The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 120 Table of contents
  1. The Felling of the Giant Tree, and the Outsider’s Arrival


* * *


Some more time passed after that.

The wheat fields had grown considerably taller, their height already reaching my chest.

According to Prough-kun, the harvest season would arrive soon.

I’m really looking forward to it.

“Myogon, Myogoshugomyonshugoh! Myogon, Myogoshugomyonshugoh!”

The Myogomyogoshugo, with its unique sound in this region, heralds the arrival of early summer.

The temperatures have well surpassed warm and are already hot.

Under such a summer sky, I currently stand at the village’s edge, near the forest.

“Alright, we’re all set over here! Miss, go ahead!”

That was Ronte’s command.

Well then, let me give it a try.

What I’m facing is a massive tree obstructing the expansion of our fields.

A size that would likely be enshrined as a sacred tree in my previous world, but in this world, trees of this magnitude are so abundant they’re treated as disposable.

My task is to fell this giant tree, along with the surrounding trees in this area.

Essential work to clear more land for cultivating wheat.

I’ll put in my full effort to contribute to the village.

Extending my right hand with fingers pointed straight, I take a stance.

Enveloping it in mana, the preparations for 【Mantis】 are complete.

However, my opponent is a giant tree.

Its trunk’s thickness is so immense, even four or five adults joining hands wouldn’t be able to encircle it.

Using my entire arm as a blade wouldn’t provide sufficient length to fell it.

Well, I could make a cut partway, then kick it down with all my might, but that feels like a waste.

Since this is a good opportunity, I’ll field-test a new technique.


Taking a deep breath, I concentrate.

What I’m about to do is an application combining 【Mantis】 and 【Magic Slash Thread】.

From my outstretched fingertips, I extend “slashing” mana.

No need to refine it into thin threads like 【Magic Slash Thread】.

The image would be extending the blade portion of my mana-clad arm, I suppose?

Extending a mana blade.


I did it.

It took quite some time, but I managed.

Still nowhere near combat-applicable levels, but sufficient for this task.

Anyone capable of 【Magic Perception】 like myself should be able to perceive the flat, extremely elongated blade projecting horizontally from my raised right arm.

I’ve dubbed this technique the straightforward 【Great Mantis】, for lack of a better name.


The power bestowed upon me by the Black Dragon’s blood seems considerable, as I’ve already recovered my pre-demon realm mana reserves.

Though my lingering hunger suggests those reserves will continue increasing further.

Nevertheless, even with my current mana capacity, maintaining this 【Great Mantis】 is quite taxing.

Quite mana-intensive, really.

Best to complete this task promptly.


Mustering my spirit, I swing my mana-bladed right arm toward the giant tree.

Hyun—the sound of cutting wind.

My blade passed through the tree without resistance.

Seconds later, a creaking zuzuzumi shimi shi resounded from the tree.

“It’s gonna faaall!!”

The instant after Ronte warned the surrounding villagers, the tree exposed its severed surface and began toppling toward the ground.

With the day’s major task now complete.

One minor issue, though—this giant tree is falling straight toward me!

I should have considered the falling direction more carefully when cutting, huh.

My bad, my bad.

“Oh, hey!”

“Danger! Run!”

The villagers panicked, but it’s fine.

Calmly extending my left hand upward, I catch the falling giant tree.

Yeah, no problem.

Pretty light, actually.

I simply toss it aside toward an uninhabited area, resolving the situation.

To be able to handle something like this without even using 【Body Strengthening】, the physical changes from mana transformation must be remarkable!

……If consuming monsters causes mana transformation, everyone should just do that, right?

I wonder why they don’t?

Well, whatever.

“Phew, that was a close one!”

“Miss, you’re amazing!”

The villagers cheered loudly, clapping excitedly.

“Honestly, my heart almost stopped……Miss, you need to be more careful with tasks like these.”

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Ronte approached me.

“Take better care of yourself. You’re an important part of this village, after all.”

Pat pat pat. He gently stroked my head with his hand.

It’s sweaty.

“Alright! Now it’s our turn, guys! We can’t keep relying on the Miss, or we’ll lose our manhood! Let’s get to work!”


Following Ronte’s rallying cry, the village men began felling the trees.

The once densely forested area rapidly transformed into an open clearing.

Gradually expanding the village, increasing the land available for wheat cultivation.

My next task would be relocating the felled tree trunks to a less obstructive area.

The giant tree I had cut down was far too large to carry, so I’d have to drag it, but the trees felled by the villagers were average-sized.

Around the thickness an adult could barely hug with both arms.

Not excessively heavy, so I could hoist one over each shoulder to the log stockpile area.

Diligently working while ruminating on Ronte’s earlier words.

“You’re an important part of this village, after all.”

That’s what he said.

This village accepted me without discrimination, despite my status as the scorned “cursed child.”

They acknowledge me.

……I’m happy.

If my facial muscles weren’t paralyzed, I’m sure I’d be making an unsightly beaming expression right now.

Could there be any greater joy?

I naturally thought, I want to contribute more to the village.

And I hoped these tranquil days could continue forever.

“Bread delivery~!”

“Alright everyone, good stopping point! Let’s take our lunch break!”


Fetti-chan arrived with a large basket full of bread.

Taking some, we all sat in the remaining shade, basking in the pleasant early summer breeze for our midday meal.

Laughter filled the blissful time passing by.

