The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 56 Table of contents

Chapter 56




Melody briskly ascended the stairs and arrived in front of Loretta’s room.

“Don’t make such a ruckus in the hallway. Are you really a guest of the Duke’s house?”

Ronny, who was already standing in front of the room, scolded Melody, prompting her to immediately slow down her pace.

“How’s the young lady?”

“She’s okay.”

“Is she awake?!”

“…How could that be? But don’t worry. Everything will be fine now.”

Ronny patted Melody’s shoulder reassuringly and smiled confidently.

“Will everything be… fine?”

“Jeremiah is here.”


Melody was so shocked by Ronny’s news that she was at a loss for words.

Jeremiah came all of a sudden?

A bad feeling started to creep in, maybe because of the warning Claude had given her last time.

“It’s not a particularly good idea to talk about Jeremiah in front of other people in the mansion.”

After that day, Melody had decided not to think about Jeremiah until the right time came…!

“What, have you already forgotten about Jeremiah?”

“No, it’s not that.”

“Then what is it?”

“…I’m just surprised. Is Sir Jeremiah really at the mansion?”

“Yes. Exciting, isn’t it?”

No, it’s terrifying.

She had never anticipated meeting him so soon.

‘Is this okay?’

It felt like the original story was going completely off track.


Melody tried to organize the chaos in her mind and hurriedly recalled everything about Jeremiah.

The youngest brother, a genius, discord with family… after a few keywords, what came to mind was…

The fact that Jeremiah’s magic could have a detrimental effect on Loretta due to her innate constitution.


Melody, startled, grabbed Ronny’s shoulders.

“Ma, magic!”

Struggling with her words, Ronny frowned and replied.

“Yes, he’s using magic to take care of Loretta.”

“Using magic isn’t… Has he already used it?!”

“Yes. So she’ll get better soon.”

Despite Ronny’s words, Melody didn’t look reassured. Her sidelong glances toward Loretta’s room were evident, even though the door was firmly closed and nothing could be seen.


Ronny called her name in a calming voice as if to pacify her, holding her shoulders. Yet, it didn’t seem to have much effect. Melody was hopping from one foot to the other, clearly distressed.

“Can I just peek in for a little while? Even just for a moment, please.”

Ronny was about to outright refuse.

But Melody pleaded so earnestly that he found it impossible to reject her bluntly.

“No, that’s because Jeremiah said he needs quietness…”

“I’ll be really quiet, just want to check on the young lady’s condition. Please, sir, yes?”

Melody began to implore him, almost clinging to him. Her large eyes looked as if they might well up with tears, making Ronny even more uncomfortable.

“If you keep, keep doing this…!”

“Is it not okay…?”

Ronny was at a loss for words in response to her cautious question.

He could only gaze back at her with eyes full of apprehension.




The Duke received Jeremiah’s report. Ironically, it was a proper report, perfectly formatted.

The fact that the boy had delivered it in person instead of speaking directly was still indicative of his hatred for the Duke.

‘Should I go see him?’

The Duke momentarily contemplated this but soon received a report that ‘Sir Jeremiah is dining in the young lady’s room and continues to monitor her condition.’ This made even the courage he had mustered up dissipate.

Was this his way of saying he wouldn’t even dine together?

‘It’s a… likely answer.’

He had taken the boy’s mother away from him, without giving a proper explanation.

Ever since then, the boy had completely closed his heart to the Duke, and the Duke had always been freshly pained by his son’s alienation.

Yet, he stood up.

After all, he was a parent. No matter how painful his own wounds, he had a duty to stand up and not give up on reaching out to his child.

When the Duke, determined, arrived in front of Loretta’s room, he saw Ronny and Melody together.


Both seemed concerned about Loretta, but the atmosphere was different than usual.

“Ah, Father!”

Just then, Ronny, noticing the Duke, hastily raised his hand. It almost sounded like a plea for ‘help me.’

“What’s the matter?”

When the Duke asked in a quiet voice, Ronny promptly explained.

Jeremiah had requested silence in the room, but Melody kept trying to enter, and he was trying to stop her.


