The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 37 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c37

Hyeseong spent the day with a complicated heart.

“…Seong-ah, Hyeseong-ah!”


Startled by Dohyun’s voice, Hyeseong lifted his head.

“What were you thinking about so deeply that you’re just spacing out while eating?”

“Oh, nothing.”

Dohyun looked pitifully at the white rice sitting sadly on top of Hyeseong’s spoon, waiting to be eaten. Ever since Boksil had come back from a walk earlier, Hyeseong seemed to be in an odd state. When they were drinking coffee and watching TV together, he was lost in thought, and even when Boksil came over with a stuffed animal wanting to play, he just sat there quietly. 

“What are you thinking about again?”


“Aren’t you having some complicated thoughts on your own? You always do that when you suddenly space out.”

It was like one of Hyeseong’s small habits. Whenever something happened, or whenever he faced some problem, Hyeseong had a habit of pondering deeply about something without paying attention to his surroundings until he solved it. This had happened before back in their college days.

One time, Hyeseong and Dohyun had teamed up for a club activity to participate in a contest together. They had come up with a great idea using Dohyun’s creativity and Hyeseong’s planning skills, and the other club members at the time said it would surely succeed. But then a senior member who had been quietly listening took their idea, modified it slightly, and won an award with it at the contest.

Dohyun felt devastated and angry, but at the time he couldn’t think of any other way to deal with it. There would be more opportunities to enter contests in the future anyway, and he didn’t have confidence to directly prove and fight that their idea had been stolen.

And then some time passed. On a famous online community app frequently used by college students, that senior’s misdeeds started being posted one after another. Stealing ideas was not the only thing that senior had done. From free-riding on group projects to embezzling small amounts of club funds for personal use, and quite a history of plagiarizing other people’s creative works and assignments. 

A post written by someone based on stories they heard from the victims spread like wildfire. That senior’s contest award was also invalidated, and he essentially dropped out on a leave of absence and disappeared from the university. When Dohyun saw that post, the first thing he did was show it to Hyeseong, and he still can’t forget Hyeseong’s reaction.

“I’m the one who posted that.”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah. I went around asking the people who had been wronged by that senior.”

Come to think of it, after finding out their idea had been stolen, Hyeseong had continuously spent time just sitting and spacing out whenever he had a chance. At first, Dohyun thought Hyeseong must be really upset and shocked. But that wasn’t it. Hyeseong had been constantly thinking. About how to get back at that senior.

That’s when Dohyun realized. Thank goodness Hyeseong wasn’t his enemy.

“Did something really happen?”

Dohyun asked as he placed a fluffy rolled egg on top of Hyeseong’s rice. Hyeseong had that exact expression back then too. A complicated face, quietly spacing out.

“It’s nothing like that. I’m just a bit tired from working in the fields during the day, taking Boksil for a walk, and meeting someone.”

“Really? Then get some good rest today. I’ll hang the laundry.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

In the end, Hyeseong left food on his plate and went to the bedroom. Dohyun told Boksil that Hyeseong was very tired, so don’t bother him by asking to play.

As he entered the bedroom, Hyeseong’s eyes changed strangely. He had told Dohyun he would rest, but Hyeseong went to his desk and opened his laptop. Next to it was the business card Doo-sung had given him earlier, and Hyeseong searched for “Myeongpum Capital”.

“There’s not much coming up.”

For a small office, there wasn’t much information about it. 

“Wait a minute.”

That’s when something caught Hyeseong’s eye. On a blog post with information about the office, a familiar name stood out.

“This office belongs to Seohyun Corporation.”

The name Seohyun was familiar to Hyeseong’s ears as well. It was the name he had heard the day he first met Ihyeok. ‘Seohyun Faction.’ At that time, Ihyeok, who had gotten his hands on Seohyun’s secrets, used it differently. Instead of attacking the Seohyun Faction, he received a huge sum of money in exchange for handing it over and used it to eliminate the Baekdae Faction together. Of course, that strategy also included Hyeseong’s input.

After that, Seohyun and Taesung established an overwhelming power among the gangsters, and although they weren’t quite allies, they promised not to touch each other. Of course, while Taesung thrived and became Taesung Construction, Seohyun failed to ride the growth trend and was now barely continuing business under the name Seohyun Corporation.

“Baekdae’s Kim Doosik and Seohyun…”

Hyeseong’s eyes narrowed. It seemed like this needed to be checked out a bit.  If lucky, he might be able to obtain some unexpected information. 

As he closed the laptop, a headache suddenly hit him.


