The Reincarnated Extra
Chapter 167 Table of contents
  1. The Hospitality of Yamaok Village


* * *


Now, that night.

Beneath the star-studded sky twinkling like colorful gems, Emi sat alone expressionless on a wooden stage set up at the edge of the village center’s plaza.

In the reasonably spacious plaza, there were no other humans besides her.

Although villagers could occasionally be seen peeking at Emi’s situation from outside the plaza, they immediately hid themselves and went elsewhere if their eyes met hers.

The stage Emi sat upon was covered with a white and black striped patterned cloth woven in the village, and decorated with a large quantity of white chrysanthemum-like flowers brought from somewhere despite it being spring.

It was an elaborate decoration for hastily prepared hospitality.

Bonfires were lit on either side of the stage, bathing Emi, who had been changed into the village’s traditional attire, and the decorative flowers in orange light.

By traditional attire, it wasn’t an unusually shaped garment.

It was a white one-piece dress tied at the waist with a belt-like cord.

A cherry blossom petal pattern was embroidered around the chest area.

This was the emblem symbolizing Yamaok Village, a pattern that must be included somewhere on the clothes worn by the villagers.

However, while sharing that commonality, the clothes Emi wore were clearly whiter and more beautiful compared to the villagers’.

<It’s likely ceremonial attire,> the voice in Emi’s mind surmised.

“My apologies for the wait.”

After being seated on the stage and told “Wait here” for about an hour, the one who finally appeared before Emi was an elderly man with a white beard, walking with a cane.

“My name is Megatonkohsuke. I am the chief of this Yamaok Village. Emi, was it? Thank you for saving one of our villagers. I express my gratitude.”

Saying that, Megatonkohsuke lightly bowed his head.

Following his lead, Emi also gave a slight nod in return.

“I don’t know if it will suit your tastes, but for this evening, we have prepared the finest hospitality cuisine our village can offer. I would be delighted if you enjoy it.”

After speaking, Megatonkohsuke gave a signal, and the village men began carrying large plates onto the stage.

There was one full roasted Uguuso bird, along with colorful spring mountain delicacies like Fukkinot, Udodon, Tarara, and Kogogogo mushrooms.

Steam rose from baked tuber-like items beside garnished Fukujaa grass sprigs, but those were toxic so only for decoration.

The men carrying the plates quickly descended from the stage without meeting Emi’s gaze, but Emi was more concerned that there was only one roasted Uguuso rather than their demeanor.

She had hunted ten birds, right?

Where were the other nine?

While considerably unsatisfied, if she complained now and heard “Oh, we planned to serve those separately later…,” it would be embarrassing, so Emi decided to remain silent for the time being.

“Now then, please enjoy at your leisure.”

With those words, Megatonkohsuke lightly bowed again before departing from the village plaza.


Once more, Emi was left alone in the plaza.

<No, what is this treatment? Isn’t it cruel?>

The voice in her mind began complaining again.

She had been in a foul mood ever since entering the village.

The hunter Gonpeter had said “We will extend you hospitality,” but the villagers’ attitudes were undeniably cold.

Although allowed into the village, Emi was immediately separated from Gonpeter and shoved into an empty hut.

No villagers came to greet her – she was simply gawked at through the windows like a caged beast.

After a while, a burly man entered the hut and tossed Emi the ceremonial attire she currently wore.

Without any explanation, the man simply said, “Wear that, and wait,” before promptly leaving the hut.

Then more waiting ensued.

Time passed as Emi silently watched the rectangular patterns of light through the window slowly shift with the sun’s motion.

When the surroundings began turning orange with the evening glow, Emi was finally led to the village plaza and placed on this stage……only to be left alone again for an hour.

This was absolutely no way to treat someone who had saved their lives.

Displeased by this, the voice in Emi’s mind raged indignantly.

However, Emi herself was not particularly dissatisfied with this treatment.

She was the black-haired, black-eyed curse that this world shunned.

It was only natural for the villagers to avoid contact.

From her life experiences until now, Emi had already resigned herself to such acceptance.

One could even say she had given up.


On the deserted plaza stage, Emi picked up one of the baked tubers and began munching on it.

While resembling a potato in appearance, the texture was sticky like a long yam.

A faint salty taste.

The natural sweetness of the tuber.


Next, she began eating the mountain vegetables starting with the Fukkinot.