The Duke looked at the girl who was unusually insistent.

“Please, Your Grace.”

The girl released Ronny and began making the same plea to the Duke.

However, the Duke shook his head. Disappointment flooded Melody’s face.

“The power used in magic can sometimes cause harm to someone. Approaching Loretta now could be dangerous.”

The Duke knew better than anyone that the power used in magic was not always benign. He didn’t want Melody or Ronny to get entangled in such things.

“Instead, Higgins and I will closely monitor the situation.”

Seeing Melody still fidgeting and not looking reassured, he extended his hand towards her.

“I promise you. I stake everything on it.”

Melody, with a heavy heart, took the Duke’s hand.

“Please, make sure to look after Miss Loretta and Sir Jeremiah. They must become happy…”

“Yes, I will definitely protect them.”

Their clasped hands shook in the air a few times before separating.


The Duke turned to his son standing beside him. His cheeks looked almost frostbitten from standing in the hallway for hours.

“Yes, Father!”

Despite that, the child answered energetically without showing any discomfort.

“You two need something warm. It would be best to go together and ask Higgins for some tea.”

“But if I leave, this area might get noisy. If that happens, Jeremiah won’t be able to concentrate.”

“Tell everyone to pass through quietly. It would be troublesome if you catch a cold. Besides, drinking tea will help Melody calm down.”

After a moment of hesitation, Ronny decided to leave, as it was indeed cold and he was also worried about Melody.

“Let’s go, Melody.”

The girl looked worriedly towards Loretta’s room, but after Ronny repeated ‘Let’s go’ several times, she finally followed him.

Once the children went downstairs, the Duke was left alone in the 2nd-floor corridor.

He paused, took a deep breath, and looked at the firmly closed door.


He realized that even after coming this far, he was still hesitating.

Being a parent is human, and it’s hard to muster courage multiple times in front of a child who rejects you.

But he proceeded.

Something was pushing him forward.

His wife’s promise, his affection for Jeremiah, and…

“Please, make sure to look after Miss Loretta and Sir Jeremiah.”

Melody’s earnest plea, which seemed to see right through his situation.

So, the Duke gathered his courage and finally knocked on the closed door.

Knock knock.


However, his resolute determination and readiness had no relation to opening Jeremiah’s heart, and no matter how long he waited, no response came from beyond the door.




The black night fell.

Jeremiah, accustomed to staying up late, was still keeping vigil by Loretta’s side, monitoring her condition.

Assuming she had fainted due to emotional issues, he delved deeper and managed to discern that she was sifting through some memories.

Were they good memories?

If she disliked waking up this much, they must have been very precious.

Probably the child would open her eyes only after she had sifted through her past to her satisfaction.

All he could do was to ensure through his magic that the child didn’t lose vitality and endanger her life.

Of course, it was possible to use mental magic to directly invade the child’s mind and immediately pull her back to reality.

…But he didn’t particularly want to do that.

He was reluctant, fearing he might see that woman’s face in the child’s memories.


The door opened, and the butler came in. Jeremiah assumed that the Duke, whom he had sent away a little earlier, had sent him to monitor the situation.


“It’s late. I will escort you to your room.”


Jeremiah hesitated as if he was reluctant.

“A maid will be with the young lady all night. If anything unusual happens, we will inform you immediately.”

Jeremiah wasn’t particularly concerned about the girl, but he decided to use the butler’s concern to his advantage.

To avoid going back to his room, at least.

“I would like to watch over Loretta a little longer.”

“The Magic Tower has also requested that you strictly adhere to your usual sleeping hours. You know that Master Owen…”

Master Owen and Jeremiah were bound by the relationship of master and disciple. And a master’s command was always absolute.

Moreover, Owen could easily discern Jeremiah’s condition in the mansion through magic. So lies would not work.

Jeremiah had no choice but to stand up.

“No need to escort me, Higgins.”

“I’ll accompany you just to the door of your room. It’s an old man’s worry, so I hope you’ll allow it.”

Faced with such a kindly request, Jeremiah couldn’t bring himself to refuse.

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