The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 154 Table of contents
  1. Eavesdropping on Keranko and the Others’ Conversation


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<For how to approach this loop, why don’t we observe Keranko and the others?>

Extra-sama made that suggestion to me as I crawled across the ceiling.

Hmm? Why’s that?

<Keranko and her group move together. By keeping watch over them, we can evaluate three potential protagonists at once this loop.>

I see.

<Plus, they’re chatty. They might let slip some clues or useful information.>

That’s true.

During my earlier exploration of the manor, I only investigated general things like the number of inhabitants.

This time, we’ll focus our information gathering on Keranko’s group specifically.

Understood, Extra-sama.

Well, that said… My first task will be the same as before – knocking Karashia unconscious.

If I leave her be, the tragedy will begin.

Reaching Karashia crying in the hallway as quickly as possible, Keranko and the others had just left the area after taking her ring.

Once they turned the hallway corner and were out of sight, I dropped down in front of Karashia and immediately unleashed my murderous aura without delay.


Karashia fainted from shock.

After carrying her unconscious body to the library, I quickly dashed out to the hallway and leapt up.

Defying gravity, I clung to the ceiling and started running in the opposite direction from where Keranko’s group went.

This U-shaped manor means taking a detour, but it’s possible to reach Keranko’s room by going the opposite way across the ceilings.

Without running into any servants along the way, I soon arrived at Keranko’s room.

Straining my ears, I could hear Keranko and the others casually chatting as they approached from around the corner.

I immediately dropped down in front of the room’s door and infiltrated.

After closing the door behind me, I leapt back up.

Clinging to a corner of the ceiling, I settled into position.


I made it here first!

Theoretically speaking, this was the fastest way to infiltrate this room, wasn’t it!?

<No, the fact you didn’t run into any servants means you didn’t need to leap up to the ceilings while traversing the hallways. You could have shaved off that time. Something to improve on for next time.>

No, Extra-sama, there won’t be a next time.

I’m not trying to speedrun infiltrating Keranko’s room or anything.

“Ah~, I’m so thirsty~!”

“Ufufu, Doj will be bringing some tea soon. Wait just a bit.”

Oh, here comes Keranko and the “Mother”… Fateu, entering the room.

Plopping down in chairs while making a ruckus.

Then Doj entered a bit behind them.

It seems he was preparing the tea.

He pushed in a cart with a teapot and other items, clattering.

Efficiently setting up and beginning to serve them.

“Ufufu~! This ring is really cute! The lizard carved into it is so stylish~!”

Keranko gazed at the ring on her left index finger, blissfully uttering that familiar line in a good mood.

…This is my first time really getting a good look at the living Keranko (weird way to put it), but compared to her sister, she really does have a cute face.

Large eyes with long lashes, a bit petite and delicate in appearance.

While her sister Karashia could give off a cool beauty vibe if she tried, Keranko has more of an adorable small animal look.

“I’m glad, Keranko!”

“…Fufufu, Miss Keranko… You must take good care of that ring.”


So there was Keranko, her mother Fateu seated across the table enjoying tea together, and Doj standing behind them.

None of the three noticed me as they leisurely enjoyed their tea time.

Really, the root issue was this manor’s excessively high ceilings.

The ceilings were completely out of view for anyone walking below.

Which meant someone like me clinging to the ceiling could infiltrate unhindered.

From a security standpoint, this was a major problem.

<Well, there aren’t many people who can move around on ceilings after all…>

But I can.

Then there must be others who can too.

If I ever build a house in the future… I’ll make sure it has low, compact ceilings.

“Onee-sama is so unfair, you know! To think she was hiding such a cute ring!”

“Really! For Keranko to hide a ring from me, I wonder why she turned out to be such a poorly-behaved child? Could it be the influence of her bloodline?”

“A cute ring like this should be worn by cute me rather than Onee-sama, right? Right, Doj?”

“Yes, you are absolutely right, Miss Keranko.”

“If your Onee-san bullies you, be sure to tell me. Mother will definitely protect you, okay?”


Now, here we go.

From this point on, the conversation will be new information for me.

<When we were eavesdropping before, we shifted our attention to Karashia around this point.>

Right. So this is the first time I’m hearing their conversation from here onward.

