The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 78 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c78

This chapter is paid for by Nemuru!

It was probably only a few seconds, but to Hyeseong, that time felt like an eternity.

“Damn, I misunderstood such dog shit without knowing that.”

Ihyeok was the first to take his eyes off. He took a deep breath from his lower abdomen and made a dry wash of his face. Fortunately, it seemed to have gone well.

“Don’t curse.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Ihyeok coughed and lowered the window. A cool breeze infused with night air swooped inside.

After that, Hyeseong provided additional explanations. That it was his misunderstanding alone that the store employee who sold the gift was a lover. Hyeseong also said he didn’t bother correcting that statement because it was bothersome to explain one by one.

As the misunderstanding unraveled, Ihyeok’s face also softened a lot.



“If you don’t have anything to do later, try being a drama writer.”

“Don’t mess around. Do you even know how I feel right now?”

Ihyeok ran his hand through his hair as if frustrated. Then he naturally reached into his arms and took out a cigarette. It was an unconscious instinct.

“You’re not going to smoke, are you?”

Hyeseong immediately frowned. It showed in his expression, asking if it was a sincere action.

“…Ah, sorry.”

Ihyeok put it back in, sighing in frustration.

Hyeseong didn’t understand. Ihyeok right now was, how should I put it, he seemed a bit unstable. While he looked refreshed, he also showed signs of impatience. He seemed to be in a good mood, but confusion still remained in his eyes.

Trying to smoke that in front of him who extremely hated cigarettes was proof of that.

“You seem upset about something, but if you think about it, shouldn’t I be the one who should be like that? I even had a strange misunderstanding about me.”

Hyeseong spat out playfully, trying to lighten the somehow subtle atmosphere a little. But even with those words, Ihyeok showed no reaction.

What is it, is he angry? I thought he had a promiscuous lover who would leave a kiss mark on his neck, but is he upset that it turned out to be all a misunderstanding?

Ihyeok’s attitude was still difficult to understand.

“I’m not upset.”

A voice that seemed a little more docile was heard. Hyeseong raised his head. Ihyeok was looking at Hyeseong with eyes that had regained their glow.

“The opposite.”


Ihyeok slowly reached out and stroked Hyeseong’s cheek. The rough fingers touched the soft and squishy cheek.

“You know nothing. How relieved I am.”

More than when he woke up after being stabbed in the stomach and on the verge of death from illegal surgery, more than when he accepted Seohyeonn’s deal to get rid of Baekdae, more than when he was selected as the construction company for the Haein City redevelopment project, the fact that Hyeseong didn’t have a lover and that it was all his stupid misunderstanding couldn’t be more of a relief.

Recently, Hyeseong’s lover occupied more of Ihyeok’s mind than work. Even while working, he would suddenly think, who is that bastard, is he meeting that bastard now, and get furious.

But that was all for nothing. Along with the loss of strength, what came was a tremendous sense of relief.


Hyeseong seemed to think about something, then soon smiled slightly.

“Why. Did you think I’d fall head over heels for some scammer somewhere, giving my body and money?”

Hyeseong slightly pulled away from Ihyeok’s touch. He finally understood. Those incomprehensible actions of Ihyeok.

“You must really think of me as a child.”

Even after time passed and he became a proper age in his mid-20s, to Ihyeok, he was just a younger brother to take care of. It was truly subtle that he was so worried that someone who doesn’t even know the first letter of dating would suffer after getting caught by a bad guy.

“Don’t worry. I’ll handle dating or love on my own.”

Actually, that’s what he’s doing now.

Since he pulled away, suppressing the urge to feel that touch a little more, Hyeseong was doing well.

Ihyeok always told Hyeseong. Sometimes it seems like he doesn’t know how scary the world is. Wasn’t it the same just now? He must have been unnecessarily worried, thinking that in his eyes, Hyeseong had fearlessly jumped into playing with fire that would soon go out.

“I’ll date someone whose identity is certain and mentally healthy so that your lifespan doesn’t shorten, so don’t worry.”

Upon hearing those words, Ihyeok blankly looked down at his hand.

He’ll handle it on his own. Dating someone, meeting someone, he’ll handle it all on his own. Ihyeok’s eyes slowly died out.

The sensation of Hyeseong’s soft skin still lingered on his hand. The feeling was a hopeless thirst.


Hyeseong took out a shopping bag from under his feet. He handed it over so that its owner could take it properly.

“I didn’t buy it to give to a nonexistent lover, I bought it to give to you.”

“Stop messing around.”

Ihyeok laughed and lightly pinched Hyeseong’s cheek, who was innocently showing an aftertaste.

“But why a gift?”

“Today is your birthday.”


That reaction, that Ahjussi definitely didn’t even think that today was his birthday.

Well, even when I was a secretary, there were times when I would ask, ‘What day is it today?’ when I gave him a gift.

“You try being my age too. It’s annoying to pay attention to every little thing like that.”

“Yes. That’s why I bought it, because I thought you’d be like that.”

“Were you waiting for me in front of the company to give me this?”

