Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 64 Table of contents

Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a Villain! - Chapter 64


Siwoo suddenly felt his consciousness fading.

“What, what are we going to do…?!”

“We have no choice but to stop it.”

“Are, are you crazy?! You want us to stop that thing on our own?! We should have called the teachers!”

Dorothy started scolding me.

Realizing it was too late to run away, her face turned pale.

“That’s why I told you to run.”

“Who would actually run away when you tell them to?! Be, besides, I didn’t expect something like this!”

“And if it’s the teachers, they’ll be here soon.”


Siwoo looked at the academy’s main building, which had turned into a mess.

They could easily guess where the threatening villains were without even thinking about it.

“Since they caused such a disturbance, someone will come here soon. We just need to hold out.”

There was no need to go find the teachers.

With this level of destruction, someone coming here to help would be faster than them going to get the teachers and bringing them.

“You’re saying something interesting. Those people are probably strong, but can you hold out until they arrive?”

“…Who knows. It’ll be tough.”

“But you still came here? What’s your intention?”

Objectively speaking, immediately running away now would be a much more rational choice than fighting.

Judging from their appearance, they likely invaded the academy with some purpose in mind, and based on their relaxed demeanor, they have nearly succeeded or already succeeded.

‘Seeing the dog-eared women moving with purpose, that’s probably correct, right?’

In that case, even if he tried to stop them in this situation, it would be meaningless.

He was struggling after taking the attack scattered like confetti while defending Dorothy.

When an invisible attack came flying, he was the only one able to block them.

From the beginning, the best move would have been not to come here and protect himself.

But Siwoo would never choose that option.

“That’s simple. I came to stop you.”

“I don’t get it.”

“I thought you would be smarter.”

He spoke to her, who was looking at me with a questioning gaze.

“Could someone who runs away in front of a villain become a hero? Idiot.”

“… You’re just a kid drunk on hero mentality. Well, this is the academy, after all.”

“You can think that way if you want. I’ve decided not to run away in a situation like this.”

Just like how Amelia did back then.

At that time, in those mountains, she made an irrational decision.

The rational judgment would have been to run away using that ability and alert others of the danger.

Instead, she fought against the villain, saying she couldn’t abandon her friend.

In a way, that could be seen as an irrational action.

But heroes can’t always act rationally. He realized that after seeing Amelia.

To protect.

He decided to act without hesitation when an irrational decision was needed.

So he decided he would somehow stall that villain’s advance.

Now was the time to make an irrational decision.

“Dorothy, since it’s come to this, help me a bit.”

“I have no choice. I’ll die if I don’t help.”

“Do you think help from a friend can stop me?”

“It will be enough.”

Sensing the increasingly raging winds sound an alarm, Siwoo looked at the enemy before him.

“It’ll be fun teaching reality to kids who can’t grasp it.”

“Well, auntie. It’s not that we can’t grasp reality. I’ll make you realize that kids these days are stronger than you think.”

“… You’ve got a mouth on you. Fine, shall we begin?”

“The scarecrow said: I want a brain. The Wizard agreed to grant the wish.”

The moment Dorothy’s voice rang out, he felt a sensation and intense pain as if the world was distorting.

And the winds released from the villain’s hands began raging out of control.

Anyone else would have had their body torn to shreds by the invisible attack before they knew it.

…But Siwoo saw it.

To him, reinforced by Dorothy, who had hidden herself, the invisible blades were clearly visible.

They’re fast. But not as fast as Amelia.

They’re sharp. But not as sharp as Arte’s threads.

Attacks of this level couldn’t injure him.

“…You dodged. Looks like you’re not just all talk.”

“Of course. I’m, ugh, quite skilled.”

“That doesn’t seem to be your original ability…ability enhancement? It seems to have some side effects, too… The duration isn’t very long either. I guess I can play until it runs out.”

“…Damn it.”

‘How did she figure all that out just from me retching a bit?’

It made his head spin in a different sense from the side effects.

‘Can I really hold out?’

…No, he abandoned that thought.

