The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 6 Table of contents

Chapter 6




“I’m not sure. Although I feel indebted to the  doctor, the idea of learning medical work just doesn’t resonate with me…”

“In that case, I can look into arranging a place for you in an orphanage. I know one run by the temple. It might even be possible for you to receive patronage from nobles. It would provide you with a comfortable home.”

Melody didn’t know much about orphanages, but she instinctively understood that the Duke was offering her a significant favor. An orphanage with connections to nobles wouldn’t be accessible to just anyone. Perhaps this was his way of repaying her for making Loretta happy. This thought weighed heavily on her. Of course, when Loretta first came, Melody had intended to be nice to her to gain the Duke’s favor and mercy. But now that this was being presented as a tangible reward, Melody felt an aversion to it. Her time with Loretta had become more than just memories; it was a profound reward in itself. Now, she found this fickleness of her heart troubling. How should she deal with these changing feelings?

While Melody was prostrated on the ground, speechless, a small hand gently touched her shoulder. It was Loretta.

“Is it true…? Will Melody and Loretta live in different homes?”

Loretta’s voice, slightly quivering, prompted Melody to hastily rise and tenderly embrace the child. However, she couldn’t bring herself to confirm what Loretta wished to hear.

“Well, of course, it’s different…”

Melody glanced nervously at the Duke, hastily adding “Sir” at the end of her sentence. Then, she heard a soft whisper from Loretta in her embrace.

“Loretta likes Melody.”

Oh, how I like you too, you adorable little thing! But you’re a Duke’s daughter, and I’m a slave trader’s daughter. We’re not supposed to like each other! It’s forbidden!

Melody struggled to hold back these thoughts. How could she say such things in front of the Duke?

“Melody also…”

Perhaps because Melody didn’t give a clear answer, Loretta lifted her teary-eyed face.

“Do you like Loretta?”

Oh, this straightforward young lady! How could she ask so directly!

…She had no choice but to answer honestly.

“I like Loretta too… Sir.”

At these words, Loretta’s face lit up with joy, still tear-stained.

“Then, Loretta and Melody like each other!”

Oh, Loretta, when did you become such a logical thinker?

While Melody marveled inwardly at the child’s reasoning, Loretta quickly stepped out of her embrace and boldly faced the Duke.

She looked up at the tall man she claimed as her father.

“The Duke is a pot of gold. Therefore, Loretta wants to go with Melody.”

Loretta didn’t yet call him ‘Dad.’ Instead, she cleverly used the formal title ‘Duke.’

Her assertive declaration made the Duke turn his head to look at Melody, as if asking for an interpretation.


Melody hesitated before relaying her words.

“The Duke is a pot of gold, so Miss Loretta wants to go with me.”

“A pot of gold?”

He questioned the exact meaning of the term.

Melody regretted not having explained the precise meaning of ‘pot of gold’ earlier.

But Melody had no choice but to answer when the esteemed Duke asked.

“It means ‘moneybag.’ A bag full of a large sum of money.”

“Who taught you that meaning?”

“My mother…”

The Duke did not respond further. Perhaps he didn’t grasp the value of the term. It must have been overwhelming for him to be treated as a mere moneybag by his daughter, whom he had met just two days ago.

“Yesterday, when Melody carried me, I cried. I was scared of the rain.”


“And Melody cried too.”

Melody realized that Loretta was referring to the events that had just transpired. Melody nodded in acknowledgment.

“Yes, I cried thinking Loretta was not here.”

“It’s okay for Melody to cry because she’s a baby.”

Loretta, born with a girl-crush and straightforward nature, patted Melody’s head and then turned to face the Duke again.

“That’s why I want to go with her!”

The Duke was astonished that such a small child could make such a bold request to him. Even his sons had not been so audacious in his presence. Moreover, her request was to take the daughter of a slave trader to the capital’s Ducal House. It was out of the question. He could not possibly agree to Loretta’s request. However, the Duke found himself unable to outright reject Loretta’s plea, especially considering the events of the previous night.

“Melody, Melody carried me.”

The child, with her ears covered, had cried incessantly, only calling for ‘Melody.’ Separating the child, who had grown so attached to someone after experiencing significant events, did not seem like a good idea. Moreover, a new environment would be unfamiliar and frightening for the child. She needed a place to belong more than ever.

“…I see.”

The Duke then looked back at Melody.

“What do you think?”


Melody responded with surprise and looked up at the Duke.