Hyeseong nodded slightly. Not knowing that, Ihyeok ran around the department store like crazy looking for Hyeseong.

“Why didn’t you contact me then? You weren’t going to just wait there either.”

“I just waited. I wanted to give it to you as a surprise.”

Hyeseong scratched the back of his neck as if slightly embarrassed.

Ihyeok tightened his grip on the shopping bag. To think that small head was having such cute thoughts. But without knowing that, he was covering the surprise event that the kid had prepared purely with dirty and promiscuous imaginations.

The saying that you only see what’s in your eyes was spot on.

“What did our Hyeseong buy, I wonder.”

As Ihyeok put his hand into the shopping bag, Hyeseong suddenly blocked him.

“Look at it at home.”

“Why, are you embarrassed?”

Without even making eye contact, Hyeseong nodded slightly.

Ah, if I put that reddened earlobe in my mouth and roll it around, what kind of expression would that child make? Ihyeok licked his lips as if frustrated.

“Okay. Got it.”

He wanted to tease him more, but then he would suffer more damage. If Hyeseong acted more temptingly here, he might not be able to hold back. If pheromones flowed out, it was obvious that Hyeseong, an omega, would have a hard time.

By the way, why doesn’t Hyeseong talk about being an omega?


Perhaps sensing the gaze staring intently, Hyeseong tilted his head like a small, cute animal. He was so cute that even looking at that face for an hour wouldn’t get tiring.

“Nothing. Let’s go home now. Put on your seatbelt.”


He had crossed one mountain, but what Ihyeok faced was another bundle of problems. For now, Ihyeok drove the car, burying those problems.

* * *

After dropping Hyeseong off, Ihyeok headed straight home.

Originally, he wanted to go inside and spend more time with Hyeseong, but he had no choice but to follow his firm words to go in and rest since there was work tomorrow.

Strangely, it was difficult to disobey Hyeseong’s words.


Ihyeok, who came out of the bathroom, fully enjoyed the refreshing feeling. Today was a rare day when both his body and mind were very comfortable.

He headed to the bedroom, wiping his wet hair with a towel. The shopping bag Hyeseong had given earlier was neatly placed on the small desk.

A gentle smile graced Ihyeok’s face as he looked at it.

The image of him misunderstanding on his own without knowing it was a birthday gift for him and causing a scene flashed by like a revolving lantern.

But Ihyeok didn’t feel ashamed or regretful. Although he made Hyeseong flustered due to the misunderstanding, he now knew the whole story through this.

Hyeseong doesn’t have a lover he’s dying for. From the beginning, there was no bastard who would brazenly leave a kiss mark on a visible spot or a wicked guy who would call him to a hotel in broad daylight.

Ihyeok sat on the chair and took out the box from the shopping bag.

Opening the luxurious box with the stamp of a famous brand, he saw a fountain pen neatly placed inside. Ihyeok carefully picked up the fountain pen. The luxurious pattern and smooth texture fit snugly in his hand.

Then a card tucked inside the box caught his eye. Ihyeok slowly reached out and took out the card.

Ahjussi, happy birthday. I’ll buy you something even better next time.

Neat handwriting with crude content. Ihyeok burst out laughing at that. His eyes lingered on the word ‘next time’. His heart began to beat faintly.

The one who arbitrarily thought Hyeseong had a lover and inflated his imagination alone was none other than himself. Why on earth did he create a nonexistent wicked guy?

Moreover, he could no longer postpone defining these feelings he had recently felt towards Hyeseong.

Anyway, one thing was clear. He didn’t see Hyeseong as a precious younger brother he could add to his family register like Seongjin.

Because there’s no older brother who would get aroused while kissing his cherished younger brother.


Ihyeok fiddled with the pen gently. His eyes looked slightly sunken from fatigue, but they were clearer than ever.

Ihyeok sat in his seat for a long time, lost in thought. The subject of all his thoughts was, of course, Hyeseong.

His feelings for Hyeseong were very large. More than the family he couldn’t even remember anymore, more than Seongjin, with whom he had lived together through bloody fights, Hyeseong’s existence was very heavily established.

Now he knew. That his feelings for Hyeseong were not such noble emotions. When he met Hyeseong the year he had just turned 20, he wanted to raise Taesung together. Thanks to that, he naturally recognized Hyeseong as someone he had to protect.

But that was just something he had arbitrarily packaged with nice-sounding words. When he saw Hyeseong, his heart pounded loudly as if floating, and when he saw the smile blooming on that soft face, he couldn’t be more fulfilled.

What Ihyeok felt for Hyeseong, wanting to taste those cherry-like red lips and leave his mark on the pure white flesh, was lust.

And after going through today, he finally felt it. The possessiveness of not wanting Hyeseong to be taken away by someone else. That dirty and ugly thing, and at the same time, the emotion that could be called the most noble.

“What should I do with this kid?”

Ihyeok slowly rubbed Hyeseong’s handwriting written on the card.

This chapter is paid for by Nemuru!

Translation Notes: 

I can’t purchase the chapters as of now Nemuru, so I don’t know what to do I wil check again for a few hours or maybe tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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