The Country Life Diary of a Gangster’s Secretary
Chapter 76 Table of contents

The Country Life Diary of a Gangster's Secretary - c76

After Jeong Se-jin left, Ihyeok rubbed his tired eyes. The nerve of him, threatening with pheromones as if he’s also an alpha.

He roughly understood now. Daehyun doesn’t think favorably of Taesung. He felt it since the scandal incident, but he confirmed it clearly this time.

Of course, looking at it differently, he didn’t feel too bad. It also meant that Taesung had grown big enough to be a threat to that giant company. Just then, Secretary Han came in to give the afternoon work briefing.

Normally, it was standard to do it after lunchtime ended, but they couldn’t because an unexpected visitor suddenly barged in.

<Director Jeong has left.>


Then Secretary Han recited things about the afternoon work and special matters using a tablet.

<And lastly, it’s about this week’s regular meeting…>

<Ah, that meeting. Postpone it for a week.>


<The materials for the UK hotel business probably haven’t been organized yet. Because I caused an accident.>

Then Secretary Han also nodded as if she understood. She added that she would adjust the meeting schedule and inform the employees, then left the room.

Ihyeok continued his work after that. Of course, the problem was that work wasn’t getting done because of his thoughts about someone.

Even while working, Ihyeok had to stop his hand reaching for his phone several times.

He wanted to contact Hyeseong and have trivial conversations, but he hesitated unknowingly because the last conversation they had was like that.

Ihyeok finished his work grudgingly and left the company. The sky was already getting dark.

The chauffeur approached, but Ihyeok told him it was fine and to leave early, then got in the car alone. At this time, it was later compared to other days, but since a meeting was canceled, it could be considered a rather early time off for Ihyeok.

When he thought about going home like this, the first thought that came to Ihyeok was that it was awkward to see Hyeseong.

Until a few days ago, he had persistently chased after the kid who drew a line with him, saying it was uncomfortable, because he felt hurt. And now he was doing this again, which was truly laughable.

After much thought, he called Seongjin.

– Oh, CEO Kwon.

<Where are you?>

– I’m at the golf course.

These days, Seongjin was immersed in golf. He even created a club within the company and was taking employees to stamp attendance at the golf course.

<When will you be done?>

– Well. I just got here. Why?

<Never mind.>

If he had just arrived, there was no way he would be done soon. His plan to kill time by having dinner together miserably failed.

Seongjin’s voice trying to persuade him to come over could be heard over the phone, but Ihyeok ignored it and hung up.

No choice. I should go home.

Ihyeok drove the car gently. These days, everyone seemed to work late, so even though it was past 7 o’clock, the roads were densely jammed. Ihyeok sighed deeply as if frustrated and slightly lowered the window.

As he turned his head unintentionally, a huge department store caught his eye. It was rather difficult not to have your gaze stolen by the tremendous lighting and exterior.

He remembered seeing it on the news. It was a large-scale department store built by a famous conglomerate, attracting a huge number of customers by holding various events and opening famous foreign brands and luxury brands one after another.

Suddenly, Hyeseong’s wallet that Ihyeok had seen a few days ago came to mind. It was clearly something he had given as a gift on a birthday sometime.

Due to the traces of time, it was worn out here and there, but Hyeseong still carried that wallet.

Moreover, it would have been much more damaged when he dropped it and got blood on it after being kidnapped by Kim Doo-sung.


Ihyeok tapped on the steering wheel. Then he soon changed direction. The destination was the department store.

* * *

As expected of a famous place, it was crowded with people even on a weekday evening. Ihyeok slowly walked between people who came to play as a family unit, couples, and friends gathered in groups of three or five.

What kind of wallet should he buy this time? Since he really dislikes flashy or stand-out things, a design similar to last time would be good. It was evident that even if he complained about what he bought when given, he would like it.

Then he would carry it well until it was worn out here and there again. Ihyeok thought of Hyeseong’s smile.

Yeah, to see that smile, to see Hyeseong smiling, the best way would be to make him happy.

Ihyeok made up his mind and started wandering around, mainly expensive brands. He didn’t care how much money it cost. Because he could pay any amount to see Hyeseong’s smile.

<See you again next time.>

The employee bowed and saw Ihyeok off as he left empty-handed. This was already the fifth time. He had been to all the famous places, but somehow nothing really caught his heart.

When he thought about what Hyeseong would like, it became even more difficult to choose for some reason.

As he was about to enter the next store, he saw a familiar back of the head.


Ihyeok muttered in a low voice.

Hyeseong was seen entering a store.

What? Did he come to play in Seoul? There was no contact with Hyeseong today, so he didn’t know his schedule. Well, since it was such a famous place among young people, it wasn’t too strange for Hyeseong to come here to look around.

But the questionable point was why Cheon Hyeseong was entering a store on the 1st floor luxury hall, and a store famous for being expensive, without hesitation.

Hyeseong wasn’t the type to have a big desire for material things. Unlike typical young kids, Hyeseong didn’t spend money on buying cars or luxury goods.

Because he thought it was much more efficient to put money into installment savings or deposits.