The vibrant spring greens adorning the meal asserted their unique aromas and bitterness, accenting the meal.

Eating the mountain vegetables, then the tubers.

This flow was delicious.


And of course, the main dish of the whole roasted Uguuso could not be overlooked.

Emi lifted the bird larger than her head with both hands and took a large bite.


The crispy bird skin.

The overflowing meat juices.

A faint salty taste.

Perhaps seasoned with the village’s traditional spices, the aroma of shiso spread throughout her mouth.


And it was properly cooked through.

Not raw.

Even the feathers had been thoroughly plucked.

In other words, it was properly prepared meat, and delicious.

Simply delicious.

Emi crunched through the bones, feverishly devouring it.

Having tasted properly cooked food for the first time in so long, Emi considered having at least one properly cooked meal a day from now on.


* * *


Not even 30 minutes after Emi began eating, the mountain of prepared dishes had been completely devoured by her.


Emi waited.

For more Uguuso to be brought out as second helpings.

However, not only were no second helpings forthcoming, no villagers even approached the idle Emi after her meal.

More neglect.


It was then that Emi finally became irritated.

After all, she had only been given one Uguuso bird.


She inhaled deeply through her nose.

To calm her emotions.

Simultaneously, she searched for scents.

Using her superhuman sense of smell to locate where the remaining Uguusos were.


But it was no use.

The village was filled with a jumble of various aromas, making it impossible for Emi’s nose to pinpoint where the Uguuso meat was being stored, or if it had already been eaten.


She inhaled deeply again.

This time, purely to calm herself through deep breathing.

What did it matter about the Uguusos?

She could just hunt and eat plenty more tomorrow.

To get so worked up over just nine measly birds she couldn’t eat.

Be an adult.

Become an adult, Emi.

They went out of their way to prepare such delicious dishes for you, didn’t they?

Isn’t that enough?

Just offer up those nine birds as payment for the meal.

I have a generous heart befitting an adult.

Mentally, at least.


No matter how she tried to reason with herself, her ravenous belly was honest and willful.

Immediately demanding more food despite having just eaten.

Certainly, her hunger had subsided compared to before.

However, that merely meant “She no longer felt the urge to devour humans on sight,” not that her body no longer craved vast quantities of sustenance.


Nothing to be done.

Emi stood up and looked around.

Her gaze landed on the mass of white decorative flowers adorning the stage.

Oh well, this will do.

Emi began munching away on the decorative flowers.

The white blossoms strewn across the entire stage were completely consumed by Emi’s belly in no time at all.

But it still wasn’t enough.

Not nearly enough.

In such situations out in the wild, she would gnaw on nearby tree bark to suppress her hunger pangs, but that wasn’t an option here in the village.

She could hardly start eating the village buildings, after all.


Emi considered what to do in this situation.


And the answer came to her surprisingly quickly.

Letting out a small sigh, Emi leapt down from the stage and decided to return to the hut where she had been waiting earlier.

In times like this, sleep was the only option.

Pushing open the hut’s door produced a creak.

The moonlit interior was bare – no furnishings whatsoever.

She didn’t know if this was normal for the village huts, but even the floor was simply exposed dirt.

……But there were walls and a roof.

No threat of monsters assailing her sleep.

It had truly been a long time since she could slumber in such privileged living conditions.

Emi plopped down on the dirt floor and closed her eyes.

Immediately, she began breathing the rhythms of sleep.

The reassurance of being able to sleep inside a hut alleviated her wariness, allowing slumber to come easily.

……So easily that she remained asleep even when someone entered the hut.

After Emi had fallen asleep, the hut’s door made a slight creak as it opened.

The one who quietly entered was a burly man with closely cropped hair and thick eyebrows.

It was Gonpeter, the hunter who had brought Emi to this village before losing contact with her.

“……Already asleep, huh?”

Gonpeter muttered as he peered at Emi’s moonlit face.

He then removed his outer garment and gently draped it over Emi’s body as she slept without any blankets.

“……I’m sorry……so sorry…………”

In a trembling voice, he softly uttered that apology.

Repeating those unheard words of regret several times, Gonpeter exited the hut.

He then returned from his own home with his own blanket and placed that over Emi before finally departing again.

The hut was left with only Emi inside once more.

Only her quiet breathing could be heard.

The night in Yamaok Village quietly deepened.

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