The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 76 Table of contents

Chapter 76




Having safely returned to the mansion, Melody placed the flower Claude had given her in the best vase.

‘May this flower stay fresh and blooming until the day Sir Claude returns from the banquet.’

After changing into comfortable clothes and settling into a chair with a tired demeanor, a knock soon followed, and the door opened.

“Did you get the right kind of clothes?”

The visitor was Ronny. Melody craned her neck, half-expecting Loretta to accompany him, but she didn’t.

“Yes, I bought a dress for the banquet, just like the young master instructed.”


Ronny nodded happily.

“I’m sure the shop treated you as a special guest. Right? Thanks to me giving them a heads up.”

Indeed, she was treated ‘specially,’ enough to get her head thumped with a catalog.

But mentioning that to Ronny seemed like it would only cause trouble for the shop, so she simply nodded in agreement.

“Yes, they were very kind. Thanks to you, I tried on a variety of new clothes.”

Of course, the experience was courtesy of Claude.

She hoped this response would satisfy Ronny enough to leave, but the boy clasped his hands together and cautiously gauged Melody’s expression.

“So, was it… enjoyable?”

She didn’t understand why he was asking so tentatively, but Melody readily nodded.

“Of course.”

He sighed a long sigh of relief, muttering “That’s a relief” in a voice too quiet for Melody to hear.

“Young master.”

“Huh, yes?”

“Is everything going well with the banquet preparations?”

“Who do you think I am? Of course, it is.”

“Is there anything I can help with?”

“Your clumsy help wouldn’t be of any use. This is an official banquet of the ducal family. A place of elegance.”

Ronny’s pompous reply made Melody simply nod in acknowledgment.

Indeed, Melody had never attended a proper banquet before, so it was unlikely she could be of any help.

“Besides, if you have nothing else to do, read a book.”

Ronny then took out a book from his pocket. The cover read ‘Dining Etiquette’. It seemed he specifically wanted to give her this book.

“Did you buy this just for me?”

“Stop joking! This was just lying around the house for years.”

“But it looks like a new book.”

“Well, the people of Baldwin don’t need such books to be elegant… Ah! Give that to me!”

When Melody found a receipt tucked inside the book, Ronny snatched it back with a face that looked like he was about to faint.

Stuffing the crumpled receipt into his pocket, he turned away abruptly.

“I’m leaving!”

His exit was so hasty it almost seemed like he was fleeing, so Melody didn’t bother to stop him.

“Thank you for the book.”

As she thanked him, he glanced back at her slightly. She couldn’t understand why he was looking at her that way.




After delivering the necessary book to Melody, Ronny returned to his room and checked off ‘Buy Dining Etiquette Book for Melody’ from his ‘Preparation List’ for the banquet.

His list was densely packed with tasks, many of which were already completed, but there were still plenty left to do.

‘What’s left is…’

Tonight, he had to choose a chandelier for the banquet from the ones stored underground.

Tomorrow morning, he would accompany the chef to meet with food suppliers, and the day after, he had to discuss the music program with the orchestra.

Of course, he also needed to confirm whether all family members could attend.

‘Of course, everyone will.’

To Ronny’s knowledge, this was the first ‘family banquet’ in eight years, excluding birthday parties.

No one in the Baldwin family would miss such an occasion.

‘And also…’

Ronny flipped the paper to review other tasks awaiting him.

Preparing for a history test.

Finding a long stick for a sophisticated secret.

‘There’s quite a bit to do.’

He briefly thought so but then shook his head, recalling the expectant looks of his father and Loretta.

“I’ll do everything well.”

He stated it out loud with determination and nodded firmly once again. Just then, a servant came in, announcing, “Young master, it’s time to check the items in the basement!” Ronny stood up briskly from his seat. His steps were light and lively.




The next day dawned, and it was still dark outside, typical of winter mornings. Yet, Ronny woke up on his own and got out of bed.

