Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife
Chapter 279 Table of contents

Zhao Lifei was about to open the car door but found it locked. She took down the partition and glanced at Hu Wei in confusion.

"Would you like the car door to be opened now, madam?" He gently asked her, his eyes flickering to the bites on her neck. His face became a bit heated and he quickly averted them. His boss was truly too much.

"No." Yang Feng grunted, but Zhao Lifei rolled her eyes. "Yes, please do it now."

The corner of Yang Feng's lips quirked into a devious smirk. "How would you like it?"

"Huh?" Zhao Lifei confusedly asked, watching as he moved her hair and used it to cover her neck. He then adjusted her collar, understanding she had a fear of being seen. If he could have it his way, he would force her to show it to the world. But she did not like that, and thus, he would not.

Yang Feng bent his head near her ear, his warm breath tickling it and sending pleasurable shivers down her spine. In a low, husky, and seductive voice, he rasped, "How would you like to do it?"

Zhao Lifei's body heated up at the way he spoke. She did not understand his words, but their close proximity was enough for her to unknowingly desire him. "I don't understand…"

"Would you like to do it on these leather seats...or perhaps in our house on the bed, or maybe the kitchen counter? Or if you'd like, we can do it beneath the stars."

Zhao Lifei's face became red as a tomato as she pushed him off of her, embarrassed after she finally understood his meaning. "None of those places!" She hissed, turning her face away from him to hide the blush.

Yang Feng could not help but let out a loud laughter that wormed its way to her heart. Even if she tried to hide her face, he could still see the pink flush on her chest. "What about our future kids? How else would they be made?" He mused, reaching his fingers over to play with her hair. She swatted his hand and turned to the door, attempting to open it but found it still locked.

Yang Feng decided Hu Wei deserved a raise for this. A wolfish grin settled on his lips as his arms snaked around her body, locking themselves in front of her stomach.

"What are you—"

"You're still red, let me cool you off." He lied, turning her hair to the side and ready to lavish her neck again.

"Yang Feng, we're blocking the cars behind us." She wriggled away from him which made him kiss her cheek.

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"Alright, my love. Anything you want." He adjusted her hair again, ensuring she was fully covered.

Hu Wei saw it as a sign to unlock the doors.

Zhao Lifei slapped Yang Feng's hand and he finally unclasped it from her. She climbed out of the car with a light blush on her face and saw the long line of impatient cars behind her. It was a wonder that they did not angrily beep their horns. Her eyes landed on the person knocking on her door. She realized he must've been a newly hired servant of the house, given his young age. She was confused by his dazed stare.

Yang Feng stepped out of the car shortly after, his scathing glare was enough to send the servant's eyes over anything except her. He possessively wrapped his arms around Zhao Lifei which made her roll her eyes. 'Men.'

"Why were you so angry back there?" She quietly asked him, a hand resting on top of the one clenching her hip.

Yang Feng cleared his throat. "I wasn't."

"What? Did you have an internal argument with yourself?" She teased, not knowing she had hit the bullseye.

Yang Feng let out a rough, "No."

"Sure you didn't." She giggled, a bright smile resting on her lips.

She did not notice an elderly woman watching her from a distance, studying the pair. "What a dashing young man he is." She commented to the woman standing beside her.

"His background is even more dashing." The woman responded, breathless upon seeing him. His entire being was a force to be reckoned with. His prominently charismatic features were guarded and emotionless. He gave off a very unapproachable aura that rivaled with that of a King, or perhaps, an Emperor was a more suitable comparison. He disregarded all of the desperate and awestruck expressions of the other women there, eagerly drinking in his appearance. The entire time, he only looked at Zhao Lifei as he walked up to the small flight of stone stairs.

Wang Chunyao, like everyone here, knew exactly who that man was. When your face was plastered as the "Most Desirable Man in The Country" on various magazines every month, you'd have to live under a rock to not know who he was. She could not believe her niece's luck when she snatched a catch like him, but because it was Zhao Lifei, she would support their relationship.

"Yes, he is a Yang…" Hua Yuxi calmly replied, hiding the doubt in her voice. Her heavy heart worried for her little granddaughter. She would be treading in dangerous waters if she married into the Yang family. If she could, she wanted Zhao Lifei to marry someone more lowkey, equally wealthy, but able to give her a life filled with peace.

