Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife
Chapter 369 Table of contents

"Boss, if I may ask… Why are you continuing your pursuit instead of retrieving the Lady-Boss?" Chen Gaonan finally decided to ask his Boss when the entire city of Shenbei was under Yang Feng's control. Midnight hasn't even arrived yet, but every clan or triad here had already submissively pledged their allegiance to the Yangs or had been wiped out.

"The ring you had custom-made for her contains a tracker. Even now, it beeps in a location a few miles out of Leinan which is only a hundred miles away from Shenbei." Chen Gaonan queried from the passenger seat of the speeding black Maybach.

Yang Feng was calmly and quietly staring out of the window. "I have already sent people there to watch her." Was his reply. He didn't elaborate anymore and stared absentmindedly at the whirring trees. The Sus was brought back to the Underworld where all of them would undergo phases that broke their rationality. Once all of that was done, he would go and interrogate them at their worst states.

She was safe and sound. Given, it was in a place where Yang Mujian knew of and with a dangerous man foolish enough for attempting to covet her. But right now, with how much of a mess this city was, that was the safest place for her. Five minutes after he had punched Chen Gaonan yesterday, he took out his phone to see where her location was pinned. It was in Leinan, where the damn General resided. And no less than a minute later, men were immediately dispatched. Reports were given that no advances have been made on her and she was untouched.

"But what if the General does something to her?"

"Then Yu Pingluo will shoot him dead." Yang Feng said without hesitation. Stupid fools, who even lives in the forest at this day and age? It was so easy to implant snipers into tall trees and have the grounds lurking with men.

It was a stupid gamble that Yang Feng was willing to take. He wanted to bring her back here, but he knew something was off when the reports didn't show her fighting back and screaming hell in the house. His grandfather's power might've been heavily weakened tonight, but it didn't mean all of his rats were exterminated.

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The house that Yang Feng planned on raising his children in was very safe, but his heart wouldn't be reassured if she was still in Shenbei. It was easier to drive up to the house than it would be to drive to Leinan. Yang Mujian had no way out of this city. The private jets were seized and any means of transportation was shut down for him.

Yang Feng had men bust the tires of every car that the Elder possessed, as well as the one belonging to the servants. All of the gas had also been drained. Then, additional people were called in to monitor the cars. Helicopters' raptors were all unscrewed off. Yacht engines had been shattered and the radio towers surrounding Yang Mujian's residence were jammed. It would take forever for anything to be utilized and that was what he planned to do: trap his grandfather in this city with no way out.

Chen Gaonan's tablet buzzed on his lap and he glanced down to read the message. "Boss, there have been reports that Su Meixiu is demanding to see you. She says she has leads on what could've happened to Zhao Lifei."

"We already have leads." Yang Feng answered, clicking his fingers on his lap.

"No, she has visual proof of who could've done the kidnapping. The security camera was wiped, but she reportedly saw the badge on the men pretending to be her bodyguards. She won't say who it is until you come and see her."

Yang Feng didn't respond. "Grant her audience after I finish the one with grandfather."

Chen Gaonan nodded his head and relayed the message through the tablet. He stared out the window and sighed upon seeing the ominous clouds of grey. The storm had finally died down and the rain was becoming small drizzles.

Helicopters whirling overhead and multiple pairs of cars showed up in the middle of the night when everyone was in deep slumber. Armed men in bulletproof vests strategically climbed out of the car, holding assault rifles and bulletproof shields. Not a single person had any good intentions in the slightest.

Yang Mujian was the only one awake. He remained standing by the same window prior, but this time, with a haggard look on his face. His fingers absentmindedly rolled the wooden bead bracelet on his arms whilst murmuring something under his breath. This was the first gift that the late Matriarch had given him. She had carved the bracelet herself which nearly ruined the soft, tender hands that only a Young Lady of a prestigious family could possess. But wealth and fame was not something she desired.