“I need to meet the chef and the merchants this morning…”

Though he was mentally preparing himself for the day’s tasks, his mind was still groggy.

‘I stayed up too late yesterday.’

He had been in the mansion’s underground storage with a servant, looking for decorations for the banquet. There were so many beautiful items that it took much longer than expected.

Moreover, he also found the long stick he needed.

If the butler Higgins hadn’t forcibly dragged him away, he might have spent the whole morning choosing decorations.

He staggered out of bed just as the door opened and a servant entered.

“Young master, are you awake?”


“You’ve been waking up early these days without needing a wake-up call.”

He washed his face, receiving compliments, and after grooming himself, Ronny’s eyes sparkled anew.

Dressing in a fine suit that fit snugly up to his neck, he looked at himself in the mirror. With his hair neatly combed by the servant, he seemed all grown up.

‘I need to work hard today too.’

He had a good feeling about the day. It seemed like everything would go smoothly, without any complications.

“Young master.”


“A letter came for you last night. Would you like it now or after breakfast?”

“A letter came at night?!”

“Yes. It seems it was sent by a messenger.”

A letter urgent enough to be sent by hand – it made him feel really grown-up for a moment. Maybe it was from the interior decorator he met last time. Perhaps it contained good news about the lace he had requested.

“If it’s an urgent letter, I should check it right away. Bring it to me now.”

Ronny replied with a bit of swagger, feeling as if he were the duke himself.

“Right away.”

The servant, finding the young master’s adult-like demeanor endearing, brought the letter with a smile.

“Here it is.”

“The sender is… huh.”

Ronny tilted his head as he examined the envelope. The recipient’s name was written, but the sender’s was not.

“Ah, I see.”

After scrutinizing the handwriting for a while, identifying the sender wasn’t difficult.

“It’s Jeremiah.”

“How did you know?”

The servant was surprised.

“Well, Jeremiah writes with a distinctive flourish at the end of his letters, mimicking the revered Tower Master. I just hope his handwriting doesn’t evolve into that horrendous style.”

Otherwise, Ronny might eventually find himself unable to read Jeremiah’s writing.

“You’re amazing, young master.”

“It’s nothing.”

Ronny was slightly boastful and then turned his attention back to Jeremiah’s letter.

To be honest, he felt a bit touched.

He had been hurt by Jeremiah’s words on the stairs once.

“I don’t even think of you as a brother!”

Since then, Ronny had hardly had a proper conversation with Jeremiah. In fact, he wanted to talk to him when he left the mansion, but he had fallen asleep.

‘Judging by the fact he sent a letter like this, Jeremiah must be feeling regretful.’

It seems like he’s trying to clear the air before they meet again.

‘The pride of the Tower, he’s smart.’

Ronny imagined what words the envelope might contain.

Would it say he’s sorry?

If he just heard that one short phrase, Ronny felt confident he could once again love his smart little brother.

Of course, he liked him a lot even now.

Upon opening the envelope and checking the letter, a fairly thin piece of paper emerged. A pleasant fluttering sensation was felt in Ronny’s heart.

Rustle. He unfolded the paper.

Dear brother Ronny,

The boy couldn’t help but smile broadly at the first line. He was delighted to be addressed as a brother.

I have been dispatched to the central prison for work recently.

Ronny stopped reading the letter halfway and turned to the servant.

“Jeremiah is already performing official duties. ‘Magician Baldwin’ hasn’t been in his role for long.”

“That’s impressive.”

Though to the servant, Ronny seemed even more remarkable for adoring his brother so much.

Details of my work are confidential, but I am busy guarding the barriers in shifts.

Poor thing, he seems to be overworked. Ronny now understood why the sender’s name wasn’t written on the envelope.

His dear brother was too busy to even think about that.

And yet, he managed to write a response to the party invitation…

I am not attending the banquet, but it’s not solely because of that.

The following smooth sentences made Ronny doubt his eyes. He blinked several times, rereading the same sentence.

However, the clear intention of that sentence didn’t change.

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