The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 45 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c45


This chapter is paid for by Nemuru!

Arriving at the construction site, Ihyeok quickly got busy. After putting on his safety helmet and gear, he walked around the site where construction was in full swing.


Many staff and site supervisors followed him along with a secretary, and Ihyeok was busy giving various directions while coldly looking around.


“Then everyone, good work.”


“Good work, CEO!”


After finishing the on-site work, Ihyeok headed straight to his car. The site employees who were bowing to see him off behind him let out a big sigh of relief when Ihyeok disappeared from sight.


“I thought I was going to suffocate to death. Why is he so on edge today?”


The overall supervisor of the site took off his safety helmet and ran his hand through his hair as if frustrated.


“I know, right? Every time the CEO said a word, my legs went numb…”


The lower-level employees also had the same reaction. Because Ihyeok had an outstanding presence and a sharp-looking appearance, employees meeting him for the first time would unknowingly feel intimidated. But after seeing Ihyeok a few times, that thought would naturally evaporate and disappear.


The reason was that, unlike his outward appearance and glamorous past career, Ihyeok had a rather gentle side.


Of course, he would become sensitive about business-related issues or important ongoing projects. But unless someone made a really big mistake, Ihyeok often didn’t say anything, so many of Taesung’s employees viewed such a contrasting charm of the CEO positively.


“CEO, good work today.”


Today as well, a secretary with a gloomy expression slightly turned from the passenger seat and handed a bottle of water to Ihyeok. Ihyeok blankly looked at the hand she held out.


“Why… are you doing that?”


When Ihyeok showed no reaction, the secretary checked on him with a slightly flustered face.


“It’s nothing.”


Ihyeok received the water bottle and became lost in thought. Usually, going around sites required considerable physical exertion. After all, one had to check without missing a single thing whether there was any issue at the bustling construction site, and no matter how healthy Ihyeok was, he would inevitably get tired or lose energy.


“CEO, have some coffee.”


At such times, Hyeseong would always hold out coffee from the franchise cafe Ihyeok frequented, wherever he got it from. And what Ihyeok was holding now was not a warm coffee giving off a fragrant and savory aroma, but just a plain water bottle.


“…Let’s return to the company.”




Only now did Ihyeok realize. The fact that those trivial and insignificant actions all stemmed from Hyeseong’s consideration.


As soon as the car gently started, Ihyeok leaned his body against the car seat. It was a tiring job to begin with, but perhaps because he couldn’t sleep properly last night, he was especially more exhausted today. It had been a few days since he last met Hyeseong like that and returned.


During that time, Ihyeok dealt with the work he had to do as the CEO of the company, and with today’s visit to the construction company site, he had wrapped up the important schedules in his own way. That also meant he could now return as the leader of the Haein City Redevelopment TF team and go next door to Hyeseong.


But even thinking like that didn’t improve his mood at all. Those words about him being uncomfortable kept ringing in his ears. Whenever he closed his eyes, they would come to mind, so he couldn’t even sleep properly last night.


He knew it wasn’t sincere. He knew in his head that there was some circumstance, a real reason why he had to say that to him, but it was hard to accept it in his heart.


“CEO, will you stop by the company and head straight down to Seoin City today?”


“For now, that’s the plan.”




As Ihyeok briefly answered the secretary’s question and tried to close his eyes, his pocket vibrated. Ihyeok took out his phone at a very fast speed. The secretary glanced at him through the rearview mirror with a startled look at his action, then withdrew her gaze.


Thinking it might be contact from Hyeseong, although it was unlikely, Ihyeok had been quickly reacting whenever his phone rang these days. It was the same this time, but unfortunately, the person who sent the text was not Hyeseong.


[CEO Kwon, what are you doing for dinner tonight?]


It was a message from Lee Hae-shin, a director at HL Trading, whom he often hung out with at drinking gatherings in the past. After staring at the text for a while, Ihyeok just ignored it. But soon, another vibration rang out.


[I’m thinking of calling the guys and having a drink for old times’ sake today, wanna come?]


Ihyeok pondered for a moment. Originally, he was planning to stop by the company briefly today and head straight to Seoin City. Regardless of the discord with Hyeseong, Ihyeok was currently the TF team leader anyway. Moreover, Ihyeok did not enjoy such drinking gatherings. In the past, he had to show his face at such gatherings because connections were also important for Taesung to establish itself stably, but not anymore.


So acquaintances like Hae-shin often tried to call him out, but Ihyeok would refuse as much as possible and not attend. He wanted to avoid places that were noisy and where rumors could spread as much as possible.


But going down to Seoin City with this kind of mood right now seemed like it would only make him feel more suffocated. People instinctively seek something to relieve their tightly blocked hearts.


[Just send the time and location.]


In the end, Ihyeok left a text saying he would go and quietly closed his eyes.


* * *


“Oh, CEO Kwon! Long time no see. Have you been well?”


At a club located in the heart of Gangnam, filled with loud music and cheers from people. Going up past the spacious hall on the first floor that the general public could also use, a quite quiet corridor unsuitable for a club appeared. Hae-shin got up with a bright face upon seeing Ihyeok enter the largest room among the rooms lined up.