Well, as he quit his job and had more free time, he could naturally become interested in such places. Just because he had no desire for material things didn’t mean he never bought luxury goods at all.

But Ihyeok couldn’t take his eyes off Hyeseong’s busy figure.

Was it because the expression looking at the showcase with slightly flushed cheeks and tension was unfamiliar? Suddenly, the conversation between the employees that Ihyeok had heard on the rooftop came to mind.

<He was saving up his measly salary to buy luxury clothes for his lover and all. He wore worn-out clothes himself and had no interest in even the word luxury.>

Ihyeok clenched his fist tightly. Even so, his gaze toward Hyeseong was steadfast. He lifted the corners of his mouth shyly while talking to the employee.

The scene looked exactly like a scene from a popular romance drama some time ago. When Seongjin was immersed in that drama for a while, Ihyeok had to watch it even though he didn’t want to. In the scene where the male lead was choosing a gift for the female lead, he stood with the exact same expression.

Hyeseong bowed his head and left the store, riding the escalator up. Ihyeok stood there blankly for a moment.

And when he came to his senses, he was inside the store where Hyeseong had been earlier.

<What did the person who just left buy here?>

Ah, the employee’s face was filled with bewilderment at Ihyeok’s question.

<I’m sorry, but why are you asking that…>

They seemed to be wary of it as the customer’s personal information. They seemed to be really well-educated.

<I know it’s strange to ask. Actually, the guy who just left is my younger brother, but these days he doesn’t come home often and it’s hard to contact him to know what he’s doing. He probably doesn’t have much allowance, so I’m a bit worried about him buying luxury goods left and right… I’m sorry, but could you please tell me?>

Ihyeok tried to show the kindest smile possible without malice. Suji, who had attended Hyeseong, exchanged glances with the team leader next to her and slowly nodded.

<He bought a fountain pen. When I asked, he said it was a gift for someone precious to him…>

<Someone precious?>

Ihyeok asked again, trying not to let his expression crumple.

<When I asked, he said it was for his lover.>

Of course, Hyeseong never said with his own mouth that it was for his lover. But since he didn’t deny it, it was a situation where anyone would think that way.

<His lover.>

A chilly expression instantly settled on Ihyeok’s face.

<Yes. Thank you.>

Ihyeok smiled again, said goodbye, and left the store. The two employees left alone in the store were busy whispering to each other.

Ihyeok roughly took out his phone from his pocket and called Dohyun.

– Helloooo…

This kid always answered the phone with a timid voice like this.

<Where are you now?>

– Me? I’m on my way home from Seoul right now.


What? Then did he come here together with Park Dohyun? Then is this imagination that’s arbitrarily being drawn in my head all wrong?

<With Hyeseong?>

– No.

However, the words that came over the phone were enough to stop Ihyeok’s steps.

– We did come to play together, but Hyeseong said he had more business to take care of and is going back alone.

<What business?>

– Huh? Uh… well, that’s… I, I don’t know either. It seems like he went to meet someone… or maybe not. He didn’t tell me. Haha.

Dohyun had a vague idea of who Hyeseong ran to, but he couldn’t say it. His prediction could be wrong, and also, judging from the fact that Hyeseong didn’t contact Ihyeok first, he guessed there must be a reason.

In other words, Dohyun didn’t want to blabber as a third party. Of course, he didn’t even imagine how it would be perceived by Ihyeok.

<I’m hanging up.>

Ihyeok irritably tapped the screen.

<Ha, this is really…>

Ihyeok let out a sneer. These days, why was he doing things he wouldn’t normally do? Imagining Hyeseong buying a luxury item he wasn’t even interested in and going to offer it to his lover made his insides twist. Do people really change when they truly love someone?


Ihyeok hesitated as he was about to call Hyeseong. What was he going to do by calling? Hyeseong was going to give a gift to his lover and spend time together, and he probably sent Park Dohyun back first for that reason.

Ihyeok’s hand fell powerlessly. Was today some kind of anniversary? So he bought an expensive gift and planned to meet this late at night.

In the middle of the department store, numerous imaginations were unfolding in Ihyeok’s mind.

Then would he not go home tonight? No way, together at that hotel again…

<Ah, damn it.>

Ihyeok chewed out a crude curse. Then the child next to him got startled and ran to his mom.

<I really don’t know what you think of me, Ahjussi.>

Hyeseong’s voice faintly rang in his ears. What do I think of you?

What do I, standing here alone imagining you going to meet the person you love and getting angry, want to do with you?

<What do I think? You’re like a precious younger brother to me.>

One thing for sure is that it’s not the same feeling as Seongjin. Ihyeok is not an idiot. He knows well that this raging inferno is not something he can feel for someone who is simply like a younger brother.

‘…It was a mistake.’

Ihyeok knew better than anyone, better than Hyeseong, that kissing him wasn’t because he was an alpha, wasn’t a mistake due to instinct, but was committed purely by his own will.

Yeah. He was the only one who knew well about this series of crazy accidents and the incident of becoming a perverted trash that had been happening to him recently.

Ihyeok called Hyeseong. No matter what, he didn’t want to let another bastard hold that white and pretty kid now.

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