The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 54 Table of contents

Chapter 54





“I’m glad you returned safely. I assume you ate and slept well at the royal palace?”

Jeremiah smiled happily at the affectionate welcome.

“Yes, I ate and slept very well, just as you instructed, Master.”

“That’s good. You did well.”

The master nodded in satisfaction, but Jeremiah was surprised and asked, “But, I haven’t reported anything yet…”

Although just a trainee, Jeremiah had been to the royal palace on behalf of the Magic Tower’s Master to present the seasonal report. It was a session to announce the progress of magical research requested by the royal family. Since the establishment of the Magic Tower, it had always been the Tower Master or a senior magician who attended these sessions.

“Do I need to contact the royal palace about something else?”

Owen’s question implied, ‘Did you leave any of the royal palace’s questions unanswered?’ The royal palace was always trying to suppress the Magic Tower, and it was certain they would try to find fault with the Magic Tower for sending a young Jeremiah for the report.

“No, Master, there’s no need for that.”

But Jeremiah, known as the prodigy of the Magic Tower, was not ‘just a child.’ He answered every question posed by the experienced adults of the royal palace. It didn’t take long for them to realize that the Magic Tower had sent Jeremiah with profound consideration.

“I thought so.”

Jeremiah’s face flushed with happiness at the trust-filled response.

“Thank you. However…”

The boy placed a stack of documents he was carrying on Owen’s desk.

“Just in case, I’ve prepared a report. I would appreciate it if you could review it and reprimand me if there’s anything lacking.”

Owen repeated the admiration he had felt numerous times before. Previously, he had been simply impressed, but now he felt almost guilty. He wondered if his teachings had somehow led to this.

“Alright. I’ll see if there’s anything to reprimand you for.”

“Thank you.”

Jeremiah bowed respectfully and then started to tidy up Owen’s room.

Not with magic, but with his own hands, following Owen’s philosophy of solving things that can be done by hand without resorting to magic.

“I’m grateful you’ve become my hands.”

“It’s only natural that I do this. But…”

The boy turned to him, holding an old book that required both arms to carry.

“How is your back… are you alright?”

The very reason Jeremiah had been appointed to represent the Tower Master was because the latter was suffering from severe back pain.

“It’s better now.”

“You should receive treatment,” Jeremiah insisted, whether it was through medicine or magic.

But his master refused any form of treatment, saying, “A vessel is precious. I am not yet ready to entrust it to someone else’s hands.” Owen was wary of the multitude of problems that could arise if the vessel his body had formed were to break. If the power, lacking its ruler, were to burst out into the void, it would be disastrous.

“But, I can absorb all of your magical power. So, you should seek treatment as soon as possible…”

Mid-sentence, Jeremiah, his cheeks flushed, bowed his head.

“I apologize. I overstepped my bounds.”

Claiming to absorb all of his master’s power was tantamount to asserting that his own vessel was greater than that of the Tower Master. Perhaps his arrogance was a result of the praises he received at the palace. Jeremiah chastised himself for a momentary lapse in humility.

But even faced with such seemingly presumptuous words, Owen only wore a smile on his wrinkled face.


And he didn’t refute the boy’s claim.

“I believe it’s possible, too.”

“No, that can’t be. You are a strong and powerful person, and moreover…”

The boy hastily tidied the books and approached Owen, looking up at him with eyes full of admiration.

“You are the greatest magician. One day, I truly hope to be like you.”

Owen knew exactly which aspects the boy admired him for. Unable to express gratitude for his respect, he simply stroked the boy’s beautiful sky-blue hair, thinking to himself, ‘You must not become a magician who abandons his family, like me.’



“Do you wish to receive the title of a magician?”

The boy’s eyes shone with honest ambition. It was a title anyone born as a vessel would desire.

“Of course, but…”

Following his teachings, Jeremiah quickly offered a humble response.

“I know I must prove myself worthy.”

“Is there anyone more deserving than you?”

Other magicians recognized this too. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have agreed to let him represent the Tower Master.

“No, I am still lacking. My personal research has not progressed either.”

“You mentioned researching time.”

“It’s been nothing but failures. I’m embarrassed to even call it research.”

