The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 103 Table of contents
  1. Tales of the Gods  – The Adventure God Dorantos


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“Don’t give me that ‘isn’t that right, Adventure God’ crap!!”

This was the realm of the gods.

The Adventure God Dorantos, sporting a brown beard around his mouth, furiously struck the framed device projecting images from the lower world!


The force of his blow caused his divine domain – a recreation of the office chamber from when he had served as the inaugural commander of the Adventurer’s Guild ages ago – to tremble violently.

“Hey! Dorantos! Keep it down over there!!”

“Ah, s-sorry about that!”

It seemed the noise had carried over to the neighboring divine realm.

Poking her head into Dorantos’s domain was his neighbor – the Language God Bamapama, who scolded him angrily.

Dorantos profusely apologized.

While he had become a god nearly a millennium ago to oversee adventurers, he was still a lowly lesser deity.

The Language God, taking the form of a bespectacled blue-haired young girl, was a vastly senior god with tens of thousands of years of experience despite her childlike appearance.

There Dorantos remained, repeatedly bowing his head like a scolded child until the Language God finally grew bored with her lecture and departed his domain (not before pilfering quite a few of his snacks).

……Right then.

Confirming the Language God’s departure, Dorantos turned his attention back to the projecting frame to resume observing the events unfolding.

The image displayed was supposed to be of the reincarnator Mitran he had blessed, taking his first step toward becoming an adventurer…….

But that did not come to pass!

Instead, some youth named Kamasse had unexpectedly appeared at the Adventurer’s Guild, putting forth extremely sensible arguments to escort Mitran back to his parents!

(I never anticipated this development!?)

Dorantos held his head in exasperation.

Prior to reincarnating Mitran, he had conducted a “destiny confirmation” to foresee the life Mitran would lead.

According to that predetermined destiny, Mitran was supposed to depart his rural village on this very day, register as an adventurer, and take his first step toward greatness.

(But that brat Kamasse interfered!)

Flipping through a small notebook, Dorantos referenced Mitran’s “destiny log” – a concise record of the confirmed destiny he had examined beforehand.

(……Hmm, Kamasse isn’t a complete anomaly though, is he……?)

As the “destiny log” revealed, even in Mitran’s original destiny, he was fated to encounter Kamasse at the Adventurer’s Guild’s Sondor branch office on this day.

(However……. Kamasse’s behavior toward Mitran deviated far too greatly from what was projected……)

In the pre-verification, the Kamasse who met Mitran was supposed to become arrogant from his own prowess, declaring “This is a trial for adventurer registration!” before pointing his blade at Mitran.

In simple terms, an unpleasant sort.

Whereupon Mitran would retaliate and thoroughly thrash him.

Yes, Kamasse was meant to be Mitran’s whipping boy.

And yet!

(Why did the actual Kamasse turn out to be such a reasonable guy……?)

While rough in speech, Kamasse refrained from any outrageous actions like drawing his sword on a younger child, instead responding with utmost sensibility.

Additionally, in the pre-verification, Kamasse was supposed to be a 4th rank adventurer at this point, but he had already advanced to 3rd rank.

Some unforeseen event must have occurred in Kamasse’s life, altering his destiny and prompting this change in behavior.

(Well, that aspect is fine. Having higher quality adventurers is good in itself.)

The hopes and trust placed in adventurers by the people held the same significance as faith for the Adventure God Dorantos, serving as the source of his power.

The current Kamasse appeared quite capable with ample room for growth.

Referencing Mitran’s “destiny log,” Kamasse was originally fated to fail to come to terms with his loss to Mitran, then recklessly pursue increasingly dangerous requests to prove his strength, ultimately meeting his demise torn apart by a ferocious monster.

However, reality would likely unfold differently now.

Kamasse would undoubtedly continue growing stronger.

Easily reaching the special rank adventurer level.

That alone was a positive development.

Keep striving, Kamasse.

May fortune smile upon your path!

(But then……. what about Mitran?)

While observing Mitran’s demeanor suggested he hadn’t lost interest in becoming an adventurer, his departure from the village would likely be postponed considerably.

If he eventually became an adventurer, then Dorantos’s original objective of “bestowing blessings upon reincarnators to create exceptional adventurers, thereby amplifying his own power” would still be achieved.


(This development will significantly derail the streaming scenario.)

Yes, the Adventure God Dorantos had planned to film Mitran’s life for an isekai streaming series.

(Especially if Mitran ends up delaying his departure like this, the main heroine encounter event will be lost. That’s something I absolutely want to avoid……)

Racking his brain, Dorantos couldn’t conceive of any satisfactory solutions.

He had considered mobilizing his apostles, but dismissed the notion.

Currently, his apostles were preoccupied with overseeing the Adventurer’s Guild operations.

Since he couldn’t neglect those duties either, deploying his apostles was out of the question……

And then—

The sound of a door opening reached Dorantos’s ears.

“Heyyyy, Dorantos! Pardon the intrusion!”

Without even knocking, the Language Goddess Bamapama barged into his neighboring domain once more.

“Neeee, Dorantos! Those snacks from earlier were super delicious, y’know? I want more! Gimme, gimme!”

Saying that, the bespectacled blue-haired little goddess began wandering around the contemplative Dorantos lounging in his chair.

“Hmph, ignoring me huh? Deep in thought? Pfft! Fine then. I’ll just help myself!”

With those words, she began rummaging through the cupboards in his divine domain.

“Ah? None here? Where’d you hide the snacks?”

Pulling items out of the cupboards, she left them scattered about haphazardly.

“Neeee, where are they? Where’d you hide the snacks? Tell me tell me tell meee!”

She shook Dorantos’s chair vigorously, trying to force the location out of him.


Finally snapping, Dorantos roared furiously at the little goddess!


And the little goddess raged back in turn!

Being hotheaded by nature, she instantly resorted to violence!

Her tiny right fist struck Dorantos’s left cheek the next instant, moving faster than the sound it produced could follow!

As a vastly senior god, her strength far outmatched Dorantos!

Irrationally struck, Dorantos was sent hurtling away, smashing straight through the walls of his divine domain before disappearing off into the distant unknown!

“……Ah! There are the snacks!”

Amid the rubble of the destroyed wall lay an unopened cupboard that had also been demolished, from which the sought-after treats came spilling out.

Beaming happily, the little goddess scooped them up before skipping back to her own divine realm, snacks in hand.



Author’s note: Hooray for finding her treats, Bamapama!

And so—

Thanks to his growth from encountering Emi, Kamasse managed to escape his predetermined role as an “arrogant elitist whipping boy” and extend his destiny toward the future.

This concludes Arc 6.

Next is Arc 7.

Well, that’s the announcement for the next arc, but there’s still one more update for this current arc.

Thank you truly for discovering and reading this amateur novel “The Reincarnated Extra”

For bookmarking it, leaving ratings and impressions…….

I’m immensely grateful.

I hope you’ll continue accompanying me on this journey.

Please look forward to future updates.

May you have a wonderful new year.

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