The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 57 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c57

Ko-fi goal reached bonus 1 extra chapter! thank you to all who donated. 

Ihyeok scribbled his signature on the approval documents. Secretary Han, who looked particularly tired today, received those documents. 


“I will share the schedule for the business trip to England next week as soon as it comes out.”




As soon as he put someone in charge of the TF team, another important schedule blew right in front of him. An important meeting related to the UK hotel project was scheduled. Since it was regarding the hotel construction, Ihyeok’s attendance was inevitable.


Well, maybe it was for the better. Right now, it was much better to focus on work.


“CEO, Daehyun Construction contacted us again. They are inquiring about your schedule, saying they want to treat you to a meal…”


Secretary Han asked with a bit of difficulty.


“Tell them I’m busy.”




As expected, she knew that answer would come. Since Ihyeok’s scandal incident last time, Daehyun had continuously conveyed their intention to reconcile with Taesung, but Taesung had been adamantly refusing. As soon as she returned to her seat, Secretary Han’s head was already throbbing, thinking about how to reject them again.


Since Hyeseong left, a true era of hardship began for Secretary Han. Originally, there were only two people in the CEO’s secretarial office – herself and Hyeseong. Hyeseong’s abilities were outstanding, so Secretary Han’s role was mainly to assist him, and her scope of work included helping with the miscellaneous tasks of the executives within the company, not just Ihyeok.


In fact, work wasn’t that hard at that time. Although pleasing the higher-ups was tiring, Hyeseong never dumped work on her, saying he was her senior. Rather, he helped with Secretary Han’s work and stepped up to take care of parts she didn’t know or mistakes she made.


As expected of a big company, the money and welfare were pretty good, so at first, her friends made comments asking if it was a gangster company, but now they seemed envious.


But who would have known? That Hyeseong would quit. And that his empty spot would be this big.


After Hyeseong quit, naturally, all his work was passed on to Secretary Han. She thought it wouldn’t be too difficult since it was just a little more work added to what she originally did, but it was not at all. Hyeseong, who had quit, was so respectable that even ten of her wouldn’t be enough.


Hyeseong said they would hire a new secretary team leader after he left. Secretary Han also believed it without a doubt. After all, there was no way a secretarial office supporting a solid company CEO would have only one person.


But as time passed, there was no talk of replenishing the workforce.


She subtly asked an acquaintance in the HR team, but the answer came back that Ihyeok had not yet given any instructions regarding the secretarial office personnel.


After that, a strange rumor circulated in Taesung. That the CEO didn’t want to have any other secretary team leader except Hyeseong.


Their close relationship was already publicly known, so that rumor gained even more traction, and Secretary Han also began to despair after that. Of course, her salary went up and the monthly income was high, but so what? There was no time to rest.


“Secretary Han.”




As Secretary Han was about to leave the CEO’s office with an inner sigh, Ihyeok suddenly called out to her.


“I’m going to instruct the HR team leader to hire more secretary personnel by today.”


“Pardon? You mean…”


“We can’t leave the secretary team leader position vacant forever.”


Secretary Han’s eyes widened.


“You’ve worked hard all this time, Secretary Han. Just bear with it a little longer until the secretary team leader position is filled.”


“Ah, yes. Of course.”


At the awkward words, Secretary Han bowed her head deeply. Ihyeok wasn’t overly sensitive or scary, so it wasn’t too difficult to serve him as a superior, but he wasn’t the type to say such warm words either.


What’s this, they say people change suddenly before they die. Did he have a change of heart or something? Secretary Han thought as she left the room.


Ihyeok, who was blankly staring at the quiet CEO’s office, gazed into the air.


He wasn’t looking at the neat ceiling but recalling the last time he met Hyeseong.


Seeing Hyeseong casually entering and exiting a hotel room, Ihyeok almost lost his reason for a moment. He even had the urge to break down that door right away and take him out. He must have become complacent while moving to Seo-insi and spending time with Hyeseong little by little.


Originally, the goal was to find Hyeseong’s possible partner, but why had he been stupidly staying still all this time? Maybe he wanted to believe that all that talk was a lie.


However, the sight of Hyeseong casually going in and out of the hotel awakened Ihyeok from his complacency.


Just who could it be? The bastard who couldn’t even bring him in directly but called the kid to a hotel and did such things that left marks on his lips for everyone to see. He was very curious about the face of the culprit who made Hyeseong push him away and leave Taesung.




What drove him even crazier now was the fact that Hyeseong might be an omega.


The medicine taken by omegas who manifested early, the pheromones he directly felt. It was certain that his nature had changed for some reason.


Then is the other person an alpha? But why did he hide it tightly from him without even hinting at it? That was also incomprehensible.


“Shit, I can’t control my emotions.”


Ihyeok sighed in anger and ran his hand through his hair. Just how amazing must that person be for the almighty Hyeseong to throw everything away to that extent? Even if he tried not to think about it, it was impossible not to. Isn’t it enough that he takes that naive kid in and out of hotels?




