The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 113 Table of contents
  1. Sudden Assault! The Black Dragon!


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<<<I’ve been waiting for you, you know.>>> 

The male voice resounded in her mind.

Emi naturally understood that it was the voice of the immense black dragon hovering above her.

【Mind Speech】.

A technique to forcibly impress one’s thoughts onto another.

According to the entity residing within her, the black dragon’s voice was conveyed through this technique.

<<<At first, you were merely an insignificant insect amidst the innumerable crawling around the outskirts of my forest, just a worthless black worm.>>> 


While continuing its 【Mind Speech】, the black dragon slowly descended, lowering its massive body to the ground.

It simply landed.

Dropping its excessively large arms, legs, and overly long tail onto the earth.

And folding its wings.

The wind pressure generated from just those motions knocked down all the surrounding trees, instantly creating a vast open area.

Emi adhered her body to the ground with 【Adhesion】 to avoid being blown away by the wind.

Any rocks or tree trunks flung her way, she withstood using 【Body Strengthening】.

<<<Yet within this short span of time, not even a full cycle of the seasons! You reached the very entrance of my lair! Truly remarkable! I have never witnessed a being grow at such an astounding rate, possessing such an extraordinary soul!>>> 

Conveying its will through 【Mind Speech】, the black dragon let out a roar toward Emi.

Overflowing with delight, that earth-shaking roar was a sound beyond description.

The ground Emi had been grasping shattered into particles, unable to withstand it.

As a result, Emi was blown away tumbling for several hundred meters, barely managing to grab onto a remaining Kaise tree trunk to stay in place.

<<<And yet, you speak of leaving!? Don’t mock me! You made me wait! I waited! I continued waiting for so very long! I’ve grown utterly bored of waiting! You belong to me! Hurry and make me yours!>>> 

Suddenly, the black dragon’s irritation surfaced as it bellowed incomprehensible words while stomping about.

An earthquake erupted, causing part of the Serengi Great Ravine to collapse.

The terrain transformed.

<<<In other words! Fight me, black worm!!!!>>> 

In its frenzied state, the black dragon imposed its overflowing emotions while swinging down its massive black claws, akin to gigantic swords, toward the minuscule human Emi!

Emi instantly used 【Grasshopper】 to leap aside. Avoiding a direct hit, yet still blown away by the wind pressure.

<<<Good! Excellent! It would be disappointing if you died from just that much!>>> 

Laughing delightedly, the black dragon swung its claws embedded in the ground toward Emi.

Like a child flinging sand in a sandbox, it gouged the earth and hurled massive boulders.

Emi could only defend.

Evading the boulders, dodging, dodging, and whenever unable to dodge, shattering them with 【Magic Strikes】.

For now, she remained unscathed.

<<<Hahaha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!>>> 

The black dragon whipped its long neck about violently before slamming its head straight toward Emi.

Once again, Emi successfully evaded using 【Grasshopper】 to leap backwards, landing safely.

Immediately sensing an ominous premonition, she leapt sideways with another 【Grasshopper】.

The next instant, the black dragon unleashed a black beam-like 【Dragon’s Breath】 in a straight line, annihilating every single thing at the spot Emi had occupied just moments prior.

What is this!?

What’s happening!?

Just what is that dragon!?

Engulfed by confusion and terror from this abrupt situation, Emi could only feel bewildered.

Naturally so.

Its sheer enormity.

That body likely dwarfed even the town of Yoshanka where she had resided half a year ago.

Its magic power levels exceeded comprehension, the sheer magnitude too immense to grasp.

An overwhelmingly superior existence in the hierarchy of creatures.

An entity residing above the clouds.

There was no mistaking it.

The colossal black dragon before her was such an existence.

And that black dragon had suddenly assailed the minuscule human Emi while bellowing incomprehensible words.

Not feeling intimidated would be outright insanity.

To survive, Emi focused with all her might.

All she could do was continuously evade its attacks.

However, the black dragon seemed displeased by this.

<<<Haha, hahaha……Hey, black worm. What’s wrong? Don’t mock me. Are you just dodging? Fight me. Fight me, black worm.>>> 

The black dragon’s excitement gradually cooled.

Its interest in Emi waned.

<<<……Hah, disappointing. Boring.>>> 

Then, instantly discarding the expectations it had unilaterally raised toward Emi:

<<<I’ve had enough. Die.>>> 

With arm movements far exceeding the previous leisurely attacks, making it clear those were merely playful,

It unleashed an all-out strike filled with vexation to slaughter the uninteresting failed toy it had lost interest in – aimed at Emi.

Exposed to such overwhelming cruelty.

Exposed to such overwhelming injustice.

Emi snapped.

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