The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 138 Table of contents
  1. Time to Sortie, Deogandai!


* * *


A dimly lit research room lined with various instruments.

Within it, a faintly glowing transparent cylinder filled with a pale blue culture solution……Deogandai was born inside this culture tank.

This wasn’t specific to just Deogandai, however.

All demons have their roles and ability stats predetermined to an extent before being “created” with certain designs in mind.

What was demanded of Deogandai was to join the Demon Lord’s Army as a middle-ranked commander and fight against humans.

Hence, he was given decent ability stats and a relatively high level of intelligence.

When he first gained self-awareness, opening his eyes to perceive the outside world, the one standing before him was an elderly demon donning a priest’s robe.

He was an evil priest.

The deity he serves, of course, is the evil god Baharia.

Which demon to “create” is determined through divine revelations from Baharia for higher-ranking demons slated for important positions in the Demon Lord’s Army.

Hence, the role of “creating” demons falls to the evil priests capable of receiving such revelations.

An evil priest’s duties require mastering various knowledge like the magical arts and genetic engineering developed during the era when demons ruled the world.

As such, their numbers are few, and due to their role of “creating” demons, they were revered as existences superior to even the Demon Lord’s Four Archdemons in a sense.

“Come here, Deogandai.”

The elderly demon issued that command to Deogandai floating in the culture tank.

Deogandai briefly pondered.


It didn’t take long for the relatively high intelligence granted to him, combined with the knowledge instilled while drifting in the culture solution, to understand that was his own name.

Deogandai pushed open the hatch on the tank and took his first step outside.

The pale blue culture solution that had always warmly enveloped him was already drained from outside the tank, leaving nothing to protect him.

Exposed to the research room’s air for the first time, it felt slightly chilly, making the newly born Deogandai feel a bit scared.

“Hmm. So you understand my words? No abnormalities, excellent, excellent.”

The evil priest patted Deogandai’s head.

While currently lanky, Deogandai’s physical body at this point was around that of a 5-year-old boy.

Demons normally have their physical growth halted around this age before being granted self-awareness and knowledge to awaken.

Afterward, they receive education befitting their designated roles to become full-fledged members of the Demon Lord’s Army.

“Now then, Deogandai. You’ve already been installed with a certain degree of knowledge. However, it is still lacking. Hence, you must study. From now on, you will……”

The evil priest began explaining what Deogandai would do going forward……when suddenly!


With that roar, the culture tank beside Deogandai violently shattered with a thunderous sound!


The pale blue culture solution gushed forth, and from within that tank, another demon emerged groggily.

“Hungry!! Want meat!!”

Uttering such blatantly dimwitted lines, that demon left Deogandai aghast.

All demons were supposed to have an awakened physical age of around 5 years old.

And yet!

The demon before him towered over 2 meters tall despite supposed to be 5, his massively muscular body exuding overwhelming pressure!

Instinctively checking his own physique, Deogandai saw only a slender, pale-skinned body.

What was that!? Why the difference!!

In that moment, an immense inferiority complex was born within Deogandai!

“Oh……!? Could it be, you’re awake already!? As expected of the future Demon Lord’s Four Archdemons member, the ‘Invincibly Mighty’ Makkoymakkoy!”

Rather than chastise the destructive large demon Makkoymakkoy, the evil priest seemed surprised yet delighted, clapping his hands with a smile.

“Nngaaaaahh!! Meat, meat, meaaaaat!!”

“Yes, yes, I understand. I’ll have the finest dragon meat prepared, Makkoymakkoy. Now, come this way!”

With a gentle smile, the evil priest guided Makkoymakkoy away somewhere alongside some assistants.

The research room was left utterly devastated like a storm had passed through, equipment scattered everywhere.

Amid the chaos, his very existence forgotten amidst Makkoymakkoy’s overwhelming impact, Deogandai was left behind stark naked and alone.

“……Wh, what am I supposed to do…?”

Those pathetic, bewildered words became the first memorable utterance of his life.


* * *




The shrill alarm blaring throughout the room woke Deogandai.


Pushing himself up from the soft bedding and rubbing his eyes, his single command was detected by the room’s sensors, illuminating the lights.

