The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 117 Table of contents
  1. When I Woke Up, I Was In Someone’s House


* * *


That day, for Aihara Runa, it began in a rather ordinary way.

As usual, Runa was sleeping in the shed when her foster father suddenly appeared and poured boiling hot water over her.

If I recall correctly, her foster father had been drinking alcohol all night and had just returned home in the morning.

Her foster mother had scolded him for it, putting him in a foul mood, which led to him doing such a thing.

That’s how I think it went.

After waking up, Runa was subjected to a thorough beating by her foster father until his temper cooled down, then she fled the house and headed to school like normal.

Well, it was a common occurrence. Something that happened all the time.

No point in looking gloomy from the morning. Just smile and bear it!

It was on that usual commute path that Runa encountered her.

A transfer student who had gotten lost.

The only person in her previous life filled with enmity who had been on Runa’s side.

The one who invited her with a brilliant smile, “Let’s be friends!”

Her name was…


* * *



Her eyes opened with a flutter.


I was sleeping?!

I fell asleep?!

For how long?!

Where is this?!

Are there any enemies nearby?!

Panicking, she jolted upright.

The blanket covering her flew up into the air.

【Body Strengthening】, continuously maintained.

【Mana Sensing Threads】, deployed.

Ready to instantly kill any incoming threat.

Surveying all directions, remaining vigilant.

The blanket drifted quietly onto the floor.


The floor?

A blanket?


There’s a ceiling.

And walls.


Not a forest?


Where is this place?

After calming down and observing her surroundings, it seemed this was someone’s house.

Not grand, just a small wooden room, but clean and bright from thorough housekeeping.

Few furnishings.

In one corner were several straw baskets.


Carefully examining herself, she realized someone had dressed her.

Nothing special.

Just a plain shirt and pants similar to what the villagers in that Trash Village used to wear.

Likely intended for a boy.

Her trusted black inner wear from the forest now had that boyish shirt and pants over it.

That was her current attire.

<Fuwah……good morning……huh, where is this……? Hell……?>

Ah, good morning, Extra-sama.

Allow me to interject right away, but what’s with “Where is this? Hell?”?

Wouldn’t you normally mistake it for heaven or something?

And didn’t you previously state that there is no afterlife in this world yourself?

<Fuwah!? Ah, Emi!? Oh, good morning!?>

Well, in any case, after immediately snapping out of her drowsy state, Extra-sama and I, Emi, proceeded to assess the situation.


* * *


<……However, I truly thought it was over this time. To think we would encounter the Black Dragon in that forest and be attacked>

Savoring the joy of still being alive, Extra-sama spoke those words.

The Black Dragon, you mean that massive flying, chattering black lizard?

crunch crunch

<Black lizard, you say……Emi, that was the “Sealed Black Dragon” entity from this world’s mythology. Encountering it was a miracle, and to have been spared, for us to still be alive, is also a miracle>

I had no idea about any of that.

That black lizard just kept spouting nonsense while trying to hit me.

I absolutely won’t forgive it.

I’ll kill it someday. I’ll definitely kill it.

I’ll make it regret letting me live while I kill it.

crunch crunch

<……Sigh Please make that an “eventually” Emi. Challenging it again immediately would be futile, as you’re no match for it currently. Fortunately, it’s sealed within that forest, so it can’t disappear anywhere else. Let’s train diligently and challenge it once you become the world’s strongest, alright?>

Now, now, I’m not so stupid that I can’t comprehend the gap in our abilities, Extra-sama.

…Speaking of which, Extra-sama, you never say “it’s impossible,” do you?

<It’s not impossible. Because……>


<…………You see, I told you before, didn’t I? I’m with you. With the knowledge I’ve gained from isekai broadcasts, elevating you to become the world’s strongest is far from impossible!>

Eh?! That’s your reasoning?!

<It’s an unwavering, unshakable, solid foundation that I can state with full confidence>

I keep thinking this, but Extra-sama, you really rely too much on information from those isekai broadcasts……

Well, whatever.

Anyway, about that.

Let’s put aside the chattering black lizard for now.

Because Extra-sama, we currently have an urgent situation to resolve!

crunch crunch

<Yes, what is it?>

It’s this!!


Hellish hunger!!

<……You were given the black dragon’s blood, after all……The resulting mana transformation’s side effect of hunger will be beyond anything you’ve experienced so far. It’s only natural you’d want to desperately peel and devour these floorboards>


I’m so hungry!!

I’m starving—!!

No matter how many floorboards I eat, my stomach won’t be satisfied at all—!!

And where even is this?!

I don’t remember anything after the black lizard forced me to drink its blood, but why am I in someone’s house?!

Whose house is this?! Was I helped by someone?!

And I’m casually eating the floorboards here, but won’t I get scolded for that?!

<You’re worrying about it in a surprisingly termite-like manner>

Termites likely don’t feel any guilt about damaging houses!

The fact that I’m reflecting and considering the homeowners I haven’t even met proves I’m undoubtedly human!



While Extra-sama and I engaged in such silly banter, one of the 【Mana Sensing Threads】 I had deployed throughout the house reacted.

It seemed something had entered this house through the front entrance.

I inadvertently became wary.

Unconsciously releasing 【Intimidation】.

Stopping my hand devouring the floorboards and my chewing mouth, I focused on the intruder’s presence.

If I sensed even a hint of hostility.

I would instantly cut them down with 【Mantis】.

Shifting my center of gravity to my toes, ready to move at any moment.

Hands held before my body.

No, in my current terrible condition.

Both physically and magically drained to near-minimum levels. Far from fully recovered.

Perhaps breaking through a wall to escape would be safer.

……Even as I contemplated such thoughts, there was a reason I didn’t immediately flee.

A pleasant aroma wafted over.

A savory, delicious scent.

That scent was approaching.


My stomach involuntarily growled.

Drool wouldn’t stop flowing.

What should I do?

I want to eat it.

I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat.

That delicious-smelling thing, I want to eat it.

What should I do?

What can I do?


No, I want to eat it.

How can I?

Take it?

Should I kill them?

……At that moment, my hunger had me so confused.

I couldn’t make rational judgments.

The confusion left me unable to move.

If a truly hostile presence had approached me in that state, that confusion would have proven a fatal opening.

However, fortunately, that was not the case.

The ones who entered this house were not the likes of thieves, bandits, or monsters.

Slowly sliding open the door, slightly cowering from my murderous aura, a woman with deep green hair like my own age peeked in from the other room along with a brown-haired girl.

In the baskets they carried were large loaves of bread piled high.

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