Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife
Chapter 363 Table of contents

A man stalked down the hallways of the Underworld, his face completely unreadable. Just his presence alone was enough to indicate his fury and rage that could bring down the entire building. One stomp of his foot could make all of his enemies shake in their boots. No one was going to come out unscathed from his madness. Everyone will end up burning and whimpering in Hell. One way or another, blood would be spilled, and it would first be leached from a man that should've died a long time ago.

The hallway was lined with men whose bodies were dipped in a bow, arms tucked at their sides. Just the sound of his echoing footsteps was enough to make them break out in a cold sweat. Goosebumps rose and hairs stood up when he stalked past them. They didn't know how he did it, but the air around him was even tenser and unbreathable than usual. Everyone held their breath, for fear that the smallest noise would trigger the ticking bomb.

Yang Feng coldly instructed Chen Gaonan, who was standing behind him, "This is a command. Everyone is to be present tonight."

Chen Gaonan paused in his steps. "What?"

Yang Feng's face became thunderous with rage. "Are you deaf?!" He growled like an untamed beast ready to rip his head off.

Chen Gaonan dropped to one knee and bowed his head. Then in a lower voice, he asked, "Even the Imperial Team as well as Coiling Dragon?" He could barely make out the name of the last team whose name alone made his body stiffen in sheer fear.

When he delivered the news in the office, he barely got off with a minor punch in the stomach for being the messenger. Well, if buckling on the floor in withering pain counted as minor then what else could this manhandle?

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Chen Gaonan choked on his saliva. He rapidly nodded his head, "Understood." He firmly replied, standing up to his full height.

Chen Gaonan never thought he would hear the day Coiling Dragon was going to be used again. How long was it since the last time they were mobilized? He wasn't sure if he was even with Yang Feng when it occurred. The ultimate trump card in the entire world was the Coiling Dragon Squadron who made Imperial Team seem like a bunch of children.

The world was ending tonight.

Yang Feng stood in the center of the room surrounded by men and women of all different sizes, but equally overwhelming presence. Needless to say, no one could breathe in here with everyone's aura contradicted with each other. Heavily armed and dressed in all black with a sole thunder blue string differentiating them, their vibes were cruel and deadly.

"I have always remained patient." Yang Feng slowly said. "I contributed back to this city and have helped it flourish. It has bit the hand that fed it." He slipped on his black leather gloves.

"I want this city conquered." His voice, rigid and unwavering, sent chills down the backs of the strongest people. He meant business.

No stones were left unturned, all except two. Yang Feng would personally deal with that one. Those that suffered the most were the other triads and clans who never suspected the sudden ambush and attack. With the Imperial Team and Coiling Dragon Squadron both on the move, not a single leader was spared. Prominent and esteemed bosses were forced to submit or have their entire clan wiped out. A few even thought it was a joke and refused to bend their knee.

Blood splattered on the floor and broken bodies were tossed onto it like decorations. They weren't dead nor could they be identified as alive. They were hanging by a thin thread and it was their gasps of air that proved their life-line was still beating.

It had only taken one member from Coiling Dragon to take down an entire medium-sized triad who had been around for quite some time. They controlled the shipping ports where illegal supplies were smuggled into the country. Yang Feng took care of the ports. Their bodies were on the streets to set an example to the other clans. It would be removed tomorrow morning before any civilians could report about the injured bodies.

While the Coiling Dragon Squadron was busy taking over the East Side of the city, the Imperial Team worked on the West. The team closed onto the people who ruled over the weapon infantry. They also stubbornly refused to pledge their allegiance to Yang Feng. Silly fools, Guo Sheng was with the certain team that came to them.

"P-please...spare us." A man dry heaved, on the floor, panting for air.

It was amazing how much a person's appearance could change in a matter of five minutes. Before the Imperial Team ambushed this location, the man was well-dressed like a wealthy, local thug. He was wearing an unbuttoned white shirt, whose original color was now dyed red by blood, making it seem as if crimson was the original color. There used to be a golden chain on his neck, but now it was being used as a searing template after Guo Sheng dangled it over a fire. He held it just long enough to heat the authentic gold, but not melt it.

Guo Sheng fiddled with his knife, tapping his finger on the sharpest point of the weapon. "Hm, let me think about it." He placed his best thinking face on, tapping his chin. "Because I am well-fed tonight and Big Boss is in a good mood, I suppose, I shall spare you."

The leader let out a massive sigh of relief.

"But!" Guo Sheng raised a finger into the air, "I want something in return." His lips curved into a devious smile that hid his true intentions. So many weapons came into mind...

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"A-anything! Take anything you like! T-the key to the safe is found under the largest rock outside of the warehouse."

"Gasp! Really? Uncle, you're so nice." Guo Sheng clapped his hands, watching the man's shoulders sag. He looked like ten years had been shaved off of his life, but regained twenty in return.

"T-then please untie the ropes."

"I have to make sure you're not lying, Uncle." Guo Sheng concluded, turning to one of the members of the Imperial Team who had already walked off to inspect the largest rock. Sure enough, there was a hidden key in a medicine bottle. Not less than two minutes later, an assortment of different sharp-objects was brought out in a suitcase.

"Aw, Lanlan you know me best!" Guo Sheng showed a toothy grin to the woman who handed him the unlocked suitcase. 'Lanlan,' which wasn't even her real name, monotonically nodded her head like a robot and strode back to the group.

"See, it's real! So, about the ropes—"

"Mmmmm…" Guo Sheng hummed, "I don't want to."

"BUT WE HAD A PROMISE!" He wailed, his screeching resembling a pig ready to be slaughtered.

Guo Sheng's eyes wickedly lit up. He loved it when he toyed with his victims' emotions before ending them. Seeing the hope fill their eyes only to leave right after was so amusing to witness! "But Uncle, you've given me so many weapons. It'd be a shame if we didn't put it to use. Don't you think so?" His fingers skimmed over the variety of knives, daggers, and even a small sword.

"The night is still young. Let's have some fun." He dropped the suitcase onto the floor like it was trash. His interest in it had faded when he selected a nicely carved Arabian Knife.

Chen Gaonan was seated in a different car from his boss, but even in the passenger seat of the car trailing behind the black Maybach, he could feel his boss' wrath. There was a steady distance between the vehicles. Even so, the entire atmosphere was painted with lust for blood. Helicopters whirred in the distance as armored trucks accompanied both cars from all four directions. His Boss meant business tonight.

Chen Gaonan only hoped the next target would be ready. Yang Feng's plan, aside from claiming this city, was removing all of Yang Mujian's chess pieces. It started with the minor pawns that were wiped out with a snap of his fingers. Then he moved onto the "rookies" who put up a small fight but were still defeated in the end. The knight and bishops were next. Judging by the green scenery and unimpressive replica house in the distance, he already had an inkling on which family it would be.

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