He felt like his body temperature was rising a bit higher than usual. Do omegas always get heated up like this out of the blue? The doctor had said this was about the time when pheromones would start coming out steadily, so he would have to get used to reactions like this.

“Good thing I told Dohyun I’d rest.”

Hyeseong left the desk and plopped down on the bed. The heat kept rising faintly, so it seemed best to go to sleep early today. As he closed his eyes, his cell phone vibrated softly. Half-asleep, Hyeseong reached out and answered the call without checking who it was.


“What are you doing?”

As soon as he heard the voice, Hyeseong lifted his face from the bed. He took the phone from his ear and looked at the screen, and there it was, clearly written: “CEO”. It was a call from Ihyeok.  If he had known, he wouldn’t have answered. Why did it have to be his voice at a time like this?

“…Nothing much.”

“Were you sleeping? Your voice sounds groggy.”

The voice on the phone was lower and thicker than usual. Why did that small gap tickle his heart in a way he knew but didn’t?

“No. I was lying down.”

Hyeseong suddenly turned his head and stared at the mirror hanging on one side of the room. His face seemed to be even redder than before.

“What did you do today?”

“Just…hung out. With Dohyun.”

Suddenly his breath caught and Hyeseong barely swallowed the sigh that threatened to burst out of his mouth.

“You’re eating well, right? No problems?”

Far from getting better, he felt his body getting hotter and hotter. It seemed to be because of this voice after all. Ihyeok was in Seoul right now and they hadn’t seen each other for a while, so his body was reacting even more. Once he started being aware of it, the heat that had only been hot started to stir up his heart as well.

“Yeah. Well.”

At the question of whether there were any problems, Hyeseong momentarily recalled Doo-sung’s outburst from this afternoon, but didn’t mention it.

“Did you miss me?”


Why did he have to say something like that now of all times? Hyeseong covered his mouth to keep his breath from spilling out. Ihyeok was quick-witted. He could sufficiently detect if something was off just from a slight change in voice. So he absolutely couldn’t let his guard down.  If he didn’t want his current state to be found out.

“CEO, I’m tired so I’m going to sleep now. Finish up work well and get some rest.”

Ending with those words spit out like a machine gun, Hyeseong ended the call. The thought belatedly occurred that he might have called about a work issue, but unfortunately, he didn’t have the presence of mind to care about that now. 


Hyeseong finally let out the breath he had been holding. His face was even redder from trying to suppress the emotions he was aware of. The world of dynamics was truly full of unknowns even if you thought you knew. Hyeseong felt anew that he had become an omega and looked down at his heavy-feeling lower half.

“…This is seriously the worst, Cheon Hyeseong.”

Of course, the doctor had said that when it was time for pheromones to come out, the body could suddenly heat up easily. It wasn’t a heat, but a state where body temperature rises and sexual desire intensifies, but it was an extremely natural phenomenon so don’t be alarmed.

Was this what he meant by that? Looking at the thickly swollen front of his pants, Hyeseong made a wry face.

Why did he have to get hit directly with Ihyeok’s voice at a time like this? To react this much to that one low tone. Hyeseong tried singing the national anthem in his head but it didn’t go down well. It seemed he would have to relieve it once after all. Recalling the doctor’s words that it was okay to appropriately resolve it if there was a reaction, Hyeseong slightly lowered his sweatpants along with his underwear.

Hyeseong’s avatar, revealing its presence, popped straight up.


Sighing with a bit of self-loathing mixed in, Hyeseong grabbed the shaft with his hand. He began slowly stroking the hard, hot, pulsing thing up and down. 

Eung, at the unfamiliar sensation he hadn’t felt in a long time, Hyeseong bit his lip and covered his mouth at the same time. It was so Dohyun wouldn’t hear by any chance.

Only the soft sound of skin rubbing against skin echoed in the room. With the purpose of resolving it quickly somehow, Hyeseong moved his hand diligently. But he tried his best to shake off thoughts of Ihyeok’s face that inevitably came to mind. He felt like he would feel like trash if he thought of Ihyeok now.

Hyeseong focused more on resolving the current situation than pursuing pleasure. Of course, as a human, he couldn’t stop the pleasure from the friction from intensifying, but he ignored it as much as possible. He didn’t want to shake it indulgently just to feel good when he had gotten like this from Ihyeok’s voice alone.


It was when he moved his hand a few more times. He felt something strongly surging forward, and then a bit of strength entered his waist. Soon after, something thick splattered on Hyeseong’s pale, white stomach.

“I seriously want to die.”

Looking at the result on his hand, Hyeseong rubbed his face largely with his other hand.

This chapter is paid for by Nemuru!

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