The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 80 Table of contents

Chapter 80




“But, has the guest we invited late arrived?”

“No, not yet.”

“I’m relieved there’s still something left for me to do. It’s my duty to welcome them.”

“That’s right. I’m counting on you, Father.”

“The success of your banquet depends on it, so of course, I’ll do my best.”

The duke patted Ronny’s shoulder encouragingly before returning to his room with Butler Higgins, likely to change his clothes.

‘So, is everything inside the mansion taken care of?’

Ronny checked the time. Everything was going as he had planned.


He happened to ask a passing maid about her, inquiring if she had finished preparing.

“Yes, she’s in her room. She said she should wait for you.”

The maid answered with a laugh, as if she found it amusing, casting a peculiar look that made Ronny cough awkwardly.

“Got it.”

“Don’t be too surprised. Melody looks stunning.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Ronny remembered the teachings of ancient sages. No matter what, one cannot hide their true nature.

So no matter how luxurious the clothes Melody might be covered in, her inherent miserliness couldn’t be hidden.

“Wearing nice clothes doesn’t instantly make one a lady. What matters is the attitude.”

Ronny sneered at the thought of Melody wearing clothes that didn’t suit her.

He proceeded down the hallway on the first floor, his steps quickening slightly, perhaps excited at the thought of teasing Melody.

After all, Melody had caused him quite a bit of trouble over the past few days.

Entering the parlor uninvited to bring milk, trying to enter the banquet hall without permission, and not telling him about being humiliated in town, likely planning to deceive him completely.

‘Such a girl doesn’t suit a dress at all.’

Arriving in front of Melody’s room, he paused to check his attire.

Just because his counterpart was a miserable lady, there was no need for him to lower his standards.

‘I must show the dignity of the ducal family.’

He straightened his back and knocked on the door. A loud “Yes!” came from inside, followed by the sound of something bumping.

‘As expected.’

Ronny barely suppressed the sneer that was about to emerge. After a bit of waiting, the door cracked open.

“What kind of trouble have you caused now? I told you to wait quietly.”

However, as soon as the  gap in the door widened, he found himself automatically nagging.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that…”

The door fully opened, and Melody stood before him, with a sullen look on her face.

‘Why the long face?’

Ronny meant to ask that, but somehow, he couldn’t get the words out. Contrary to his imagination, Melody looked perfectly fine.

“You, you!”

Surprisingly, there was not a hint of miserliness to be seen.

Was it the quality of the fabric and the lavish use of lace in her splendid aqua dress? Or perhaps it was due to her miraculously curly hair?

Regardless, she looked like a much prettier young lady from the capital than usual, if not ordinary.

“I dropped my fan. When I went to pick it up…”

Melody fiddled with a small fan in her gloved hand, a gift from the store to ensure her hands weren’t empty.

“I hit the top of my head on the corner of the desk. Ouch.”

It must have hurt a lot. Melody’s hand naturally reached toward the top of her head.

“Don’t touch it!”

Ronny hastily stopped her from continuing.

“Are you crazy? Do you want to ruin your beautiful hair?!”


“Bend down; let me see.”

At his suggestion, Melody looked a bit puzzled but then slightly bent her knees. Ronny moved closer and gently swept through her hair with his fingertips.


“No, a bit higher than that…”

He carefully parted her hair with his fingers.

“Seems like here. It’s quite red.”

“It really hurts.”

“Fortunately, it doesn’t seem swollen… Are you an idiot? Why did you drop the fan?”

“I got startled by the knocking sound.”

At her somewhat whiny response, Ronny couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Every time you suddenly appear, do you know how startled I get? Right?”

Melody couldn’t refute his claim.

“I’m sorry for that.”

“As long as you reflect on it, it’s fine.”

He said and then gently blew on the spot where Melody had bumped her head, feeling it was slightly warm.

“What are you doing, young master?”

“Uh, I’m blowing on it…”

Blowing on a wound to soothe it is a perfectly natural response. But the moment those words left his mouth as a statement, it somehow felt odd.

