The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 78 Table of contents

Chapter 78




“Young master.”

As Melody took another step closer, he shouted while hugging his knees tightly.

To leave immediately. He didn’t even want to see her.

His harshly uttered words filled the room, and only after their echo faded did she speak again.

“…I’m sorry.”

Melody offered her apology again in a subdued voice, sounding somewhat scared, prompting Ronny to nearly add, “No, that’s not what I meant.” He bit his lip to hold back.

Soon, the sound of the door carefully opening and closing was heard.

Melody had left the room. He slowly lifted his head and looked around his room.

The grand and ornate room of Baldwin’s young master seemed to mock him somehow.

He loosened the tie that felt like it was strangling him and bowed his head again, immersing himself in darkness where nothing could be seen.


Tears mingled with his shallow breathing soon followed.




After crying senselessly for a while, Ronny fell asleep and woke up in the dark night with his eyes swollen.

“What is this…”

He found himself hating everything in the world.

He hated the servant who moved him to the bed on their own accord, Melody for getting her dress from another store, Claude and Jeremiah for not getting along, and even his father for entrusting him with such a difficult task.

With nothing but hatred in his world, Ronny began to hate himself too. An idiot with nothing to show for!

He was certain to fail his history test. It had always been that way, and it would likely continue. Fool! Ronny, the fool!

“Brother, you’re awake.”

Startled, he quickly turned his head towards the cute voice beside him.

There was Loretta, propping her chin with her hands, looking at him intently with a bright smile.

What was she doing here?

“Loretta waited for a long time…”

Caught by her sparkling gaze, Ronny found himself instinctively stroking the adorable child’s head.

He realized that even though he hated everyone and even himself, he could never hate Loretta.

How could he hate his sister who rushes to share secrets with him?

“You can’t keep sneaking out of bed.”

“I didn’t sneak. I came with grandma’s hand.”

“Hmph, why did you come here then?”

“Because brother’s life is hard.”

“Wh-who said my life is hard?”

“Loretta thought so by herself.”

At the child’s response, Ronny turned around, propped his chin like Loretta, and lay down.

“You thought so by yourself?”

“Yep. Because I’m smart.”

Loretta carefully shared her observations of him, one by one.

“Brother studies every day, keeps meeting people. And yesterday, you got a long stick. That’s for the sophishucated secret, right?”

“You dummy.”

Ronny gently tapped Loretta’s soft cheek, fond of her straightforward words.

“A stick is not wide, it’s long. A long stick. You said that before.”

“Yep, a long stick. I won’t forget now.”

“Good job.”

Loretta beamed at his praise, even giggling.

“Let’s check later if there really is a ladder to the sky with that stick.”

“Yes! It’s a secret.”

“Right, a secret.”

The child rolled up to Ronny’s chin and looked up at him intently.

“Hug me tight, please!”

She repeated the same request she had made once in the corridor.

“Why all of a sudden?”

Of course, Ronny responded as he had done before.

Back then, she had asked to be lifted up to the ceiling, but now, they were both lying in a cozy spot, far from any sky ladders.

“Because Ronny brother is a big person.”

Loretta couldn’t wait any longer and immediately wrapped her arms around her brother’s neck.


Startled, Ronny let out a sound, and then felt small hands patting his back. It was a gentle touch, like comforting a crying child.

Pat, pat.

With every touch from those little hands, Ronny felt as if by magic, his mood was lifting.

Maybe it was because of being called a big person.

At least to this child, Ronny was happy to be seen that way.

“Thank you…”

“What for?”

Even to Loretta’s innocent question, he found it hard to convey his honest feelings. It was a bit… embarrassing.

‘I’m disappointed in myself. It’s nice to have someone who hasn’t given up on me yet.’

Thinking this, Ronny hugged his little sister back.

“Brother is a genius.”

Suddenly, Loretta said so, though he hadn’t said anything particularly remarkable.

“No, I’m not.”

He slightly shook his head. Even if his mood had improved slightly, the disappointing reality was still in front of him.

“Brother is a genius.”

Yet, Loretta insisted with a stubborn voice.

Was he craving for praise?

Ronny found himself nodding unwittingly, hoping those sweet words would melt into his body and digest into happiness.


Giggles filled the air, and soon the child quieted down. Her warm body became still, indicating she was falling asleep.

Ronny decided to keep holding Loretta a little longer.

If he let go before she was deeply asleep, the drowsiness that had finally come to Loretta might startle away.

If he told this to Loretta, wouldn’t she sparkle her eyes and say, ‘Knowing that makes brother a genius!’?

Yes, surely she would.

He closed his eyes again.

The long-suppressed tiredness finally stretched its legs and came to him.

Soon, both children fell into a deep sleep.

Upon discovering them asleep together, the Duke of Baldwin waited until dawn to carefully carry the deeply asleep Loretta back to her room.

The next day.

Ronny woke up feeling surprisingly good.

‘Today is the day to meet the orchestra.’

And he hoped he could find a way to change Jeremiah’s mind.

“Anyone can host a grand banquet, but only someone who has observed people for a long time can host one that also considers their hearts.”

Ronny recalled his father’s words. Yet, no matter how much he tried to understand Jeremiah’s heart, he doubted whether it would lead him to attend the banquet.

“Being miserably alone is not efficient!”

Ronny also remembered his own words.

Right, it wasn’t time to fret alone. The banquet was only a few days away.

Ronny headed straight to the academy. When he conveyed that he had come to meet his brother, a kind faculty member led him to an empty classroom where they could talk.

Throughout the journey there, countless students passed by him.

‘To think my brother is the top student among all these people.’

Ronny’s pride in his brother swelled even more. Truly remarkable.


After waiting a short while in the classroom, Claude rushed in and greeted him warmly. Ronny, looking quite the gentleman, bowed.

“I’m sorry for the sudden visit, brother.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I’m glad to see your face. What’s the matter?”

Without delay, Ronny shared the events of the previous day.


Throughout the story, Claude showed little reaction, his expression just darkening.

“You must have had a tough time being caught in the middle, I’m sorry.”

He immediately comforted Ronny, who might have been hurt by the situation.

“It was, a little. No, actually, quite a lot.”

“Yes. It’s true that I pushed him too hard. He’s still a child, despite being mature… The fault lies entirely with me.”

As Claude easily admitted his mistake, Ronny cautiously asked him.

“Could you…?”

“Apologize to Jeremiah?”

Ronny nodded vigorously at his response. If only that could happen, they could proceed with the banquet normally.

Filled with hope, Ronny looked at Claude with sparkling eyes. However, Claude, seeming troubled, only fiddled with his hair before speaking carefully.

“The truth is, I’ve tried to apologize several times already, but he refused to meet me. There was no response to my letters either.”

Ronny looked up at his all-capable brother in disbelief.

Even his brother, the smartest in the academy, couldn’t make things go his way!

“Probably… Jeremiah won’t meet me now, no matter what. The guy is quite stubborn.”

Hearing Claude’s dejected story, Ronny realized that Claude too was hurt by the repeated rejections.

What to do.

If their father knew the Baldwin brothers were at odds like this, he would be heartbroken.

“Anyway, for the banquet, invite Jeremiah without me. Even if I’m not there, he should have time with his family.”


Ronny exclaimed, trying to maintain a calm demeanor.

“Don’t worry, brother.”

Ronny pounded near his heart with his fist.

“I’ll figure it out, just trust me! You must come to the banquet, you must!”

Ronny’s voice trembled a bit at the end. After all, even he didn’t know exactly how to resolve the situation.

But he steadied himself, putting strength into his stance.

After all, if anyone could solve this, it was the genius Ronny!

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