Rebirth of the Useless Bastard Son
Chapter 96.2 Table of contents

Early the next morning, Li Wu drove his carriage out of the villa with confidence. Li Tianyan, who was sitting in the carriage, immediately noticed that many people were following them, but they did not approach, and Li Tianyan did not pay them any attention.

The carriage finally stopped at another grand courtyard in the suburbs. Li Wu saw the Li family logo engraved on the plaque hanging on the door of the courtyard and then said to the people in the carriage, “Young master, we’ve arrived.”

“Yes,” Li Tianyan said, stepping out of the carriage. He took a look at the Li Family Villa and walked straight in without even knocking on the door.

Duan Qin had another nightmare last night. As soon as she was helped by Grandma Cai to sit in the outer hall and was about to drink tea to calm down, she saw a young man walking in from outside. Duan Qin couldn’t see the face of the visitor clearly because he was walking against the light. “Who dares to break into my Li family’s villa without permission?”

“If the old lady hadn’t sent someone to keep an eye on me, I wouldn’t have come to the door myself so she could see clearly.” Although there was a smile on Li Tianyan’s face, the smile didn’t reach his eyes. He walked into the main room and found a place to sit down.

Li Tianyan was a little surprised by Duan Qin’s appearance today. In just a few years, she looked much older. Her temples were streaked with gray, and her eyes were dull and yellow. She no longer looked as graceful and elegant as before.

After a few observations, Li Tianyan suddenly understood. Although the scent of nightmare herb was very faint, it could not escape his sense of smell. It seemed that someone had taken action against Duan Qin in recent years.

“Li Tianyan?” Duan Qin said with shock on her face after recognizing him. The Li Family Villa clearly had a high-level protective formation, so why did Li Tianyan come here without the protective formation showing any response? “How did you get in?”

“I just walked in,” Li Tianyan shrugged. “I was able to enter and exit this kind of protective formation freely a few years ago, so it’s nothing to make a fuss about.”

“You…” Something suddenly flashed in Duan Qin’s mind, and she looked at him with astonishment. “You were the one who snuck into my courtyard and eavesdropped on my conversation with Li Pei, right?”

Grandma Cai came in with tea and happened to hear what Duan Qin said. She was so shocked that the tea cup in her hand fell to the ground. She still remembered that Duan Qin suspected someone was in the courtyard that night, but she thought it was just an illusion. She hadn’t expected it was Li Tianyan; so, he already knew it at the time.

“Yes, I heard everything that should and shouldn’t be heard,” Li Tianyan replied calmly.

“On the day of the birthday banquet, it was you who embarrassed me in public, wasn’t it?” Duan Qin was trembling with anger, regretting that she had been too soft-hearted and allowed this evil obstacle to live.

“It was just a small speak pill. If you acted righteously, how could you make a fool of yourself?” Li Tianyan admitted frankly.

“You are so presumptuous.” Duan Qin was so angry that she lost her mind. She slapped the table and stood up, wanting to teach Li Tianyan a lesson. Unexpectedly, before she could make a move, she already fell into Li Tianyan’s hands.

At this moment, Li Tianyan was holding Duan Qin’s neck with his hand, and his face had completely changed from his usual appearance. “Old lady, you are truly my good grandma. You had me take a concubine as my mother and watched as my mother plotted to poison me in the end. Even you wanted my life.”

“Let me go.” Duan Qin’s face turned red from being pinched, and she struggled desperately in his grip, but found that Li Tianyan was surprisingly strong. Her innate sixth-level strength was unable to move him at all. At this moment, Duan Qin could think of nothing but fear.

“Young Master Tianyan, please let go of the old madam; she is your own grandmother.” Grandma Cai awoke from the shock in front of her and hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him.

“Grandma Cai, you were also involved in the baby exchange back then, right? Don’t worry after this old woman dies, I will send you to be buried with her.” Li Tianyan glared at her with hatred in his eyes, and his words were chilling.

Grandma Cai couldn’t help but shudder when she saw the look in Li Tianyan’s eyes, like a demon seeking life from hell. At that moment, a figure hurried in from outside.

“Tianyan, Yan’er.” As soon as Hong Man received the news that Li Tianyan had arrived at the Li Family Villa, she rushed over. She initially was worried that Duan Qin would do something bad to Li Tianyan, but she did not expect this scene.

When Li Tianyan heard Hong Man’s voice, the ferocious expression on his face softened a little, and he loosened his grip on Duan Qin slightly. He turned to look at the person who had come in, he opened his mouth but couldn’t speak.

As soon as Grandma Cai saw him slackening his grip, she quickly rescued Duan Qin from Li Tianyan. However, Duan Qin’s neck was bruised and she had fallen into a coma.

Hong Man couldn’t think much, and ran forward, grabbing Li Tianyan’s hand and urgently saying, “Yan’er, why did you come back? The people of Tianfan Immortal Sect haven’t gone yet. I’m afraid the news about you has spread. It won’t be long before they come to arrest you. Please leave.”

“Are you… worried about me?” Li Tianyan stared blankly at the woman in front of him.

“You are mother’s own child. How could I not be worried about you? If I hadn’t been deceived before, how could I have treated you like that? Listen to me and leave Jincheng as soon as possible.” At this moment, Hong Man’s strong demeanor faded, replaced by worry and longing.

“Mom.” After calling out, the crazed look in Li Tianyan’s eyes gradually became clear.

Li Tianyan, who had regained his composure, looked at Hong Man in front of him and Duan Qin, who was half-dead on the ground, and sighed inwardly. Finally, he said to Hong Man, “Take care, madam.”

“Tianyan.” Hong Man looked at Li Tianyan’s back in a daze, feeling as if something had been taken away from her, but no tears could flow from her eyes.

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