The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 42 Table of contents

Chapter 42




Melody added a simpler explanation, anticipating that her mother might not have understood her,

“If you keep talking at your own discretion, I’m saying I’ll leave.”

As expected, her mother had not fully grasped Melody’s words. The shock of Melody threatening to leave seemed to have left her mother momentarily out of her senses.

“I don’t want to talk about anything else.”

Melody felt no need to elaborate on why she didn’t want to receive an apology. She didn’t want to expose her long-held wounds or suffering, nor did she want to see her mother reflecting on her past life anew.

Was it a wicked sentiment?

Even if it was, it was fine by her.

“Melody, I…”

“I’ve decided to strive to be ordinary.”

It was true that until now, she had been bound by an imperfect past, receiving much ‘sympathy.’

Hadn’t Isaiah just mentioned it too? Didn’t the people of the Duke’s house feel any ‘sympathy’ seeing Melody’s situation?

“The only thing you can give me is one thing.”

It was only now that Melody felt her heart trembling.

‘My birthday.’

Always dismissed as ‘nothing important,’ she had tried not to be curious about it. But the truth was, she wanted to know so badly.

Every time children boasted about the gifts they received on their birthdays.

Every time children shared the cake they received on their birthdays.

Every time children asked about each other’s birthdays to compare dates and determine who was older or younger.

Melody had to keep her mouth shut like a clam and just repeat the words ‘spring, yellow spring flowers’ to herself.

“Please tell me the day I was born.”

After asking her question, Melody quietly stared at her mother. She could only blink weakly.


It seemed she was having some difficulty. Melody immediately had a bad feeling about it.

“Melody, it’s just that…”

It sounded like an excuse was about to start. But still, it seemed like she was trying to answer Melody’s question.

“When I was pregnant with you, I was chased out of the capital…”

That was something she had repeatedly mentioned, every time she got angry or scolded Melody. If it weren’t for Melody’s birth, she would have been a great merchant in the capital.

“I was completely out of my mind then. No money, nowhere to live.”

The string of excuses naturally seemed to invite pity. It must have been hard to live like that while pregnant.

But Melody cast aside all such feelings and asked again.

“So, when is it?”

Her mother pressed her lips together tightly, pointlessly gripping and releasing the iron bars repeatedly. After a long while, she answered in a voice that seemed to crawl.

“I don’t know… when.”


Ah, of course.

Melody recalled her mother’s situation and personality anew.

At that time, to her mother, Melody was nothing more than a ‘burden’ that got her kicked out of a wealthy household. It probably hadn’t changed even now.

So, it was unlikely that her mother delicately remembered and kept the exact date of the birth of that burden in her memory.

Even though childbirth is supposed to be special.

It was an event that happened only once in her mother’s life, so Melody thought maybe her mother might remember the date.

‘It was a vain hope.’

It seemed she would have to let the postman choose a fitting day and casually declare it her birthday.

‘She didn’t want it to be that way.’

Because it felt like some regret would remain.

She didn’t want to harbor gloomy thoughts even on a day that should be celebrated fully, troubling those around her.

She had received enough sympathy to be grateful for, and now Melody wanted to walk her own good path.


Melody turned around without any lingering attachment. There was nothing more to see her mother for.

“Just, wait a moment! Are you really going? This could be the last time you meet this mother of yours!”

A panicked voice came from behind.

“How am I supposed to remember the day you were born! It was hard enough to die for! Quickly, something I wanted to forget…! But still, I gave birth to you, right? Isn’t that something to be thankful for?”

Despite her mother’s calling, Melody did not look back, and her mother rattled the iron bars somewhat roughly.

“It was spring, but it was like painful snow pouring from the sky! People locked their doors and didn’t help, and soldiers on the streets were frightening…! If the last house I knocked on hadn’t opened, you would have died as soon as you were born. Do you understand how hard it was for me because of you, huh?”

Truly an unchanging person. Only her tone and expression softened slightly in the face of death.

In a way, this attitude was something Melody was thankful for. It allowed her to completely and utterly let go of any expectations she had of her mother.

