Who Let Him Cultivate Immortality!
Chapter 134 Table of contents

Chapter 134: Reversal of Roles

Translator: yikaii Editor: yikaii

As the hour of Hai arrived, Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou were the only guests left in the inn.

The waiter, holding an axe with fresh blood still dripping from it, descended from the third floor. Whose blood it was remained unknown.

A smile crept across his lips. Despite being forced into the town and to abide by its rules, these restrictions provided an opportunity, a chance to unleash his true nature.

He had forgotten how long he had been in Commoner Town, and he lost count of how many he had killed.

These two had been lucky. Commoner Town was full of pitfalls, yet they had managed to avoid falling into any traps and survived until now. Previous guests weren’t so fortunate; unfamiliar with the place and dismissive of the rules, they quickly met their demise.

There are ten rooms in the ground-floor section, and nine turning black is proof of their fate, not to mention those foolish enough to stay in the rooms marked with “heaven” on the third floor.

The luck of the new arrivals was about to run out.

He decided to knock on their door all night, until the morning. Even if he couldn’t kill them, he wanted to torment them.

“Strange, why is the light off in Ground Room Four tonight?”

The waiter quickly understood the reason and sneered, “Thinking this will make me spare you is naive.”

He adjusted his tone and gently knocked on the wooden door, “Dear guests, let’s open the door, perhaps there’s been some misunderstanding.”

He paused and then continued in an even more steady and reliable voice, “Dear guests, let’s open the door, perhaps there’s been some misunderstanding.”

As always, there was no response.

Suddenly, a hand emerged from nowhere, grabbing his ankle.

“Who’s there!”

He looked down sharply, only to discover that, unbeknownst to him, a dog flap had appeared at the bottom of the wall of Ground Room Four, extending a pale hand that firmly gripped his ankle.

The hand’s strength was surprisingly strong, pulling him down with a force he couldn’t resist.


The waiter fell to the ground, and his axe slid away.

He desperately crawled, trying to break free, but the grip was beyond his imagination, unbreakable!

He was accustomed to dragging others; never had he been dragged himself!

He sensed impending doom, a ludicrous notion! After all, he was the hunter, and the guests were the prey!

“No, this could indeed happen!” the waiter recalled the second rule.

【Rule 2: From the hours of Hai (9pm-11pm) to Chen (7am-9am), thatched cottages and inn rooms with doors closed are absolutely safe. Everywhere else is dangerous】

Ground Room Four was still closed, making it an absolutely safe place for the guests. If he were dragged inside, his fate would be dire!

The waiter clawed at the floor with his fingertips, like prey half-swallowed by a python, trying to escape his fate. He screamed desperately, “Help! Help me! Save me!”

His cries were heartfelt.

Unfortunately, no one came to his rescue.

There wasn’t a rule in the 【Commoner Town Inn Rules】 about saving the waiter.

When most of his body was dragged inside, he pressed his hands against the walls on both sides and, with a sudden burst of strength, broke free from the grip.

The waiter didn’t bother to pick up his axe and limped back to the rooms marked with “heaven.”

“He got away?” Meng Jingzhou felt somewhat helpless. The waiter’s strength was surprisingly formidable; even crushing his ankle didn’t stop him.

They had decided that today they would resolve the annoying waiter, tired of being disturbed by his pointless knocking every night.

Hadn’t he heard? When had the two of them, dignitaries of the demonic sect, ever tolerated such treatment?!

After two days of observation, they had grasped the rules of the inn and quickly devised a plan.

Lu Yang, using the Qingfeng Sword and following the waiter’s physique, dug a hole beneath the wall.

Utilizing the rule “rooms with closed doors are safe,” they ensured that pulling the waiter in wouldn’t lead to any harm to them, maintaining control over the situation.

“There’s fun in lively prey!” Lu Yang’s lips curled into a cruel smile, his terrifying voice echoing in the room.

Two dark figures emerged from Room Four, one wielding a sword, the other empty-handed, the latter picking up the dropped axe.

The tip of the sword scraped against the ground, making an irregular sizzling sound, while the dripping blood from the axe tapped rhythmically.

The shadowy figures, armed with blood-stained weapons, roamed the inn.

The second floor… nothing. Then it must be on the third.

There were four rooms on the third floor, all marked as heaven rooms.

The sword-bearing shadow knocked on a door, voice gentle, “We heard there’s free dinner here, we’re hungry and would like to eat. Please, open the door.”

Seeing no response from Room One, Lu Yang grew impatient, knocking harder, “Open up! We want to eat! What kind of service is this!”

“There’s been a misunderstanding between us, open up, let’s have a proper chat!”

“Open up! Hurry, or I’ll break down the door!”

The knocking was so loud it could be heard throughout the inn.

Lu Yang kicked open the door to Room One to find it empty. He tried to enter but was repelled by an unseen force.

【Rule 5: Do not enter rooms marked with the character for “heaven”】

The waiter, hiding in one of the rooms, trembled at the noise next door.

“Don’t be scared, the rules say 【Do not enter rooms marked with the character for “heaven”】, they can’t come in, they can’t come in.” The waiter muttered to himself, lacking confidence.

Rooms Two and Three were also kicked open by Lu Yang, but the waiter was nowhere to be found.

“That leaves Room Four!”

Without a second thought, Lu Yang kicked the door open and indeed found the waiter curled up in the darkness.

“Come out! I’ll spare your life!” Meng Jingzhou threatened with a menacing tone.

The waiter, seeing Meng Jingzhou bluffing, relaxed and laughed loudly, “Ha! As expected, you too must follow the rules!”

Only he could decide who enters and who doesn’t in the rooms marked with heaven. Moreover, he had an absolute advantage in these rooms; no one could harm him!

Just as the waiter was contemplating whether to drag them in, Lu Yang nonchalantly produced a wooden plaque. The waiter’s face turned to sheer terror upon seeing it.

The plaque read: Room Four.

Anticipating such a scenario, Lu Yang had switched the door plate of Room Three with Room Four’s, turning Room Three’s black door brown, effectively making it “Room Four.”

This method worked.

Lu Yang swapped the door plate of Room Four with Room Four, removing the barrier, allowing direct entry.

One with a sword, the other with an axe, both wearing terrifying smiles.

Under the waiter’s horrified gaze, they entered the room, thoughtfully closing the door behind them.

Now this place was Room Four, a completely safe area for them.

Lu Yang kicked the waiter down, cutting his tendons to prevent escape.

Meng Jingzhou gave him a couple of hard slaps as a fee for scaring people.

Then, they changed him into white clothes.

“Speak, what do you know!”

【Rule 17: Do not easily believe the words of strangers, but people in white clothes always tell the truth】

(End of the chapter)

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