This was the Demon Lord’s Castle……Deogandai’s private quarters assigned as a middle-ranked officer.

“How nostalgic……just a dream, huh……”

The dream he had just witnessed.

It was the memory of when he was born.

Also the source of the inferiority complex he harbors.

After being left alone in that research room, unsure what to do, Deogandai ended up wandering the Demon Lord’s Castle completely naked.

The senior demons mocked him, asking why he was nude and if he lacked any shame, scolding him to follow the evil priest’s instructions instead of roaming around.

It was precisely because that evil priest had abandoned him by leaving somewhere that led to this situation, but as a superior, Deogandai couldn’t talk back.

Back then, Deogandai could only remain silent with his head bowed while enduring the scolding from the senior demons.

While wandering the castle, Deogandai witnessed Makkoymakkoy, the future Demon Lord’s Four Archdemons member who had awakened shortly after him, greedily tearing into a massive steak with his bare hands.

Makkoymakkoy’s presence was astounding – despite just being born, numerous demons were already bowing to him, attending to his meals.

Seeing that dimwitted demon leisurely eating meat over there compared to Deogandai being abandoned naked without any understanding.

What was the difference?

Why did Deogandai have to endure such humiliation?

His inferiority complex was severely aggravated……causing his defiant spirit to fiercely ignite.

(……Just you wait! I’ll definitely achieve great accomplishments and make everyone acknowledge me!)

Hence, Deogandai diligently devoted himself to studying and training harder than any other demon – honing his magic power.

However, the limitations of the innate ability stats he was born with were cruel.

No matter how much he trained and persevered, in a mock battle against Makkoymakkoy, Deogandai would be effortlessly pinned down with just a single finger.

It was infuriating.

Therefore, Deogandai decided to leverage his strengths beyond mere ability stats.

Namely, academics and the technique of controlling monsters.

Monsters……ferocious beasts that torment humans.

By studying their ecology and how to subjugate them, he thoroughly researched the subject.

The might of monsters compensated for the limited ability stats he lacked.

Borrowing the monsters’ power, Deogandai began achieving remarkable results compared to his peers.

His accomplishments were so praiseworthy that the Demon Lord directly bestowed him the title “Puppeteer.”

(However……it’s still not enough! I need even more achievements!)

Yes, he still wasn’t satisfied.

No matter how many achievements he racked up, in the end he was just a middle-ranked commander.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Just a slightly outstanding piece on the board.

He had yet to earn a higher evaluation from the executives.

Because his ability stats were simply decent at best.

So the executives only gave him decent evaluations.

He would make them recognize his worth.

More, more, more, more!

By continuously achieving greater results!!


After waking up and steeling himself with a hot shower, Deogandai changed into the Demon Lord’s Army middle-ranked commander uniform, donning a robe over it.

Not a single oversight in inspecting his various equipment.

He then proceeded to the office, confirmed some documents, and slammed the call buzzer.

“……You called?”

Longinus entered the room.

“Final confirmation. Are the 500 dark magic wolves and huge red boars prepared for large-scale teleportation magic?”

……Without a shred of sarcasm, only his sharp gaze inspecting, Deogandai’s demeanor caused even Longinus’ back to unconsciously straighten.

“Yes. All preparations are complete without issue.”

“Excellent! We will now teleport the monsters into position……before commencing the invasion of the fortress city of Liheid! The only demon force sortieing will be me as always!”

Deogandai powerfully stood up!



“Is the celebratory drink prepared?”

“Without issue.”


After confirming that, Deogandai brushed his long bangs aside and strode out of the office with his robe fluttering behind him.

Chest puffed out, shoulders squared, taking large strides in his retreating figure, Longinus kept her head bowed while seeing him off.

Longinus disliked Deogandai’s normally unpleasant, sarcastic personality.

However, the sight of him with his spirit steeled before sorties.

That alone, Longinus simply found admirable.

(If only he was always like that.)

Letting out a small sigh, Longinus thought that to herself.

Now then.

At this time, it was around 3 AM in the fortress city of Liheid.

Four hours later at 7 AM, the fated battle between the fortress city and Deogandai would commence.

……Unbeknownst to anyone, that fate was about to get thoroughly warped by a certain young girl.

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