The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 101 Table of contents
  1. The Yoshanka Branch Office Aftermath Report


* * *


On a lone island adrift in the endless beautiful ocean expanse.

A veritable deserted isle.

This volcanic island, its activity having ceased in ancient times, was largely covered in dense forestry forming its own unique ecosystem.


Glancing skyward revealed darting shadows accompanied by piercing cries.

Basking in the sun’s radiance as they frolicked through the boundless azure – their true form was that of dragons.

Creatures possessing high intelligence, fearsome magic power, and formidable physiques.

Monsters adventurers dreamed of subjugating at least once.

The adversaries of heroic tales.

Yet hunting the dragons inhabiting this island was prohibited by Adventurer’s Guild regulations.

For these dragons served as the island’s invaluable defensive forces.

This island’s name was Aave Island – the perpetually summer homeland where the international Adventurer’s Guild headquarters resided.


* * *


And here was one particular room within that Adventurer’s Guild headquarters on Aave Island – the “Transfer Chamber” etched with numerous magic circles adorning the floor.

As its name implied, these magic circles enabled “transferal” – by channeling magic power while standing atop one, instant teleportation to its corresponding destination became possible, a dream-like magic.

Through these circles, the headquarters maintained magical connections to its branches across the world, enabling swift travel transcending distances.

These “divine magic circles” were said to have been established when the Adventurer’s Guild was founded by deities a millennium ago, their perfect replication remaining impossible for modern humanity.


A shrill sound resonated through the Transfer Chamber as one circle, linked to the Teenidys continental branch, flickered brilliantly.

Once the blinding radiance subsided, two figures – Investigator Sainon and Special Affairs Officer Taiche – stood atop that magic circle, having returned to headquarters after their Yoshanka dispatch lasting several months.

“Mmm, mmm, mmm! Ah—— this stifling mugginess! So draining—!!”

“You think so? Compared to Yoshanka, it’s heavenly.”

“Ah, well Taiche was born in humid Nuidosten. As for me, a northern Akattusan native, this heat still hasn’t become tolerable.”

Exchanging banter while stretching, the two seemed more relaxed having concluded their long-term assignment, engaging in slightly more casual conversation than usual as they headed toward the office area.

“Still, that single woman certainly occupied a significant amount of our time.”

“Haha, well it couldn’t be helped. We were instructed to conduct a thorough investigation by the vice-commander himself. The subordinates have indeed grown rather lax in recent times.”

“Disciplinary action, was it? Maintaining military discipline.”

The two strolled leisurely down the headquarters’ corridors.

Through the seamless white walls’ expansive windows, the vibrant subtropical sunlight poured in.

Taiche basked in its warmth with evident relish, while Sainon’s expression suggested mild discontent as they continued onward.

“Now then, Taiche, what are your plans for the rest of the day?”

“I’ll be taking a break. Using my paid leave days. This trip has left me quite fatigued, after all.”

“Fu, fu, fu, in that case, Taiche, would you care to join me for a meal later……”

“Welcome back, you two. Thank you for your efforts during that protracted assignment.”

Their exchange was interrupted by a sudden voice, causing them both to flinch in surprise as they turned around.

Standing there without them noticing was an elderly butler-like gentleman dressed entirely in black attire that seemed utterly mismatched for the tropical island setting, regarding them with a gentle smile.

“V-Vice-Commander Geistpfenanjeshiriard!”

“D-D-Don’t startle us like that, if you would! Some warning beforehand would be preferable!”

The two instinctively straightened their postures in the vice-commander’s presence.

A natural reaction given this long-named elderly man’s standing as the Adventurer’s Guild’s second-in-command – a being on a separate plane compared to mere headquarters staff like themselves.

“Hahaha, my apologies. But please, no need for such stiffness. Relax, relax.”

His gentle, soothing tones alleviated their tension momentarily, but their respite proved fleeting after the vice-commander’s subsequent words.

“The commander has summoned you both. Before returning home, I ask that you visit her office chamber.”


