The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 23 Table of contents

Chapter 23




As autumn deepened, the Duke’s household became busy with the affairs of the dukedom. It was the season of harvest. Almost every day, the dukedom’s vassals traveled to and from the capital, and with each visit, more documents piled up on the Duke’s desk. Despite his hectic schedule, the Duke always made time to talk with Loretta, as if earnestly trying to fill the time lost with a long-separated family member. Thus, the Duke’s household remained peaceful, though this peace was not to last. It was due to the attention Loretta received from the people of the capital.

This attention often manifested as invitations for Loretta to playdates, under the guise of ‘My child would be a splendid playmate for your precious daughter.’ The Duke politely refused these invitations, but the interest in Loretta did not wane. Since she was still adapting to life in the Duke’s household, attracting so much attention was not ideal. If the Duchess had been present, perhaps the situation would have been different. But ruminating on what could not be changed was futile, so Butler Higgins suggested a different idea.

“Your Grace, how about inviting the eldest young master to the mansion for a month or two? It would be good for him to greet the young lady.”




Loretta was plagued by the biggest concern of her life, a secret worry she couldn’t even share with her best friend, Melody. Whenever she was alone, she pondered over this serious issue, drawing circles on the window with her breath.

“Lady Loretta,” a kind maid approached, perhaps concerned about the young girl’s prolonged worry.

“Are you upset because the circles aren’t coming out nicely?” she asked, looking at the circles Loretta had drawn on the window.

“No,” Loretta quickly shook her head.

“Is there a snack you’d like to eat? Shall I roast some peanuts for you?”


“Do you want to look for pretty leaves in the garden?”


“Then what could be troubling our young lady so? Are you sad because you can’t see the Duke often, as he’s so busy?”

“Umm…” Indeed, that was one of her worries, as she looked forward to her conversations with the Duke.

“It’s okay, father also likes Loretta.”

However, Loretta’s current biggest concern was something else.

“You see, Loretta’s worry is so big that life is tough.”

Loretta sighed, leaning slightly on the window sill, her chubby cheeks puffing up in dissatisfaction.

“Oh dear, our young lady is already finding life tough.”

The maid approached the window and leaned in slightly, gazing intently at Loretta’s face, her lips pouting out.

“Would it be okay if I listened to your worries, if you don’t mind?” she asked.

“Umm… it’s a secret.”

“Of course, I’ll keep the lady’s secret.”


“Yes, truly.”

After repeatedly asking if she could keep a secret, Loretta finally opened up.

“You see…”


“There was this old man in white clothes at the temple.”

“The High Priest?”

“He said that since father and Loretta have become a family, we will always be together.”

“Does that make you feel burdened?” asked the maid.

Loretta vigorously shook her head and replied, “Loretta likes father. But, um, I want to always be with Melody too.”


The maid began to grasp Loretta’s concern.

“Brother said that Loretta and Melody aren’t family.”


“Since we’re family, we should always be together… But they said it’s not possible, and it’s making life so hard.”

Loretta clasped her hands and cautiously shared her thoughts.

“If only father could give birth to Melody.”

The maid, upon hearing this cute complaint, couldn’t help but make a bold imagination of the dignified Duke being pregnant. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from bursting into laughter.

“Um, so you want to make Melody a part of the Baldwin Duke’s family?”

“Yes, I’d like her to be family with Loretta.”

“There might be a way to do that without the Duke giving birth to Melody, you know?”

“Really?!” Loretta perked up, her eyes shining with innocence.

Looking into those pure eyes, the maid felt she couldn’t possibly share the answer she had in mind. It was an impossible answer anyway. Besides, if Mrs. Higgins found out she had suggested such a thing to the precious lady, it would be more than just a punishment.

“Ah, um. Well, you see…”

The maid took a step back, feeling a bit guilty as Loretta looked at her with great expectation.

“Perhaps, cherishing someone as family in your heart could be enough?”

That’s it?

Disappointment was evident on Loretta’s face, but that was the best the maid could do. Just then, another servant knocked and called her, which was a great relief. The maid excused herself and left for a moment.

“Why are you sweating so much? It’s a cold day,” the servant asked.

As she wiped her face with a handkerchief, she replied, “I almost made a foolish remark, melted by the lady’s cuteness. If I had succumbed to the temptation and spoken, I would be calculating my severance pay by now.”

“Foolish remark? What kind?”

The servant asked in confusion, “What kind of nonsense could you possibly have to say to the young lady?”

“The young lady was twiddling her tiny hands, saying she wanted to become family with Miss Melody.”

“I see what you were thinking.”

“Right?! I almost blurted out the word ‘marriage’ without thinking!”

“Indeed, that would be nonsense.”

No matter how special a guest Melody might be, it’s impossible for her to be united with the esteemed son of the Duke’s family. Absolutely impossible.

The maid clasped her hands and prayed devoutly to God, thankful that her senses returned at the last moment and prevented a mistake. Unfortunately, God was not on her side, as Loretta had quietly followed her and overheard the entire conversation.



The little girl touched her finger to her lips, thinking for a while, then suddenly clapped her hands and laughed as if she had come to a wonderful conclusion.




Meanwhile, Mrs. Higgins was lying in bed, having been thrown to the ground by the elder. Fortunately, she wasn’t seriously injured, but the doctor advised that she should rest for a while.

Melody eagerly volunteered to take care of the grandmother. Fortunately, due to the busy circumstances at the Duke’s house, her wish was granted. Thus, Melody visited Mrs. Higgins’ room three times a day to assist with her needs. Thankfully, Melody’s wounds from the jail had healed cleanly, thanks to the maids’ diligent care and treatment.

“At any rate, I have so many scars already, one more won’t make a difference,” Melody once said while watering a small flower pot. Hearing this, Mrs. Higgins, who was lying in bed, sat up abruptly and scolded her loudly, “Such a frustrating child! How can you be so unprogressive!”

“It’s not frustrating. I’m always improving. Just recently, I learned how to walk elegantly. Look.” Melody demonstrated her graceful walk, just like the ladies from the capital.

“Hmph, to think that a girl like you says five and six scars are the same!”

“It’s all the same, isn’t it?”

“Fine, I get it. From now on, I’ll have one less snack given to you. You wouldn’t complain if one out of six is missing, right?”

Mrs. Higgins said this boastfully, waiting for Melody to say, ‘I was wrong! Five and six are different!’ But the desired response didn’t come. Melody just smiled, thinking, ‘I’m lucky to have any snacks at all.’

“Oh, what to do with that child,” Mrs. Higgins grumbled, lying back down in bed. She felt terribly guilty for being bedridden during such a busy time in the Duke’s household, and Melody’s frustrating behavior was making her feel even worse.

“What should I do with that naive lamb?”

She wished Melody would work harder for her own sake, even if it meant being a burden to the Duke. Mrs. Higgins wanted to scold her more but stopped herself. Her heart had not been at ease since her last encounter with Melody’s mother. She worried that her harsh words might be like pouring salt on the wounds of a child who had suffered from harsh language for a long time.

‘Maybe I should change my way of speaking.’

Yet, every time she saw Melody neglecting herself, she couldn’t help but speak bluntly.

‘This child needs to spend more time with someone kinder.’ Not with a blunt Duke, a clueless butler, or a foul-mouthed old woman.

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