“Myogon, Myogoshugomyonshugoh! Myogon, Myogo…?!”

The Myogomyogoshugo was being noisy, so I swiftly climbed a tree, caught it, and ate it.

Also, figuring just eating bread wouldn’t provide enough vegetables, I plucked and ate some tree leaves too.


* * *


Now, this particular day in the tranquil Grounoddka Village did have a small incident occur in the evening.

It was already past 6 pm.

The crimson sunset beyond the wheat fields illuminated us returning from work with its side light, casting long shadows.

All the villagers wore satisfied expressions, filled with a pleasant fatigue and sense of accomplishment from a job well done.

I too headed back to Otta’s home.

Otta and Prough-kun should have finished their fieldwork by now and be waiting for me.

I walked while imagining the enjoyable dinner time with those two.

My steps naturally had a spring to them as I proceeded down the country road.

That’s when it happened.


A loud male voice echoed from the side path.

We all stopped and instinctively turned toward the source.

Standing there was an unfamiliar tall man.

With a shaggy, reddish-brown long hairstyle, he wore a slightly tattered leather armor.

“You……Seejin, ain’t it? Long time no see, eh!”

Saying that with a smile, the one approaching the tall man……Seejin was the aforementioned Ronte.

Come to think of it, I had heard that Ronte used to be an adventurer along with his wife Itakk before coming to this village.

Seejin’s appearance closely resembled the adventurers I had seen loitering around Yoshanka too.

However, this Seejin seemed rather strange.

Despite Ronte’s smile, he looked somewhat angry for some reason.

“Not a long time, is it!? You……what are you doing!?”

“Doing? Raising wheat……?”

“Why!? You’re an adventurer, aren’t you!?”

“I retired! This village needed manpower, and I figured my age made it an opportune time.”

“Wh-What……what are you saying!? This is ridiculous!! You too……are you the same!?”

Although Ronte responded calmly, Seejin seemed oddly flustered.

The content of his words was strange too.

“You too?” What did he mean by that?

Oh, wait.

This could get messy.

“Can’t be helped, then……! I’ll have to forcibly take you away for now! You’re going to sleep for a bit! Please forgive me, Ronte!”

It happened so suddenly.

Saying that, Seejin abruptly assaulted the defenseless Ronte!

His body blow aimed squarely at the surprised Ronte’s abdomen!



A crisp sound echoed across the wheat fields dyed in the sunset’s glow.

The sound of Seejin’s punch being stopped.

By whom?


Yeah, I could perceive his blatant activation of 【Body Strengthening】 thanks to my constantly active 【Magic Perception】 these days.

Perhaps an unnecessary intervention, but I took the liberty regardless.

Fortunately for me, Seejin’s attack was just a body blow.

My height was barely enough to intercept it.

“Ah!? You……black hair, black eyes? A cursed child!? L-Let go! Remove those disgusting hands!! Don’t interfere, or I’ll kill you!!”

……Unlike Ronte, Seejin adopted a rather rude attitude toward me.

Who is this guy?

The murderous intent I unconsciously directed at him made his body shrink back in fear.


“Now! Restrain him!”

“Don’t think you can lay your hands on a villager and get away with it, scum!”

Seizing that opportunity, the surrounding villagers instantly swarmed and restrained Seejin.

“L-Let go! Let go!!”

Seejin struggled, but it was futile against their superior numbers.

“……My apologies, Miss. An old comrade caused you trouble.”

Ronte apologized to me with a bow.

Though he had no need to do so……

“Not sure what’s going on with Seejin, but he must have his reasons. We adults will hear him out on that later. For now, Miss, you should head on home. Otta and young Master Prough will be waiting.”


Well, if he insists, I’ll take him up on that offer.

I nod, then start walking toward Otta’s home.

Thanks to Seejin’s incident, we lost some extra time.

The sun had already set beyond the wheat fields, with countless stars twinkling in the purple dusk sky.

I shouldn’t keep those two waiting too long.

With that thought, I found myself breaking into a jog along the country road.

And yet.

And yet, for some reason.

I feel somewhat irritated, which has been quite a while.


Yes, tomorrow, I’ll wake up earlier than usual and go hunting extensively.

Yeah, that’s a good idea. Vent out some stress.

Let loose and vent stress, then eat lots of meat to vent more stress!

Right? Sounds good, right?

……Yeah, exactly!



Otta’s house came into view.

Warm candlelight spilled from the windows.

The savory aroma of baked blessed bread wafted over.

Guuguu My stomach growled loudly.


My footsteps advancing along the country road came to a halt.

Bringing a hand to my mouth, I contemplated.

What is this feeling?

For some reason, I’ve sensed an odd dissonance lately.

Like……something is missing from my current self.

A vague, indistinct feeling that something incredibly important is lacking.

“Ah, there you are! Emi, you’re late! Hurry up, or the bread will get cold!”

At that moment, Prough-kun spotted me standing there in front of the house after poking his head out the entrance, calling out to me.

Oops, my bad.

I was lost in thought.

Pulled inside Otta’s home by Prough-kun, I was welcomed by the warm candlelight, the delicious aroma of tonight’s dinner.


“Welcome back, Emi!”

“Ehehe, good work! Welcome back, Emi!”

The kind words from Otta and Prough-kun.

“…………I’m back.”

Enveloped in blissful feelings, I had dinner together with those two.

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