On the day of her disappearance, he swore to never see or touch the bracelet ever again. It was locked away in the last drawer of his desk and buried with her pictures, all of which were collecting dust. All except one. It was a loving photo of her holding Yang Feng as a baby and that was what started Yang Mujian's infatuation with his first grandson. It was from his wife's touch that he decided to take Yang Feng under his wing.

Memories of her face came back to him, beautiful, but filled with tears. She didn't want a life of luxury. She wanted the life of a humble commoner whose occupation was the least favorable for someone of her status.

If he wanted to stay with her, he had to follow her to the rural village side. He refused.

She was the Matriarch of the Yangs, one of the most powerful women in this country. Everything was done for her. She didn't have to lift a finger and only needed to live a blissful life without worries. Because Yang Mujian loved her so much, he never allowed her to touch any paperwork in fear of placing pressure on her dainty little shoulders. A control freak was what she used to tease him with that half-smile of hers. He always thought that expression was her defining trait, but didn't realize that she could smile brighter than that. It wasn't until the day of her disappearance.

She was the only thing keeping him sane. And when she disappeared, he went on a rampage that nearly cost him the Yang fortune, the company, and even his position in the Underworld. Hard times always reveal true friends. He learned the hard way when everyone deserted him without hesitation. All of his friendships were in some shape or form, bought with money. It toughened his skin and created the foundation of the man that he is today.

That was why he never wanted Yang Feng to have a weakness. The stabbing pain, unbearable nights of sleep, the fragments that reminded a man of his lost love, and the mind-games, it was all too much.

"You're here." Yang Mujian settled the bracelet on the desk as he turned around with a half-smile. "I've been expecting you, though you arrived later than I had hoped. The oolong tea and unsweetened pastries have gone stale. Shall I prepare a new one for you?" His eyes trailed over Yang Feng's face, the same one his wife stroked with that typical lopsided smile of hers. Then it went lower and to the sterling silver gun in his hand.

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"Now, now, you know the rules of the house. Guests shouldn't come into the study with a weapon." Despite his words, he made no moves of apprehending Yang Feng.

"What are you standing by the door for? Come and sit down. I will have a maid fetch you a fresh set of tea and pastries. The chef has gone to bed now, but I'm sure I can wake him up."

Yang Feng remained by the door, his eyes lingering to the bracelet on the table before drifting back to his grandfather. Grandmother. A woman he thought he would only see in the photos. Who would've thought he'd see her again in his near-death experience? Nothing ever escaped past him. Sure, there were one or two times he was late, but he was only human in the end and we all made mistakes.

Yang Mujian sighed and sat down on the couch where he always resided. "Before you kill me, at the least, can I not enjoy one last sip of tea with my grandson?"

"You're not going to die tonight." A swift death was showing mercy. Yang Feng didn't plan on dirtying his hands of blood. He had other ways of hurting his grandfather. Physical pain could heal, mental pain would take years.

Yang Mujian's smile slipped. The hand reaching for the cold pot of tea stilled and he briefly glanced up at his grandson. What did he say? "Why not?!" He demanded.

He wanted to see his wife, but with all of the sins he had committed, he knew he would only see her in his dreams. "My, did your heart take pity in an aging old man like me?" He sneered, "Despicable. Absolutely despicable. Dirty." He muttered, "Once your pawns see this falter in your heart, what will they think? A pushover. That is what you are. A henpecked leader with a collar on his neck."

"Yet, you still have yours." Yang Feng's voice was lifeless and bleak, but his eyes said it all. The bracelet on the desk was supposed to be untouched and locked away, so why was it so polished and cleaned?

"I was only trying to help." Yang Mujian figured that if he was going to die, he might as well die knowing he had helped the only grandchild his wife had witnessed. "Why are you not going to kill me tonight?"

"She pities you." Yang Feng was referring to Zhao Lifei, but Yang Mujian wasn't. She once told him to spare Yang Mujian mercy, that his actions were only out of tough-love. He only contemplated mercy for the briefest moment, but now that she was gone, he didn't plan on fulfilling that idea anymore. He was never going to spare Yang Mujian, he was going to ruin him.

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