The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 38 Table of contents

Chapter 38




Claude responded to Melody’s question.

“It’s still quite a while away. The postal worker is just ensuring everything is in order for the carriages in advance.”

The delivery man quickly nodded and added,

“Yes, the Duke’s household always receives a surge of gifts on special occasions, so we always prepare additional carriages in advance.”

“Additional… carriages?”

“Yes, otherwise we might not be able to deliver everything on the actual birthday, which would cause trouble for the post office.”

Being the eldest son of the Duke’s house meant receiving birthday gifts from various places. Since everyone paid extra to ensure delivery on the actual birthday, the post office’s responsibility was significantly increased. Hence, the need for such advanced preparation each year.

“That must be tough.”

Melody genuinely felt concerned for the postal worker, especially thinking about how the number of gifts for Loretta’s birthday would only increase in the future.

“Don’t worry. We’re well-prepared for Lady Loretta’s and Miss Melody’s special days too.”

“Me? Why?”

“Miss Melody is a special guest of the Duke. You might receive just as many gifts as the young master.”

He spread his arms wide, exaggerating a bit, probably to raise Melody’s expectations. Unfortunately, she couldn’t quite share in that sentiment.

Gifts for her? A commoner child, and a criminal’s at that, temporarily staying here?

“It doesn’t make sense for me to receive gifts.”

“You might be surprised. A guest who stayed at a Count’s house for a long time received many gifts too. People in the capital don’t hesitate to send gifts, even for small connections.”

Was it meant to curry favor with the Duke by sending gifts to Melody?

While she wasn’t thrilled about the idea, it wasn’t something Melody could do anything about right now.

“So, when is Miss Melody’s birthday?”

The postal worker’s question left Melody pondering for a moment before she replied,

“It’s in spring.”

“Spring? When in spring?”

“Just spring…”

She forced a smile, and the postal worker let out an awkward ‘ahh’, clearly a bit flustered himself.

“Got it! That’s actually convenient. I can deliver Miss Melody’s birthday gifts on any day in spring. Right? As long as it’s spring!”

“Yeah, that’s right! Any… day is fine. If there’s anyone who would send me a gift… that is.”

“There definitely will be, so don’t be surprised!”

He said with a playful smile and quickly set the postal carriage in motion, almost as if he was fleeing.

Melody watched the carriage disappear, feeling a strange sensation.

“Just spring.”

The postal worker’s innocent remark lingered in her ears.

Why? What’s wrong with just any day in spring?

If someone sent a gift, it should be a matter of genuine gratitude, nothing more.


Melody shook off her strange feelings and turned around to head back to her room. As she did, she unexpectedly locked eyes with Claude, who was standing a few steps away. Feeling as if he had seen through her complicated thoughts, she quickly averted her gaze. Just as she was about to pass him with a slight nod,

“Why don’t you ask your mother?” Claude initiated the conversation.


Startled, Melody stopped in her tracks, and Claude approached with a smile.

“You seemed curious about your birthday.”

Perhaps because she didn’t respond, just looking surprised, Claude quickly added an apology.

“If it was an unpleasant comment, I apologize. Sorry.”

Of course, his words were just a formality; his expression didn’t seem sorry about his suggestion at all.

“I thought someone should make such a suggestion. You’re a good child, Melody.”

He unexpectedly praised Melody’s character.

“Oh, it’s not a compliment.”

Not a compliment? Then what did ‘good child’ mean?

“It just means you might be influenced by the desires of those around you.”


“Like, my father hopes that you don’t meet your mother. And you know it.”

This reminded Melody of the Duke relaying ‘the last request of a death row inmate.’ He had patiently waited for her opinion and simply nodded when she declined.

“It’s a misunderstanding that I refused because of the Duke. He asked for my opinion.”

“Of course. Concern filling his eyes.”

Claude easily imagined his father’s expression.

His father, usually stoic, made his emotions particularly clear when they did surface.

So, Melody surely knew what he had felt while conveying ‘the last request.’

“That’s why I’ll say something different. To ensure you think about it fairly.”

Claude stepped closer.

“Meet her.”


“Melody, it seems like you’ve left something behind there.”

Several responses swirled in her mind.

‘I don’t mind not knowing about things like birthdays.’

‘I’ve already told the Duke I won’t meet her.’

But ultimately, Melody couldn’t bring herself to say any of them.

Claiming her birthday was inconsequential seemed hollow after already showing her hurt.

She knew the Duke was generous and wouldn’t scold her for changing her mind.

“Take your time to think about it.”

He smiled tiredly and left the entrance first, asking a servant he passed not to wake him until the next morning.

Melody was left alone, pondering his words, but she soon shook her head.

Melody had decided not to meet her mother. There was no need to change that decision.




The next morning, the pine cones that Ronny and Loretta had brought over had slightly opened. Melody fetched a small bowl of water and dropped the opened pine cones into it. As they absorbed the water, the pine cones began to close up again. The idea that these small, common things could moisten the dry air was somehow fascinating.

‘I thought pine cones just rolled around on the ground…’

Melody admired Loretta for finding a ‘use’ for such an ordinary object. As she pondered this, she heard the sound of a carriage from the garden. It was quite early, so the sound was particularly clear. Who could it be at this hour?

Melody had an uneasy feeling, probably due to yesterday’s events. It was around this time that Isaiah unexpectedly arrived.

‘Surely, he hasn’t barged into the Duke’s house today.’

If that was the case, Melody thought she should advise Isaiah that it was rude to visit the Duke’s house without an invitation.

‘No, it can’t be Isaiah.’

He had mentioned that he was off yesterday, so he would be working today.


The sound of the carriage stopping was heard. Melody got dressed, hoping the visitor at this hour wasn’t Isaiah. But her hopes were quickly dashed as a knock came at her door, followed by these words:

“A visitor has arrived.”

A visitor? The only person in the capital who would visit Melody was Isaiah. Melody opened the door with a nearly tearful expression, to find Butler Higgins standing there.

“Miss Melody.”

Before Higgins could state his purpose, Melody quickly bowed and apologized.

“I’m sorry! I’ll talk to Isaiah. Please forgive him just for today!”

There was no immediate response to her hurried words. Instead, the gloved hand of Butler Higgins gently patted Melody’s head, as if offering comfort.

“There’s no need for you to apologize.”

At his kind gesture and words, Melody cautiously looked up to gauge his reaction.

“A visitor coming early to the mansion has nothing to do with Miss Melody.”

“But… Isaiah is my friend.”

At Melody’s response, Butler Higgins chuckled softly.

“Master Isaiah is not the one who has come.”

“What? But isn’t there a visitor? I heard a carriage.”

“There is a visitor. For you, Miss Melody.”

“It’s not Isaiah?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

It was strange, thought Melody, tilting her head slightly. She had believed Isaiah was the only person who would visit her at this hour.

“Then, who has come?”

At her cautious question, Butler Higgins suggested, “It would be best for you to go to the entrance and see for yourself.” He then draped a shawl over Melody’s shoulders.




As Melody reached the entrance, she saw a large bouquet of cosmos flowers. The person holding the bouquet was none other than the postal worker who had visited the day before. Normally visiting in the afternoon, why had he come to the mansion this early in the morning?


When Melody bowed in greeting, the postal worker also greeted her.

“Hello, Miss Melody.”

His face looked somewhat gloomy as he spoke, as if he was worried about something.

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