The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 150 Table of contents
  1. The Premise Story


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<Now Emi, before we start searching for the trigger… the cause behind this loop, there is a premise I want you to understand first.>

As I reached for the large front entrance doors, intending to re-enter the manor to search for the “trigger” Extra-sama mentioned in order to dispel the loop, Extra-sama called out to me.

Gently opening the front doors without making noise, I listened to Extra-sama’s words.

Something I need to understand as a premise?

<Yes. It’s that this loop phenomenon was almost certainly not a natural occurrence.>


I inadvertently let out a surprised voice.

Hastily looking around, but there didn’t seem to be anyone near the entrance at this hour, no one approaching after hearing my voice.

In any case, to avoid being spotted, I closed the front doors and used 【Silverfish】 to climb up the wall, sticking to the ceiling.

The ceilings in this manor were unnecessarily high, so at least by doing this I could hide from the line of sight of anyone walking on the floor.

So, Extra-sama.

You’re saying this loop didn’t occur naturally?


Meaning there must be some entity causing this loop?

<Yes, that’s right. I can’t say for certain a loop could never occur naturally, but the probability is extremely low. It’s more natural to assume some entity manipulating time exists.>

You’re saying a human can do that!?

<Humans likely cannot. Probably.>


I have a bad feeling, Extra-sama.

Could it be, the culprit manipulating time is…

<A god, right?>


Clinging to the ceiling, I inadvertently clutched my head with both hands.

Not again!

A god, again!

So you’re saying this loop phenomenon is being caused by a god filming a broadcast!?

And also, Extra-sama.

When I was eavesdropping on Karashia and Keranko earlier, didn’t you say there was a low possibility it was an isekai reincarnation broadcast?

<I thought so at the time, but if a loop phenomenon is involved, it’s a different story. There’s no doubt this loop’s trigger is definitely a god’s unnecessary meddling.>


Why must the gods of this world be like this?

I really wish they would just diligently do their jobs instead of filming broadcasts.

I wish they wouldn’t drag uninvolved people like me into their scenarios…

<And Emi, there is one more thing I want you to understand.>


<It’s that the “scenario” this god has created has already collapsed.>

Eh? Eh?

What do you mean?

<Emi, what did you think when you saw the tragedy Karashia caused earlier?>


Well, I did think it was a cruel story, but?

<Who would want to watch a broadcast where that just endlessly repeats?>

…Yeah, it wouldn’t be entertaining to watch, would it?

<Normally, in a “time loop” story, there is an iron rule that “at the very least, the protagonist’s memories carry over from the previous loop.” The premise is using those memories as a reference to take different actions and choose a better future than the last loop. That’s the basic story behind time loops.>

Yeah, I kinda get what you mean.

<However Emi, think back to that tragedy earlier… Was there anyone who seemed to be acting based on memories from the previous loop?>

No, there wasn’t.

If someone did have those memories, they would have acted differently to prevent that tragedy, right?

<Exactly. No one retained their memories from the previous loop. Which is why the same events are simply repeating endlessly… right? The scenario has collapsed.>

Why would that happen?

<The god probably just forgot to set it up so the protagonist could retain their memories during the loop.>

A setup mistake!?

Wait a minute…

If you’re saying it was a setup mistake, then why even cause a loop in the first place?

Couldn’t the god just use their power to advance time forward instead of wasting time on a loop?

<Normally they would. They would either move their apostles or issue divine oracles to have them avoid the trigger event causing the loop, advancing time forward. But the fact that they didn’t means…>


<It means this god didn’t prepare any apostles or humans capable of receiving divine oracles, causing the loop without any prior setup. In other words, a complete lack of preparation.>

Lack of preparation!?

<From these circumstances, we can surmise that while the god who triggered this loop must possess considerable power to manipulate time, they were likely a novice as a broadcast producer.>

Haah… So an inexperienced lack of preparation led to this endless loop, huh.

The god themselves is probably beside themselves by now.

<More than beside themselves, I’d say the god is likely quite drained. Manipulating time consumes considerable power. Yet the loop is repeating needlessly, so that god may have already exhausted their power and withered away…>

Woah, the people caught in the loop, me who got dragged into it, even the god causing the loop – no one is benefiting!

<However, Emi. For some reason, you alone have been ensnared in the loop while retaining your memories so far. This is an opportunity. In place of the protagonist trapped in an endless loop due to the god’s blunder, you can avoid the loop’s trigger and advance time forward!>

So what I am doing this time is wiping the ass of some idiot god, is that it?


Well, I can’t be blamed for sighing over that.

But just lamenting won’t accomplish anything.

If what Extra-sama says is correct, then I really am the only one who can do anything about this situation.

And if I don’t do something, I won’t be able to escape this loop either.

…I have no choice but to try.

I slapped my cheek and began taking action.

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