It seemed a bit embarrassing.

“It’s not weird!”

He raised his voice, perhaps to cover up his momentary hesitation, stepping back about a step from Melody.

“It’s a medical practice. An old remedy passed down through generations. When you were a child, your mother might have…”

The excuse that slipped out was the worst possible. Not only did it sound like something a child would say, but it also brought to mind who Melody’s mother was.

“No, I mean. This is a medical practice done among close people! It’s… uh… okay, right?”

Ronny offered his concern, including for her well-being, not just about her head, as she was one of the guests at today’s banquet.

Melody, who had been looking down, slowly raised her head.

‘What if she’s upset by the mention of her mother?’

Ronny momentarily worried, but those concerns melted away the moment he saw Melody smiling brightly.

“Let’s go. Everyone has arrived. We can’t delay any longer.”

He extended his arm, and of course, Melody immediately took hold of it.

Ronny found himself walking somewhat awkwardly, his shoulders tense, though he didn’t realize it.

“But, young master.”

“Wha, what?”

He responded, twitching to the voice that came from too close.

“Is it okay for you to perform such medical practices on me, even though it’s meant for close people?”


Ronny’s gaze wavered for a moment at Melody’s point. Indeed, there wasn’t any specific relationship defined between Melody and him.


“Well, it can’t be helped. You’re not family, but still.”

Ah, what should he say? Ronny racked his brilliant brain for a good excuse.

“We’re, we’re friends.”


“What’s with that reaction?!”

“Can I really be friends with you, young master?”

Ronny thought it was natural for Melody to be cautious. After all, he was a noble from the esteemed Baldwin ducal family.

“Normally, you couldn’t. But I’ll make a special exception for you. Aren’t you grateful?”

“Yes, I’m happy.”

“Of course, you should be. I’ve granted you a favor.”

He straightened his body proudly. Naturally, his previously awkward shoulders relaxed back into place.

“From now on, you’re my friend. So, you can rely on me for anything. I’ll protect you.”

His boastful words made Melody nod. Ronny felt as if he was walking on clouds.

“I will also consider you a precious friend for life, young master.”

Not just a precious friend, but a ‘for life’ precious friend!

Ronny was glad he had recommended nice clothes to Melody. It seemed beautiful words that a poet might say effortlessly flowed from Melody’s mouth.

‘Maybe the old sages weren’t always right.’

No matter how fancy the clothes, they said one couldn’t hide their true nature.

Hadn’t Melody perfectly concealed hers?

From the annoyingness that used to bother Ronny to the seemingly unchangeable miserliness.

“You look really pretty today. Really.”

He willingly complimented her excellent qualities as a token of their shared friendship.

If it were before, he could never have said such a thing, but being friends now? Somehow, it came out naturally.


Melody beamed at his words, her smile brightening. A green jewel peeked out from the shaken hair ribbon, sparkling before disappearing back among her locks.

“Young master Ronny also looks very handsome. Truly.”

Receiving the compliment in return, Ronny smiled genuinely.

“I know.”

Of course, that wasn’t particularly new information for Ronny.




The family seated under the gentle interior decor looked at the few remaining empty seats.

Jeremiah’s seat and the one next to it were vacant.

The seat facing the duke was also empty, but in essence, it had been filled from the start.

Melody recalled the name written very small in that place.

‘Beatrice Baldwin’

It was a seat for the four siblings’ mother. Likely, Ronny had thoughtfully made this arrangement considering the duke’s feelings.

If her place were absent at the family’s banquet, held for the first time in years, he would feel terribly lonely.

‘And Jeremiah really didn’t come.’

She was well aware of the news declaring his absence. It seemed the mansion’s folk didn’t know the reason, but she had a guess.

‘I heard he had an argument with Claude last time.’

He probably didn’t want to face his uncomfortable elder brother.

Melody glanced at Claude’s expression. Uncharacteristically, he showed his worry openly, looking at Jeremiah’s seat.

It seemed he was saddened that his young brother had missed the family gathering.

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