with the symbolic images that represent each former kingdoms.

Ignitia of the South is symbolized by a red flame and a golden dragon.

Lucanrant of the North is symbolized by a white snow flower and a silver wolf.

Hafan of the East is symbolized by a silver moon and a black forest.

Aurelia of the west is symbolized by a golden star and aquamarine sea.

However, we are heading for the seats with red and gold, not the gold and aquamarine ones.

The noble guests’ seat for Ignitia was made slightly higher than the others.

“H-huh? Where is Prince Auguste?”

That was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

Without greeting first, I said such a thing.

Ah, this is bad.

The King Ignitia and his wife were surprised to see this.

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Auguste, huh……that child said he was not feeling well and went back to his room. In the past he was always looking forward to seeing the tournament……it can’t be helped.”

“Erica-sama, thank you for caring about our son. If he knew that you were worried, he will surely be delighted.”

Somehow, the eyes of the Ignitia couple who were looking at me were very kind.

But I didn’t come up here to raise their good will towards me, I came to strike my death flags.

“I am sorry for the disturbance. I said something rude to the prince at the banquet, so I wanted to apologize in person……unfortunately, it seems that I have to do it in another occasion. Thank you for inviting me to the tournament today.”

I lowered my head and backed down so as to be hidden behind my father’s shadow.

I was too impatient.

Alright. The wound is shallow. Probably shallow.

I don’t think the accumulated mistakes would be a laughing matter, but this much is alright.

Anyway, I wonder if Auguste really is in his room.

It seems to be progressing like the original work, I am worried.

I want to get out and check his condition, but I wonder if that will also be difficult.

I made an eye contact with Tirnanog at my feet, but for now I decided to wait at the noble guests’ seat.

It would be bad if I move too early and can’t respond to unforeseen circumstances.

When I thought such, King Ignitia and my father started talking cheerfully.

“Blackcurrant will also participate this year, Your Majesty.”

“Let’s see. Ooh, you’re right! Ernst’s eyes are as enviable as ever. What kind of rider is he?”

“His face is covered with a helmet, a black armor, and no crest……there is a blue ribbon on his left arm.”

“A mysterious black knight whose identity is unknown! Moreover, he seems to have an oath with a lady. I remember that. I used to hide my face and participate when I was young. About Auguste, it is regretful that he can’t participate because of the age restrictions.”

King Ignitia looked at the youthful dragon knight with a joyful expression.

He really liked dragons.

Huh, but, he said somewhat disturbing words.

Unknown black knight? A blue ribbon?

Somehow, the dialog of King Ignitia about ‘I used to hide my face and participate when I was young’ caught my attention.

No way, right?

“Otou-sama, which one is Blackcurrant?”

“That big black dragon, Erica. She is a general purpose dragon of 20-meter class.”

“This tournament is also a way of picking up competent knight candidates hidden in the city, Erica-ojousan. However, when it comes to the 20-meter class, it is hard to find a rider for them. I guess this is the first time in five years that she is flying with a rider on her.”

When I asked for an explanation, an unexpectedly detailed information came back.

King Ignitia seemed to be especially excited.

When people talk about their favorite subject, it unintentionally results in rapid-talking, they resemble each other in this way.

“I wonder if that black knight belongs to the Order, but he is an excellent rider, huh.”

“Blackcurrant has a docile nature, but she is a 20-meter class. It is wonderful just being able to get on her. Certainly, that is a person I’d love to have in our Order.”

“I see.”

Anyway, my suspicion has grown more and more as I heard the explanation.

Is that Auguste riding on Blackcurrant the Black Dragon?

Oh, I hope it is an unrelated unknown genius.

Even if it is Auguste, I hope that nothing would go wrong.

Outside my prayers, the horn marking the opening of the tournament resounded loudly.

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