“Shit, why did you pick such a noisy place?”


“Ay, this is the hottest place in Gangnam these days, what are you talking about? Sit down. More guys will come later.”


Ihyeok went inside and sat down. Then Hae-shin filled Ihyeok’s glass to the brim. He first wet his throat and took a good look around the interior of the hall. He saw a few famous singers and actors from TV and quite a few children of prominent figures in politics and business. And Lee Sihyeon, the son of the Baekgwang Construction president, was also there.


He sipped his drink nervously while watching Ihyeok’s reaction. It was the first time they met since he touched sensitive Ihyeok while drinking alone with Sung-jin last time and suffered an unpleasant sight.


“By the way, why is it so hard to see your face, CEO Kwon? You should show your face and stuff from time to time when we arrange gatherings like this. Business is all about connections too, isn’t it? I was so surprised when I heard you were coming out today, I thought I was going to fall over.”




When Ihyeok retorted briefly, Hae-shin, perhaps already getting drunk, laughed loudly and chattered away.


“But Hae-shin hyung, Geon-woo hyung isn’t coming today?”


Bae Geon-woo. The president of Sangwon Electronics who recently had his wedding. Sihyeon, who had been glancing only at Ihyeok, asked, and Hae-shin put down his glass and waved his hand.


“Hey, don’t even mention it. That bastard Bae Geon-woo doesn’t even answer my calls after getting married. He’s completely changed 360 degrees.”


“Oppa! If he changed 360 degrees, that means he’s the same!”


“Oh, is that so?”


As Hae-shin laughed stupidly, Ihyeok put down his glass and let out a deep sigh. He came thinking his suffocating heart might loosen up a bit, but it felt like he was only getting more stressed.


“You’re the CEO of Taesung Construction, right?”


That’s when it happened. A woman with remarkable beauty, blonde hair, and distinct features approached Ihyeok with a glass of alcohol. Ihyeok’s face contorted at the perfume scent hitting his nose.




“You look much more handsome in person than on TV. As expected of a dominant alpha, are you different?”


“Huh? Baek Ah-ra, that’s discrimination based on traits.”


When Hae-shin pointed at Baek Ah-ra, she gracefully raised her middle finger at him.


“Oppa, pour me a drink, will you?”


When Ah-ra held out her glass with a cute voice, not only Sihyeon but also Ihyeok’s brows furrowed.


“Who are you? I’m seeing you for the first time today, why are you calling me oppa?”


“Wow, oppa, you don’t know me?”


He may not know other things, but one thing seemed certain. Baek Ah-ra was the type of person he disliked. This kind of repertoire was now so familiar that it was boring. Ihyeok didn’t even bother to reply with a nonchalant face.


But Ah-ra, not knowing that, began to chatter about herself enthusiastically. Baek Ah-ra was currently the most popular female solo singer, and with the mini-drama she first challenged acting in surpassing 20% viewership ratings, she had risen to the ranks of top stars and was called the nation’s little sister.


How could he not know someone like her, Baek Ah-ra laughed continuously as if excited.


“Ah-ra, can’t you tell just by looking at CEO Kwon’s face? He’s not interested in that kind of stuff at all.”


“That’s why. Oppa is really charming. Then we can slowly get to know each other from now on. Pour me a drink quickly.”


Baek Ah-ra twisted her body and clung even closer to Ihyeok. It was a movement aimed at seduction to anyone’s eyes. The more she did that, the darker Sihyeon’s expression watching the scene became. He kept anxiously watching the two while tightly gripping his glass.


“Hmm? My arm hurts. Quickly.”


A coquettish voice mixed with aegyo burst out from her red lips. When she, whose gaze at Ihyeok had completely changed, blatantly put her hand on his thigh.




Ihyeok smacked her arm away while muttering curses under his breath. The atmosphere instantly turned chilly. Hae-shin sighed, thinking there was trouble.


“Don’t touch me.”




Ihyeok’s eyes looking at Baek Ah-ra grew cold. For a moment, she also swallowed with a crumpled expression as if scared.


“Hey, Baek Ah-ra. I told you to fix your touchy hands, didn’t I?”


Hae-shin tried to lighten the mood by cracking a joke, but Ihyeok’s expression wouldn’t budge. He ran his hand through his hair as if annoyed and forcefully put down his glass on the table. The remaining alcohol splashed around the table, and startled Baek Ah-ra flinched and slightly backed away.


“Lee Hae-shin.”


“Uh… yes?”


When his name was suddenly called, Hae-shin replied with an awkward smile as if scared.


“If you’re going to arrange gatherings like this, don’t contact me.”


Ihyeok grabbed his coat and stormed out of the room. He shouldn’t have come to a place like this in the first place. He came to empty his head a bit, complicated by Hyeseong, and drink without thinking, but he misjudged. He should have gone to Seoin City at a time like this and seen Hyeseong’s face one more time.


He could hear Hae-shin scolding Baek Ah-ra and her whining about what she did so wrong behind him, but Ihyeok left the club without paying attention.

This chapter is paid for by Nemuru!

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