* * *


“……As for the former receptionist Pilitza, after confirming the full extent of her criminal charges, her assets were seized in accordance with regulations. She was quite the habitual embezzler, you see, with an extraordinarily high number of victims we have yet to fully identify. Going forward, we will proceed with compensation disbursements from her seized assets, covering any shortfalls from the guild’s budget reserves. Her person has already been handed over to Teenidys, where she will face trial as a criminal under their national laws.”

Seated before the grand window overlooking the sparkling azure ocean under the subtropical skies, the petite golden-haired woman smiled radiantly as Investigator Sainon delivered his report, his body rigid with tension.

Yet his nervousness stemmed not from bewitchment by the woman’s youthful beauty and elegant features that effortlessly captured wandering gazes.

This golden-haired lady’s tresses danced with the island breezes, the very manifestation of Lairine Rune – the Immutable, who had reigned as the Adventurer’s Guild’s supreme commander for over half a century, its utmost authority.

“A-A-And regarding other personnel matters, the Yoshanka branch chief Dakkante faces a three-month salary reduction for supervisory negligence. As for the vice-chief, our investigation revealed his own involvement in improprieties alongside Pilitza. However, given the small scale and his apparent remorse, disciplinary action was limited to demotion without termination. Th-Th-That concludes my report!”

“To supplement, we have reassigned Sadakoru, a young man from the Namedake branch, to fill Pilitza’s vacant receptionist position at Yoshanka. I, as a special affairs officer, have seamlessly handled all clerical duties until his transfer could be finalized, with the transition already completed. He is a capable individual who will undoubtedly revitalize the Yoshanka branch.”

Trembling with tension, Investigator Sainon and Special Affairs Officer Taiche concluded their report.

Knees shaking, drenched in cold sweat.

For the beauty before them, the supreme commander Lairine, was the active world’s strongest special rank adventurer despite her gentle demeanor.

Legends abounded of those incurring her wrath – dragons shredded to splinters in an instant, hostile nations single-handedly annihilated, monster stampedes blown away with a sweep of her arm…….

And yet, her ageless appearance remained utterly unchanging.

According to guild records, Lairine’s adventurer registration dated back over 300 years.

Putting it simply, her current age definitely exceeded 300 years.

Despite this, she retained a youthful visage untouched by time’s passage.

An anomaly evading natural human categorization, essentially a legendary, nearly monstrous existence unworthy of being addressed disrespectfully.

Little wonder the two lowly staff members were so tense in her presence.

“Fuu—n, I see, I see, understood—. You two worked quite hard, Sainon and Taiche—! I’m sure you’re both exhausted too, so rest well tonight and rejuvenate your bodies—!”

In stark contrast to the pair’s stiff tension, Commander Lairine’s demeanor exuded an utter lack of urgency.

With her drawn-out verbal cadence and ageless visage, those simply conversing with her would likely fail to discern her status as the strongest adventurer.

“Ah, but you know—? There was one more thing I wanted to ask you two about—. That’s why I had to trouble you tired souls to come all this way, you see—?”


Had there been some oversight in their report!?

Sainon and Taiche tensed up once more, audibly swallowing their nervousness.

“What became of little Emi—?”


Who was that again?

Sainon blurted out his bewilderment.

“Yeah yeah, in the progress reports, you know—? I recall her name being mentioned several times, you see—? I’d like to hear more details about that girl—!”


Sainon seemed utterly perplexed.

Yet realization dawned on Taiche beside him.

“Ah, I see. Sainon, she’s referring to that cursed child expelled from Yoshanka. The one Pilitza had been exploiting and stealing medicinal herbs from.”

“Ah, ah, ah. Ah! Yes!”

Finally catching on, Sainon nodded in recollection.

Emi the cursed child……not an adventurer.

As a civilian victim, she should have been the top priority for compensation over the monetary exploitation.  However, lacking detailed information and her current whereabouts being unknown left her case unprocessed, put on hold while prioritizing other victims’ compensation.

With her existence slipping his mind amid those priorities, he had neglected to address her situation in the report.