I will defeat her.

This much was nothing.

When was it? He once had a conversation with Amelia about the fear of the unknown.

The reason humans fear death is because they don’t know what will happen after they die.

In that case, he wasn’t afraid of that villain.

The invisible blades that others would fear are visible.

He could perceive even the slightest movements and reactions that others wouldn’t notice.

He knows what’s coming,

So why would he be afraid?

If humans’ greatest fear is the fear of the unknown, then I shall become the most fearless being in the world.

“We don’t have much time, so I’ll end this quickly.”

The villain fires off a slash of wind.

Again, it’s invisible, but Siwoo can see it.

He dodged the oppressive wind that came from above.


“Sorry, but I can see it all. Deception doesn’t work on me.”

“… You’re more interesting than I thought. But you can stop bluffing. You look like you’re struggling.”


She noticed, huh?

Yeah, his head is definitely pounding.

Even when he was well rested, he couldn’t endure Dorothy’s ability for long.

Even when he was in good condition, his brain couldn’t handle the amount of information, let alone in this state with his body in tatters.

His head was already starting to throb. It didn’t seem like he could hold out for long. He could already feel the ability waning.

…But that doesn’t mean there’s no way.

“Dorothy, I need something stronger!”

He shouted aloud.

Dorothy definitely heard him, but nothing changed.

She refused.

“Dorothy, at this rate, I’m going to die. It’ll be better to use it and at least try something.”

The villain was still at ease. She must have judged that she could kill me at any time.

He could feel her gaze, watching to see what he would do.

… She’ll regret that judgment.

As if hearing his desperate plea, he felt the world spin.

Strength began overflowing through his entire body as if my whole body had recovered. He felt like he could do anything.

But the feeling of omnipotence was short-lived. Terrible pain pounded his entire body, making him realize he was in a dangerous situation.

“Huff, hah, haah…”

He couldn’t tell if his body was breaking down because he was abusing Dorothy’s ability or if his body was too tattered to continue.

Maybe it was both.

Every step he took was accompanied by intense pain, and it felt like time was passing slowly.

…I can’t endure any longer.

My body wouldn’t last long.

So, let’s give my all.

With that thought, his vision went black.

“You’re closing your eyes? There’s a limit to ignoring me…!”

…Did he close his eyes?

He didn’t remember doing that. They must have closed on their own.

But he doesn’t mind. Even if he can’t see, he can perceive.

He gradually lost sensation in his body and stopped smelling the thick scent of dirt and blood.

“…! I’ll… kill…!”

Finally, Siwoo could no longer hear the villain’s irritated voice, probably feeling he was ignoring her.

All sensation in his body vanished.

He couldn’t see, hear, smell, taste, or feel anything.

A feeling as if only he existed in the darkness.

Is this what death would be like?

He let out a sigh.

No, was it really a sigh? With his senses gone, he couldn’t be sure.

An ordinary person would feel extreme fear at this point.

With all five senses gone, they wouldn’t be able to move.

…But he had his Intuition.

Sixth sense.

The ability to perceive what humans cannot.

The ability to see what cannot be seen, hear what cannot be heard, feel what cannot be felt, and smell what cannot be smelled.

Relying on his ability, Siwoo took steps forward and suddenly realized numerous paths were laid out before him.

On many of those paths, Siwoo lay collapsed, bleeding all over from his body being torn by the wind.

But on a few paths, Siwoo survived. He decided to take those paths.

As he walked, another fork appeared before him.

…Again, most versions of Siwoo died, but a minority did not.

He decided to take the path where a version of Siwoo survived.

He repeated this dozens of times.

Before long, only two paths remained before Siwoo.

The path where his entire body is torn apart by the wind barrier the villain hastily set up, and the path where that doesn’t happen.

Siwoo walked the path where it didn’t happen and swung his sword.

He couldn’t feel any sensation. With his fading consciousness, Siwoo couldn’t be sure if he swung.

That was the end.

Siwoo’s consciousness went black, and the world turned completely dark.

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