Before leaving for the last time, Melody glanced back at her mother.

She was yelling something fiercely, but surprisingly, none of it reached Melody’s ears.

Soon, a knight on the opposite side of the bars stepped forward to restrain her mother. She struggled to break free from the strong grip of the knight, fighting until the end.

Melody stared at the scene for a while, then turned around gracefully, bowing lightly.

An elegant, light gesture.

‘Farewell, Mother.’

Perhaps surprised by Melody’s polite gesture, usually seen among the wealthy, her mother’s struggle ceased.

And then she began to look at her daughter very strangely, as if she was seeing a different side of Melody for the first time.

Using a greeting method she hadn’t taught, wearing clothes that obviously looked nice.


In the quiet space where her mother’s heavy breathing could be heard, the time they spent staring at each other stretched a bit longer.

But that was all.

Melody couldn’t understand what her mother’s gaze was trying to convey at all.

Likewise, her mother never truly understood what was in Melody’s heart.

They had always been such a family, so it couldn’t be helped.

Melody was the first to look away. She felt her mother’s persistent gaze beyond her field of vision but didn’t look back.

Beyond the door, Claude was seen leaning against the wall of the corridor, waiting for Melody in an ‘uncomfortable posture.’

Truly a peculiar person.

Melody tightened her grip on her dress and managed to walk away from her mother’s gaze.

Her steps were somewhat heavy, as if something was trying to hold her back.

“Come here.”

Suddenly, Claude spoke, still leaning against the wall.

“Come this way. Then I’ll take you.”

Take her where? Of course, Melody’s destination was the ‘carriage’ and the ‘Duke’s house.’

But it felt like Claude was implying something more than just that.

So, Melody approached where he wanted and replied.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re brave even now.”

He smiled wryly and started walking ahead.

It seemed like they were heading back to the carriage, so Melody silently followed him.

On the way, Melody looked around, hoping to encounter the knights or Isaiah, but unfortunately, there was no such opportunity.

Since they had been instructed to keep Isaiah ‘safely’ until a decision was made, nothing bad should happen. Still, she was worried about his feelings.

Upon returning to the mansion, Loretta and Ronny, who had been stacking stones in the entrance, greeted them. It seemed they had been collecting chestnuts, waiting for them to return.

Soon, the servants brought in the roasted chestnuts, and Loretta ate the steaming yellow flesh quite cutely, repeatedly saying how hot it was.




As the night came faster with the changing seasons, the Duke of Baldwin also returned to the mansion. While he was checking urgent matters organized by the butler, a faint knocking sound came from the office door.

Thinking, ‘This must be Melody’s knock,’ the Duke opened the door, and indeed, it was Melody standing there.

“I’m sorry to disturb you when you’re busy. I just wanted to say I’m back safely.”

The child added another ‘I’m sorry’ to the Duke’s heart.

“I’ve heard the news.”

Melody flinched slightly at the Duke’s response, probably because he was referring to ‘Isaiah.’

“Your Grace, Isaiah is not at fault. Please don’t punish him.”

“I heard that squire interfered with what you were trying to do.”

“But that’s because I’ve been entrusting him with important matters for a long time…”

“Important matters?”

“I neglected to protect myself. I’ve decided not to do that anymore, but Isaiah didn’t know. In the village, he always protected me.”


The Duke opened the door wide, inviting Melody into his office.

“It seems you haven’t had enough time to talk with that squire boy.”

Melody nodded in agreement.

There was a lot to catch up on with Isaiah, but she hadn’t been able to have a proper conversation because she was preoccupied with writing letters to his mother, Mary.

Isaiah didn’t know the current Melody, and Melody didn’t know the current Isaiah.

“I saw my mother’s eyes today.”

Melody recalled the incident in the prison. Despite living together for years, Melody and her mother didn’t truly know each other.

“It seems we didn’t understand each other. Maybe the same happened with Isaiah.”

“That’s right. You’ll need time.”


“Alright. I won’t impose a severe punishment on him.”

“…So, will you impose a minor punishment?”

“It would be better for that squire boy. It seems he’s aware that he did something forbidden.”

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