Ihyeok, who had been clenching his fists tightly, leaned back in his chair, letting the tension out of his body.


These thoughts are all pointless too. At first, he thought Hyeseong, who was clumsy at dating or love, was being dragged around by some bastard.


But he knew that was just his own wish. Hyeseong was a smarter kid than anyone else. At least he wasn’t foolish enough to push himself into a pit.


Whoever that person was, it was all Hyeseong’s choice. Even cutting ties with him.


Right. Let’s stop caring. Whoever Hyeseong meets, whoever he rolls around in bed with, don’t think about it.


As long as Hyeseong kept pushing him away, saying he was uncomfortable, there was nothing he could do on his end either. For the time being, it seemed he needed to quietly sort out his thoughts.


Thinking that way, one thing naturally came to mind. Ihyeok immediately called Deok-soo.


– Hello.


“It’s me.”


– For what reason… Ah, I’m really working hard on investigating Hyeseong’s partner! It’s just that there are so few clues…


Partner, my ass. Han Deok-soo spouted such nonsense like an automatic responder whenever Ihyeok called.


“Enough, stop it.”


– Yes… pardon? What did you just say…


“I said stop investigating Hyeseong’s background. Erase all traces and take your hands off. I’ll send you the compensation for your work right away.”


– Re-really? I don’t mind, but why all of a sudden?


Deok-soo raised his voice as if it was unexpected.


“Do I have to explain?”


“No! I will follow your orders without questioning.”


Startled by the irritated voice, Deok-soo spoke hurriedly.


– Hyung, by any chance… did Hyeseong say anything recently? Like, about Seohyeon Industries…


As he was about to end the call, Deok-soo carefully opened his mouth again.


“No. I don’t want to talk about that for a while, so let’s hang up.”


Ihyeok rubbed his forehead as if a headache was coming on. Things that would have seemed strange if it were normal times didn’t reach his ears now.


With his curt words, Deok-soo couldn’t say more either. The call ended like that, and Ihyeok focused on work again.


Of course, Ihyeok had no intention of completely severing his relationship with Hyeseong like this. How many years had they been together, so even if they took a break for a while, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Probably.


Making such a resolution, Ihyeok tried hard to concentrate on the documents.


* * *


A few days had passed since the fight with Ihyeok. Dohyun returned to Hyeseong’s house. Despite the one-month stay coming to an end soon, there was still no sign of him leaving, but for now, he was just left alone.


There had been quite a lot of changes during that time. Mr. Han’s husband came to apologize to Hyeseong. Of course, he still looked a bit reluctant, but along with a clear apology, he added that they shouldn’t spread rumors in the neighborhood and asked Hyeseong to put in a good word with ‘that man’.


It seemed he was quite afraid of Ihyeok’s next retaliation. Hyeseong assured him that he understood, accepted the apology, and sent him back.


Next, he planted seedlings in the vegetable garden he had prepared with Dohyun. They planted sweet potatoes, lettuce, and cherry tomato seedlings on one side. Having breakfast with Dohyun in the morning, resting a bit, then going out to manage and tend to the vegetable garden had now become a daily routine.


But the biggest change of all was in the house next door.


“Hyeseong! I’ll go in first and wash up. Come in after finishing up.”




Dohyun took the equipment and went inside first. Hyeseong was about to leave the vegetable garden and go into the house, but his gaze unconsciously turned to the house next door.




It had been quite a while since Ihyeok’s car had pulled up there. Since that day. Among the residents who loved to gossip, rumors began to circulate that the bachelor living in that house seemed to have moved and had been away for quite some time.


Hyeseong, who had been staring at the blue roof, soon turned his head.


Perhaps because the work in the vegetable garden was quite laborious, these days Dohyun fell asleep as soon as he ate dinner. Hyeseong warmly covered his friend, who was sleeping with his mouth wide open, with a blanket, then picked up the food waste he had left in the sink.


Recalling his aunt’s words that it was best to clean up these things right away, Hyeseong prepared to go out and throw it away. Since the food waste bin was right near the house anyway, he was about to go out just like that, but suddenly a familiar voice came to mind.


“And when you go out, dress warmly. The nights are still chilly.”


Hyeseong went into the room, put on a thin cardigan, and headed outside. Today, the lights in the blue-roofed house were not turned on either. Hyeseong threw away the food waste, trying hard to ignore it.


As someone had said, the night was quite chilly. He thought it was a good thing he came out wearing a cardigan. As he was about to go back into the house, he strangely felt a gaze from somewhere.


Hyeseong opened his eyes alertly and quickly turned his body.




All he could see was the bright light of the street lamps and a quiet, deserted street. Maybe he felt wrong. Hyeseong pulled his cardigan tightly and quickly headed home.

Ko-fi goal reached bonus 1 extra chapter! thank you to all who donated. 

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