"She's very happy." Wang Chunyao's shoulder dropped in relief. When she caught wind that Lifei's boyfriend was none other than Yang Feng, she became anxious that Zhao Lifei was perhaps forced into the relationship. It was not rare for the Elders to forge contracted marriages.

"And that is all that matters." Hua Yuxi rested her finely aged hand on the cane. Wang Chunyao came forward to help the aging woman to her feet, behaving like the filial daughter she always was.

Zhao Lifei's eyes scanned the perimeter, in search of her beloved grandmother. She was always hidden underneath a tree somewhere, preferring to observe everyone from a distance.

"What are you looking at?" Yang Feng curiously asked, his eyes following the direction she was looking for. Zhao Lifei saw a group of elderly women, but Yang Feng saw the group of men beside them.

"Your man is right here." He sulked.

"My man is unnecessarily possessive." She retorted.

"I didn't do anything yet."

"But you thought about it." She teased, glancing up at him, her heart skipping a beat when she saw he was looking at her the entire time.

"Only once or twice."

"Only?" She laughed, reaching up to give the child a pat on his cheek. Love truly makes you a weird person. She found this side of him endearing.

"You shouldn't worry so much. It's not good for you, and our relationship. I'm not going anywhere." She gently said, turning her body so that she could clasp her arms around his waist.

Yang Feng's frigid and icy expression melted at her gesture. He instantly hugged her back. "I know." He said, even though a part of him was still fearful. He was still worried that he would wake up one day and she would be gone, like a midsummer dream. At the horrendous idea, his hands clenched, thus, harshly squeezing her waist.

She sighed. "Why do I have a feeling that you overthink more than I do?"

"It's good to overthink."

"Oh, really now? I thought you said it was not good for me."

"It's only good when I do it." He cheekily said, grinning down at her.

Zhao Lifei rolled her eyes. "How biased."

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"Only because it's you." He hummed, bending down to place a chaste kiss on her cheek until he saw someone approaching them from the corner of his eyes. Seeing that it was an elderly woman dressed in burgundy, he straightened himself and pulled away before his lips landed on her.

"Wow, that's a first." She chuckled, turning around after realizing his eyes were set elsewhere. Her eyes landed on her petite cousin. His eyes landed on a couple of approaching women.

"I assume that's your grandmother." Yang Feng whispered.

Zhao Lifei was confused. "No, that's my— Oh." She coughed a bit, her face becoming red again. When her eyes finally landed upon her grandmother and aunt, her eyes turned a lighter shade of amber. She easily maneuvered her body away from his and rushed to her grandmother.

"Wai-po [1]!" She squealed, stopping herself just a small inch before their bodies collided. She collected herself and reached over to hug one of the two women in this world that raised her.

"Ah-Fei, it warms my heart to see you." Hua Yuxi's voice was as adoring and tender as Zhao Lifei always remembered it to be.

"I'm sorry I didn't come back that much."

"All that matters is that you are here." Hua Yuxi smiled and it reached her eyes with laugh lines beside them.

When Yang Feng approached the three, a shadow covered over them. He awkwardly cleared his throat, "Happy birthday."

Zhao Lifei blinked. She had never heard him sound so uncomfortable... was that nervousness? She swiveled around and sure enough, his deep, obsidian eyes, unreadable to everyone except her, were unceasingly swirling. He was nervous, but he hid it very well.

"Young man, my birthday is tomorrow."

"Pft." Zhao Lifei tried to hide her laughter when she saw the panic that arose in Yang Feng's eyes.

He cleared his throat. "Happy early birthday." His voice was as unyielding and cold as ever. He could never adjust it the way he wanted to. It only softened when he spoke to Zhao Lifei.

"Wai-po, you shouldn't tease him. He tends to overthink like me." Zhao Lifei grinned. "It is your birthday today."

Hua Yuxi's smile widened as she innocently tilted her head, the way Zhao Lifei always did. She cupped her ears, "Hm, child? I can't hear you. I'm growing old, you see, my hearing is deteriorating." Then her eyes shifted to Yang Feng. "My brain is also rotting away. I think I said it was tomorrow, I meant today. Phew, when you're as old as me, you sometimes get your dates mixed up."

Yang Feng swallowed. His eyes drifted to Zhao Lifei who was far too amused by the teasing. "I see." He robotically replied.

Why was it that both of her cherished grandparents always teased him? First, it was Zhao Moyao and now it was her grandmother...

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