“Every magician dreams of having the past and future at their fingertips. Let’s not be ashamed of these attempts.”

“I will continue to persevere… relentlessly.”

“Will you really?”

At the master’s question, Jeremiah quickly nodded and closed the window he had just ventilated.

Owen flicked his fingers, intensifying the fireplace’s flames, to warm up the chilly air that had seeped into the room.

“Then I suppose I must assign you another task.”

At the mention of a task, Jeremiah quickly pulled out a paper from his pocket. His master’s tasks were always challenging, so it was reassuring to write them down.

“Tell me! Whatever it is. I’ll do my best!”

Encouraged by Jeremiah’s spirited response, Owen pulled out a letter and handed it to him.

“What is this?”

“It’s a request for help.” Being a group of individuals with special powers, magicians occasionally received pleas for assistance from those in trouble. It seemed someone was waiting for their help this time as well.

“If you can resolve this, I’ll grant you the title of a magician.”


“Yes, although I can’t send you alone given your age.”

“No! I can do it myself! Every magician has proven themselves this way…!”

Excited by the prospect of earning his title, Jeremiah could hardly contain his enthusiasm.

“Please, give me the chance to prove myself alone.”

He was ready to do anything if it meant receiving the title. The title of a magician would allow him to live as ‘Magician Jeremiah,’ shedding the name of the Baldwin family, just as Owen had chosen the life of a magician over royalty after receiving his title.

Owen silently handed him the letter. Jeremiah bowed his head and accepted his first assignment with both hands, his heart pounding. When he looked up, the familiar seal on the envelope caught his eye.

Instinctively, his eyes narrowed, momentarily forgetting that he was in front of his master. It was a request from the Baldwin family.


Jeremiah stared at the letter for a while, offering no response. He wondered if his master was testing him, checking if he was truly ready to leave behind the name ‘Baldwin.’


“…I will.”

At his master’s gentle voice, the boy finally spoke.

“I will not waver, and I will follow the same path as you, Master.”

Faced with his young disciple’s stubborn resolve, Owen could do nothing but stroke his head.




Loretta’s condition showed no signs of improvement over time. Occasionally, she would have a mild fever, but she remained unconscious. Despite visits from all the doctors in the capital, she did not wake up.

Given the situation, the Duke reluctantly but necessarily bowed his head to the temple once more, accompanied by a generous donation.

The Duke thought he could live as a dog for the temple for the rest of his life if only it would improve Loretta’s condition. Unfortunately, the temple did not seize the opportunity to take the Duke as its dog, as even the high priest’s blessing did not bring any change to Loretta’s state.

“How strange. Could it be that the child’s faith is lacking?”

Perhaps out of spite that the believed omnipotent divine power did not prevail, the priest put the blame on Loretta and hastily left the mansion. Hearing this, a few servants spat in the direction of the priest’s departing carriage, saying, “There goes what little faith there was.”

After the priest’s departure, Butler Higgins quietly sought out the Duke.

“I understand that you are reluctant to seek help from the Magic Tower.”


“But now, there are no traces of the lady left in the mansion, so there shouldn’t be any problems.”

Higgins spoke in a subdued voice, prompting the Duke to recall his one and only partner, Beatrice Baldwin.

“Wayne, will you promise me?”

Her voice, making such a request, did not waver, even though her back was riddled with countless shards of glass.

Wayne, that is, the Duke of Baldwin, had to painstakingly remove each shard from her torn back while listening to her cruel words.

“Never let it be discovered about me. It will certainly be a stain on your name, and on the children’s future. Especially in Jeremiah’s case…”

Don’t talk nonsense. You are my pride.

He wanted to say that. If only she hadn’t let out a small cry of pain as a large shard of glass was removed from her back.

“Ah, ugh… Send Jeremiah away, and ensure that people from the Magic Tower don’t come here. They will recognize the traces…”

And with her faintly whispered ‘I’m sorry,’ Wayne could only say ‘no.’

At that moment, he felt utterly hopeless, realizing how pitifully inadequate his words were. There must have been something more convincing he could have said. If only…


The butler’s voice, urging him, brought the Duke back from his reverie, and he nodded.

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