“Well, umm, regarding that cursed child, we did attempt investigating for potential monetary compensation……. However, as she was apparently a wandering orphan to begin with, we were unable to obtain any further details beyond what was included in the progress reports, leaving her current status unknown to us……”



“Not ‘that cursed child’, her name is Emi—? Let’s strive for accuracy in our reports, shall we—?”


Commander Lairine maintained her ever-present beatific smile.

Yet her overwhelming presence could not be fully contained.

It leaked forth, slipping through the cracks.

Killing intent.

With a sharp cracking sound, the window glass developed a fracture.

“I-I-In any case, we have no further information to report! Our sincere apologies! If you wish, we can continue investigating that girl’s circumstances, but what are your orders!?”

The one who came to Sainon’s aid as he shouted with a momentarily parched throat after his face drained of color was Vice-Commander Geistpfenanjeshiriard, who had been standing to the side observing their exchange with the commander.

“We’ll take our leave now!”

Replying hastily, Sainon and Taiche scrambled out of the commander’s office chamber, practically fleeing.

Left in the room were the beautiful commander and the long-named vice-commander.


Silent smiles from Commander Lairine.

Though facing forward, her gaze seemed unfocused, as if deep in contemplation.

“……Does that girl Emi pique your interest?”

Pouring tea into a cup from a teapot he had procured, the vice-commander posed the question.

“Did you perhaps encounter her during your travels incognito in the past?”


The cup placed before Lairine on her desk emitted a small sound.

The sweet aroma roused her from her reverie back to the present.

“……Nuh-uh, nothing like that— Never met her before—…”

“Then why the interest?”

Rather than immediately answering, Lairine sipped her tea in silence, the only sound in the stillness being her throat moistening.

“……You know, Gai—…”

“Geistpfenanjeshiriard, Commander. Please do not abbreviate the name you bestowed upon me.”

“You read the progress reports too, didn’t you Gai—?”

Having drained her cup in an instant, Lairine finally engaged the vice-commander in conversation.

Yet her contemplative air persisted, her unfocused gaze avoiding his direction.

“Of course? When it comes to documentation reviews and administrative duties, I undoubtedly handle them far more diligently than you, Commander. You really should strive to be more—”

Alone with the commander, the vice-commander’s words instantly took on a scolding tone, launching into an admonishment.

Their relationship extended beyond just superior and subordinate.

Well, the commander was the type to let such lecturing pass through one ear and out the other, simply ignoring the vice-commander’s grumbling diatribe as she continued:

“Single-handedly subjugating 5 Lovely Bunnies. Taking the lead role in defeating the Togūdo Commander. And she’s only 7 years old……. Do you really think such feats are possible?”

“……According to Investigator Sainon’s report, those lacked substantiation and credibility, did they not?”

“Could you have accomplished such things at 7 years old, Gai?”

“……At 7, it would have been impossible.”

“You see, Gai—”

It was at this point Lairine finally turned to face the vice-commander directly.

Seeing her expression, he swallowed hard with surprise.

This woman who had been his guardian, mentor, and superior since childhood was making an expression he had never witnessed before.

Moist eyes, flushed cheeks, an utterly beaming smile.

Such an expression akin to a lovestruck maiden was an utter novelty for Geistpfenanjeshiriard when it came to Lairine.

“I could have done it, Gai. Feats of that level were well within my capabilities.”


Having known Lairine for so long, Geistpfenanjeshiriard instantly grasped her implication.

“In other words, Commander……you believe this Emi girl to be the same as you?”

“Mmhmm, can’t say for sure based just on the documents— But I have this feeling! This intuition that she might be!”

Lairine’s emotions swelled intensely.

A surge of jubilant sentiment overflowed from her body in the form of magic power, swirling through the office chamber.

“Ufufu, ufufufufu! I’ve searched endlessly, for so so long! Someone ‘like me’! A kindred spirit! This girl must be the one! Someone to walk the path of time alongside me! To become my family—!”