Confirming my 【Presence Concealment】 was sound, I focused my ears on the ensuing conversation below.

The next to speak was the man Doj standing behind Fateu.

“Fufufu, ‘protect’ you say. However, My Lady, it’s possible you may no longer need to protect Miss Keranko soon.”


“Eh? Doj, what do you mean by that?”

The lady… Fateu placed her teacup on the table and tilted her head, gazing at Doj.

Doj continued with a smile:

“My Lady, and you too Miss Keranko… Do you understand why Karashia desperately tried to hold onto that ring earlier?”

Wow, he’s calling Karashia so casually.

“Eh~? Why? I don’t know~! I’m no good at riddles!”

“What are you trying to say? Out with the conclusion, Doj.”

The daughter and mother tilted their heads in sync.

Their gestures were truly identical.

While pouring them more tea, Doj gently explained:

“The ring Miss Keranko is wearing is the ‘Ring of the Ranrananga White Lizard’ that has been passed down through the heads of this Luclees family. In other words, the signet proving the head.”


<Ah, I see. So this servant Doj knew the true value of that ring.>

“Eh~!? So if I’m wearing the ring, that means I’m the lady of this manor~!? Awesome~!”

The two’s delight upon learning this fact was tremendous.

Keranko squealed excitedly, bouncing around.

“Wonderful… How wonderful, Doj!”

Fateu’s eyes misted over with emotion.

“Fufu, My Lady… Your makeup will run.”

“I don’t care! For such a wonderful thing to happen! Instead of that worthless man’s bloodline in Karashia, our precious Keranko will inherit this family!? There is no greater joy!!”


Still smiling, Doj raised his index finger to his lips with a “Shh” sound, then pressed that finger to Fateu’s lips to silence her.

When he did that, Fateu’s cheeks clearly flushed and her eyes softened tenderly…


<Haaaaaah! Th-This atmosphere! Without a doubt, these two!!>

…They’re involved, aren’t they?

<And moreover! From the flow of this conversation! There’s almost no doubt Keranko’s father is actually!!>

…Doj, right?


…Ah! Geez, Extra-sama, quiet down!!

Don’t get so excited over someone else’s domestic drama!!

In that case, if these speculations are correct, you know?

If Keranko genuinely does become the head of this family in the future, wouldn’t that be a complete hostile takeover?

Keranko likely doesn’t have a single drop of Luclees blood flowing through her, does she…?

<Haah, haah… You’re right. And based on Karashia’s remarks and Keranko and Fateu’s attitudes we’ve observed, they likely lack any administrative ability to manage things like the mines. In which case, the one who would wield true power in this family would be…>

Doj, huh…!

I surveyed the room again from above.

Keranko was still bouncing around excitedly.

As for Fateu and Doj… they were getting quite intimate with each other.

Yeah, there was no mistaking those two had that kind of relationship now.

At some point, they had closed the distance, Doj gently caressing Fateu’s glistening hair while Fateu leaned her body weight against Doj’s side from her seated position.

That was absolutely not the distance between a lady and her servant!

<Karashia had mentioned how even the servants looked down on her. That may have been because Doj was working behind the scenes to eliminate her, the legitimate heir…!>

Well then.

With this newly transparent domestic situation in the manor coming to light, Extra-sama and I became so engrossed in eavesdropping that we neglected to stay alert.

No matter how superhuman my sense of hearing is, I can’t possibly perceive everything at all times if I’m not paying attention.

Put simply, if I don’t focus on something, I can’t hear it.

Of course, right?

If I tried to constantly listen to every single thing, I would instantly become exhausted.

So, you see.

Precisely because we got so absorbed eavesdropping on Keranko and the others’ domestic drama…

I completely failed to notice the tragedy simultaneously unfolding outside the room.

And by the time I realized it, the situation had already become utterly hopeless.


Suddenly, Keranko’s room door burst open with tremendous force.

The three – Keranko, Fateu, and Doj – were startled into turning their gazes toward the door.

Extra-sama and I were also taken by surprise.

Slowly entering from the hallway with a twisted smile, coated in blood and gripping the magic sword “Agzeliary,” was Karashia.

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