What did she think? It almost sounded as if he would really take her along if she said she wanted to go.

‘That’s impossible.’

By avoiding death and punishment, Melody had already achieved her goal of escaping the fate of the original story. Moreover, she had received an offer from the village doctor. If she stayed in the village and learned medicine, she might become a decent adult, unlike her mother.


Suddenly, Loretta tugged at Melody’s clothes.

Turning to her, Melody saw Loretta’s round eyes looking at her earnestly.

Loretta, the blessed female protagonist who everyone in this world would come to love. Surely, her future would shine brighter than anyone else’s.

‘Hmm… Though it’s not always the case.’

Loretta would face harassment from the elders of the Ducal House who disliked her. Later, her cursed constitution would awaken, leading to significant struggles. Although she would eventually find happiness, her path would undoubtedly be filled with hardships.

‘If only she could be happy without such troubles.’

Just like Melody had overcome her fate and survived.

Melody wished that Loretta’s happiness could be different from the original story.


Suddenly, an astonishing thought struck Melody.

‘Could it be… that I could also slightly improve Loretta’s future?’

This was the first ‘task only Melody could do’ that she had discovered since being born into this world.

‘A task only I can do…’

These words sounded incredibly sweet to her. Didn’t it feel like she was an essential person in this world?

‘Maybe, one day, it could really be like that.’

Melody clenched her small fist slightly and finally gazed steadily at the Duke’s face.

“I’ll go…”

Melody wasn’t pleased with her hesitant reply.

Shaking her head in negation, she gathered strength in her eyes and answered again with more conviction.

“I want to go.”

She bowed her head, almost like making a request.

“If the Duke permits.”

Melody knew that nobles, even with their servants, wouldn’t just let anyone into their mansion. They maintained a strict standard for members of their household to uphold the dignity of their family. And Melody was a sinner’s daughter, the daughter of a slave trader who had even tried to sell a noble child. No noble would want such a person in their mansion.

“It’s decided. We will return.”

After hearing Melody’s response, the Duke turned and left a bit quickly. Soon a splendid carriage arrived in front of the house, and someone opened the shabby house door for the Duke. Before completely leaving, the Duke glanced back at Melody.

“Take whatever you want with you, and give it to the coachman.”

“Does that mean you will take me to the Duke’s house?”

“I’ve heard you’re smart.”

“I am smart!”

Melody quickly responded, worried that the Duke might change his mind. In truth, she didn’t have much to take: a few clothes, some books, and…


She needed to speak to the doctor, to whom she was deeply indebted.


Melody, with a very apologetic face, stopped the Duke again.

“I would like to say goodbye to someone I owe a great debt to. It won’t take long…”

Fortunately, the Duke nodded. Melody quickly ran to the doctor’s house. The doctor, handing out medicine to a patient, was startled by Melody’s hurried entrance.

“What happened now? Did the guards come for you?”

Melody appreciated her genuine concern and felt sorry.

Melody had to refuse her kindness.

“I have something to tell you, Doctor.”

She started with an apology and recounted everything that had happened that morning. Worry filled the doctor’s face as she listened.

“Do you know what kind of place the capital is…”

The doctor sighed, understanding her concerns. If Melody’s background as a slave trader’s daughter became known, she might face rejection from many people, unlike in this village where she was protected.

“Melody. Relying on the favor of nobility is dangerous. That child might…”

“I know. There will be plenty of people in the capital who Loretta will like.”

She is the female protagonist of the story.

She will face many difficulties, but will also receive a lot of love.

And among them is the male protagonist.

Perhaps Loretta will forget about Melody quite soon.

“Yet you’ve decided to go…”

The doctor looked down, seeming regretful.

“I’m sorry. But I was really happy when you offered to live with me.”

“Yes, Melody.”

The doctor opened a medicine chest, took out several emergency medicines, and put them in a pouch.

She handed it to Melody while patting the little girl’s head.

“If life in the capital gets tough, feel free to come back. Everyone needs a place to return to at times.”

Melody hugged the gifts tightly to her chest.

“And if you meet my son in the capital, don’t forget to smack him on the back of his head. He’s a bad boy for not contacting his mother.”

“Hehe, I will.”

“Go now, don’t keep important people waiting.”

When Melody came out, the Duke’s carriage was already waiting outside. Loretta waved from inside the carriage, beckoning Melody to hurry. Thus, Melody set off for the capital, the setting of “The Duke’s House has Three Sons and One Daughter.”

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