The documents atop her desk were swept away, the chamber’s furnishings rattling noisily.

The fractured window shattered completely, shards scattering elsewhere.

Had any ordinary person been present in this space, they would have likely lost consciousness from magic power exposure at minimum, potentially even perishing.

Yet Geistpfenanjeshiriard remained decidedly calm amidst the maelstrom.

He was well accustomed to such occurrences.

“If contemplating the reason for her strength, could it be due to receiving divine blessings?”

The vice-commander’s words seemed to strike a discordant note, quelling Lairine’s surging emotions.

The whirling magic power dissipated, fading into nothingness.

“……I rather doubt that? The celestial ones utterly detest black hair and black eyes, you see—”

She snorted derisively.

“Furthermore, as Investigator Sainon’s report stated, those accounts lacked credibility. I would caution against any rash actions based on them. Specifically, do not even consider abdicating the commander’s seat to search for that girl yourself.”


Lairine choked briefly.

She had been reaching for the desk drawer containing her written resignation, intending to retrieve it.

“I have not forgotten your 300-year aspiration as commander either. However, this particular matter lacks any substantiation whatsoever. It would be unwise to become prematurely overjoyed. While I cannot reassign Investigator Sainon to search for that girl……. allow me to make alternate arrangements. You may be unmatched in combat prowess, but locating individuals has never been your forte, has it? You are dreadfully inept with directions. Perhaps you could leave this matter in my hands?”

“…………Alright, I understand……”

Reluctantly acquiescing, Lairine slouched against her chair’s backrest, gazing upward.

“Take utmost care with this, Geistpfenanjeshiriard.”

“Leave it to me.”

Placing a hand over his chest with a slight bow, the butler-like man in black took his leave from the commander’s office chamber.


* * *



The sound of a door unlocking announced Geistpfenanjeshiriard’s entry into what was supposedly his private office chamber.

Yet before taking more than a few steps inside, he addressed the seemingly vacant space directly ahead of him without turning around.

“You overheard, did you not?”

……At some point, a humanoid figure clad entirely in black had appeared kneeling behind him.

While humanoid in shape, its body was wrapped in black cloth obscuring any distinguishing features, even its gender.

Without awaiting a response or turning to face it, Geistpfenanjeshiriard continued curtly:

“The black-haired, black-eyed girl Emi that Commander Lairine has taken an interest in. Locate her expeditiously.”

The coldness in Geistpfenanjeshiriard’s tone belied no semblance of the gentle vice-commander adored by his subordinates nor the lecturing superior.

“And kill her.”

A directive diametrically opposed to Lairine’s wishes.

The black-clad figure offered no objection to this inhumane order……. and the next instant, it had vanished soundlessly from the chamber.

Now alone, Geistpfenanjeshiriard strode toward the window, the tapping of his leather  shoes the only sound in the room as he gazed outward.

The panorama revealed azure seas, glistening sunshine, a picturesque subtropical vista.

Yet in stark contrast, his expression had darkened into a sullen scowl.

“……Unacceptable. Such an existence cannot be permitted. You are mine alone. I alone am sufficient for you. Mother, Mother, Mother……!”

The solitary man descended into an obsessive, rambling monologue, endlessly venting his twisted maternal affections as the depraved mother’s boy lost himself to jealousy interminably.



Author’s note: And so, the innocent young Emi found herself marked for death by this outwardly upstanding yet inwardly degenerate uncle through sheer chance.

What fate awaited her!?

Well, as ominous as that may sound, realistically even expert trackers would struggle to apprehend Emi amidst the wilderness she inhabited.

So these particular circumstances likely won’t become relevant for quite some time yet.

Feel free to disregard them for now.

Additionally, what was the source of Commander Lairine’s interest in Emi?

What did she mean by referring to Emi as being “the same”?

While raising various intriguing points, as Emi wouldn’t be associating with the Adventurer’s Guild for the foreseeable future, that aspect won’t progress anytime soon either.

You can disregard that too.

……Just keep disregarding everything, huh!?

What even is the structure of this novel!?


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